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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. When I woke up with a multiplier for Leif, I became really scared. This battle is way closer than I expected and wished.
  2. Honestly it took me some time to grow this song into my heart, but now it's one of my favorite map themes in the series. It's not only my favorite map theme, but it's also played in all my favorite maps (14, 22, and 24..... well..... 24x is an exception).
  3. I'm ready for everyone's favorite map in Fire Emblem history aka chapter 24x in FE5.
  4. It should here too, but didn't thankfully. Winter always have been come late in the past years... if ever. Literally in every weekend a storm is going to happen, so annoying! I am literally stuck in my flat.
  5. Happy Birthday to Tiki as well! I need someone who would like to cosplay Lys for me.
  6. I hate to say it........ but I haven't married her yet actually. Only all the three lords and Sylvain.
  7. ... to the best Three Houses character and mage girl in Fire Emblem. Use this thread to share some nice pictures, stories or game footage of her.
  8. I am living about 50 km away from a Corona Virus case, but this talk does not affect me at all. I survived rinderwahn, I survived SARS, I survived H5N1, and I will survive Corona. Epidemies will come, but epidemies will also go!
  9. Happy Birthday, Lysithea! Praise the best character in Three Houses and the best mage girl in Fire Emblem!
  10. Defend chapters with side objectives like chapter 14 in FE5, 2-E in FE10 and chapter 10 in Conquest, but also chapters where to deal with staff users like chapter 21x in FE5.
  11. This banner wasn't as nice as former one in giving me the Legendary Hero for free, but I can overcome with it. Chrom is not someone I need anyways. Honestly even the worst of the three blues for me.
  12. True about Volug since he's the only one who can take two tits by tigers in hard mode. Generic enemies in 1-E still have up to 17 AS, so Aran with his speed issue still can get 2RKO'ed. Though the main issue is that he has pretty much no spot in the DB. Hard mode is not made for experience sharing. If Fiona gets two speed Levels in her dbut chapter, she would be almost tied with Aran in taking damage. And her earth affinity is the reason I consider her even better than Aran in hard mode.
  13. Honestly I'm sorta glad that neither Sigurd nor Seliph are the legendary hero, so I can save orbs for sure. Anyways this banner is a hit and miss regarding colours. Red is definitely the most interesting one for me since I have neither Eirika nor Phina and Sothis is a good merge project. Blue is not bad, but I have Azura and Julia already, and I don't need Chrom at all since I have his daughter. Green is terrible honestly. I just have pulled Gerik recently, the only interesting unit from this colour. Colourless has Alm................. but it also has Dooma, so no. I will pull all the reds I will get from the opening circle.
  14. Today was an exciting day regarding weather: rain, hail and snow
  15. The rescue staff mainly exists to warp skip a map. Whereas there are not many practical situations the rescue staff is used as lifesaver. FE6 has some situations the rescue staff serves for defend like Douglas or keeping the thiefs away of long range magic and ballistas. Rescue staves are defintitely harder to deal with in indoor maps because it's harder to reach the warp user. The mentioned map against Petra would work actually pretty well, if an enemy near Edelgard had a rescue staff. I don't even think it's easy to kill her in the first turn since her evasion is extremly high and there are other enemies aside of her which have to be killed.
  16. Thracia 776 was the only game which treated poison realistically. As annoying a permanent poison conditon might have been for the player, it's an ailment which will not go on its own without medical treatment. Also poison shall kill as in the games from 5 to 10. As for the actual topic, I would not mind the idea, if the game gives enough of restores and antitoxins.
  17. I was asked if I will volunteer for a business trip to Ghana as part of the work in late autumn. This is one of the toughest decisions I ever will have to make. On the one hand it would be the ultimate chance to see something NEW, but on the other hand I'm feared of the climatic conditions there. I am asthmatic and have health issues against heat with high humidity and I caanot stand climatic conditioners. I will think about it safely. Have some time left till the decision. @Interdimensional Observer Sorry to hear that! Losing a pet is always sad, especially if it lived so long that it had been part of the family. I faced some cats's death, even baby cats 😢
  18. The Judgral series are the only FE games where silence and sleep staff have practical uses for the player. Edit: I do not even think it's an unpopular opinion, but whatever...
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