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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Tbf some characters could be added who didn't exist when it came out originally like Rosalina. Still would be nice, if gameplay remained more or less the same. I remember a Mario Golf RPG exists which sounds as weird as interesting. Also I went out for a walk and made some discovery. I saw a couple of turtles in a pond close to my home. It has been the first time I've seen turtles in the free nature. Didn't even know they could live in non subtropical areas, but after checking out wiki I was taught better.
  2. Only one week till I will start civil servant course, easily starting at worst possible time of the year. I just hope weather will stay as it is right now: Clean air and not too warm. Since I have to do the course at home I really don't need an overheated room for this. Is it a remaster of the N64 game? It's the only Mario sports game I played (if I may exclude the kart games) and I liked it a lot. I also learned the golf rules by that.
  3. I don't know which story mode is worse: Smash Ultimate's handicap fights or final chapter in Kirby Fighters 2 where you must survive 50 battles in a row not to restart the chapter all over again? 🙄 Why must the story mode of current beat'em up games be designed so badly!? Furthermore both games have terribly working online mode. Speaking of online gaming for Switch: I played Super Mario World 3D again past week, and surprisingly I didn't have any issues. Also first night beneath Tio was wholesome. She protects me and I protect her.
  4. Before I go back to gaming more ultimate Zapping. I'd recommend to watch in on mute. Also the lags aren't caused by myself, but by the game because the game can't handle all the action. That's why only 2/3 of the Mage Generals can be fought at the same time.
  5. I accept Tio is a good contender in zapping and being cute.
  6. fify The only person who's zapping is me, and NO ONE else.
  7. I sleep under a kitty from now on: Also got one of Renne.
  8. I don't get that "0" in the answer. The -1 is meant to be that the straight is postponed one space left of the y-axis, right? If so, I can't see a mistake either. I'd love to share some math tasks here, but I'm fairly sure no one here would solve them.
  9. Sleepless nights aren't cool. The combination of thunder, loud rain, warm bedroom and birds starting twittering at 4 AM is a toxic combination. Welp... My boredom made me inventive. I made an affinity chart in Shin Megami Tensei style about myself: physical: - strike: - fire: st water: wk electro: rf wind: wk psychokinesis: - nuclear: - light: nu dark: wk
  10. Sorry for being unprecise, but I meant his special attacks (triangle command). This is pretty much the part I kinda get lost. I know each character has at least one, but Idk when they trigger. When I suddenly turn into a tank, it can actually become to my disadvantage, when the enemy is one floor below / above me and I'm not able to hit it. I don't like the gummi ship either since the controls during the flight are way too sensible for me. Flying multiple minutes during emptiness is nothing I do enjoy.
  11. I found Meta Knightmare in Planet Robobot a well executed and fun mode for him. A beat'em up platformer with RPG elements like having a SP stat was an interesting concept. I wouldn't mind seeing him in an own game, but then Idk what the story shall be. Defending Halberd which means defeating Kirby?
  12. Did my second part of my KHIII stream yesterday. Aside of having my first deaths, two things were noticable: I watched more than I played. I didn't expect it had space shooter sections like StarFox. I have to admit remembering all moves is not that easy since Sora has A LOT of them.
  13. If I miss one thing in PXZ2, then Frank West. He was my favorite character, at least was the most entertaining one of all. I appreciate any help! I think it's the easiest way, if I just ask around, if I should have left any questions. Gonna play (stream) again tomorrow.
  14. The moment when birds kick someone out of the bed at 4:15 AM... At least I didn't oversleep again unlike yesterday. @lightcosmo Thanks for the explanation! I'm going to check this out with more care from now on. One little thing which bothered me in the beginning were the bars. I accidently mixed up the HP with the SP bar. I way totally confused at first when I saw the purple bar sinking after using magic. I noticed very late that there is another tiny (circled) bar around the character's sprite. I know it's a traditional style for KH, but for newcomers it was a bit confusing.
  15. People told me it's HP and SP. I noticed it against Granitos already, but I mainly had struggle to climb up on it. Today was first real warm day of this year, was about time!
  16. I totally overslept today, oops. normal mode, left picture twice In Project X Zone 1 the Tales of Vesperia characters appear
  17. At first I didn't understand what's going on because attacking Ashera with melee units always gave a me counter till I noticed that the two knights have savior skills. The savior skills were distributed to my favor because B!Lysithea could kill the green knight by attacking the blue knight, so the blue knight couldn't counter her anymore. She got very most of the kills. L!Azure and NY! Azura danced for her. Edelgard tanked the red manakete and blue archer and killed Ashera at the end. Unlike Sigurd's map on infernal this was not half as bad considering I didn't understand the gimmick of the map at first.
  18. It's alright. Your comment sounded a bit presumptous to me, that's why my reply was quite direct. As mentioned before this is pretty much my entrance to the series. From what I've played it looks fun. Sometimes I wished a bit less cutscenes and more gameplay action instead, but what I've played, has been fun so far. It reminds a bit on Ys8, just having more (interesting) special attacks. For an action RPG it offers some nice gameplay.
  19. I only know about one game with the title Kingdom Hearts III. I have no reference to other parts since it's been my first part of this series I have really played for a bit.
  20. Are the parts directly connected? I asked someone who played this series and said no. Welp... Technically I started with Melodies of Memory (for Switch), but I dropped it after about an hour since its port was miserable. Wow, didn't expect it. The voiceactor could keep his voice young. Gona go out till the rest of the day, so I won't reply until tomorrow morning.
  21. I started with Kingdom Hearts III yesterday (as Youtube stream). I didn't expect it to be an action RPG, but a turn based RPG. So it goes a bit in the direction of Ys, I'd say. The character designs remind pretty much on Final Fantasy which shouldn't be a surprise since both series have the same developers. As for the gameplay it looks quite fun even if I've to get used on Sora's moveset. Air attacks seem to be pretty great since really long combo chains can be done. The specialy attacks are...interesting. One of them even includes some kind of shooter. I think they're referred to each Disney unit which acts as an ally. Speaking of streming I'm positively shocked how great the quality of this stream was, considering it's a PS4 game and my laptop isn't even a gaming laptop. Means I could share a Radiant Dawn run for this forum sometime. Well, it's just a future thought since I've to beat Kingdom Hearts and Ryza first. also Happy Birthday @TeeheeFlames Edit: Do the Disney characters in Kingdom Hearts, or at least a part of them, have the same VAs as in the movies / TV series? Idk the English VAing, so I have no clue. As for Herkules I highly doubt it considering how young he sounds like and the movie is about 25 years old.
  22. Even if it might not reflect the actual character, but I always love a figure with a smiling face. The Marth figure looks pretty damn good, but I'm not interested in this one since my love in the Archanean era isn't high enough to justify me spending multiple hundreds of â‚Ŧ for a figure. The only figure I got cold feet would be Micaiah. I definitely would buy one to underline my love towards the character and this game. Time to enjoy the weather again finally, so farewell!
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