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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Beaten Persona 5 Strikers. The game was a pleasant surprise considering I'm not into heck and slash games. The battle system and controls were easy to understand and to use. Also a big pro is that the game is stopped whenever I want to target enemies, so the player is not punished, if he should lose the focus. Gameplay was well executed and the dungeon exploration was fun. It's like regular Persona 5 however with a bit more moves. The only issue is that fusing Personas is more restricted. It's not possible to choose two Personas to see the result. Velvet Room was the only issue I have. The story is told very well and dispensed on unnecessary filling interactions. The game has no social links, instead it has friendship point system. You can gain friendship points by fulfilling requests (like collecting things, defeating certain monsters...), cooking or selecting the right answer to certain questions. With these points you can strengthen up your party of unlocking other things which will help in dungeon exploration or battles. Thanks to the less interactions, this game really is fastpaced and it never felt like reading a visul novel as it how was the case in Persona 5 (Royal) for me. Consequently the game was not all that long. I beat it in 32 h although I skipped a few quests. Still I was entertained overall and had lots of fun. The music features original themes from the main game, remixes and a few new themes (dungeon and event themes). I loved hearing good old classics like "Life Will Change" again. I wouldn't say I liked the remixes more than the originals, but it was definitely a nice addition. Overall it's definitely recommendable to all people who liked Persona 5 (Royal) and are at least a little bit interested in heck and slash games. I found a special edition for 35 €, just about two months after release which was really cool. my rating: 8.5 / 10
  2. That's good to hear. Money all alone doesn't make someone happy, but as basics it makes someone satisfied. Glad you're ok! I will have my third funeral within three years tomorrow... I can't say I like my life, although as for my person I shouldn't complain. Anyways sorry, but I won't post in any chat threads on this site anymore because they feel abandoned for me...as most of this forum. I mainly lurk in the videogame section, that's it.
  3. This is actually great news since I know now it's possible to play JP games for everyone. I am / was not interested in FE1 or FE2, but playing Judgral game(s) on an actual console always was a wish of mine. Big thanks to @Glennstavos for this great guide! I hope it will work for me once the game is out.
  4. I remember this cutscene from a Watchmojo video: good old but also incredibly creepy classic This is repeated in most traditional Kirby games. Only Dreamland 3 and 64 don't have this scene. These two games don't have a continue choice, so this is automatically explained. In Superstar (Ultra) - if this counts as a traditional Kirby game - has the most memorable scene when master hand sends Kirby to the moon (star), if the player quits. As for Kirby, it's not directly a Game Over scene, but this losing scene from Kirby Superstar (Ultra) really got me for its creepiness.
  5. What's your most memorable Game Over screen or jingle? It can be for various reasons like favorite jingle or funniest / scariest screen. most memorable scene most memorable jingle
  6. I was thinking about crossover games like Project X Zone. Also Heroes has no crossovers, so more reason not to think about it.
  7. I would play it. Wait, why is this in the Heroes section? If this is only gacha related, then nothing.
  8. In general for a fighting game I would like to have themes which give me a fighting spirit. Slow peaceful generic stage themes - regardless if they're good - don't give me that, so that's why I don't need these in Smash.
  9. Have started fifth prison. So far I have to say this game is really fun, and the controls work way better than expected. Game has lots of commands, but switching personas, characters and targetting enemies is really not too hard. The story is interesting too. I wonder what the detective is up to.
  10. I like Flat Zone 2 a lot, not as great as 1, but still a catchy, nostalgic theme. I played Port Town stage in Brawl a lot, but I have to agree, these two were the less impressive F-Zero songs, mainly because they were rather quiet songs, so hard to hear them. If we go for removals, any remix of Lost In Thoughts All Alone Dangerous Dinner (it's meant to be a lobby and not a battle theme) Through The Forest Sky Tower (epic in the game where it comes from, but it absolutely doesn't fit in a fighting game) any past Brawl Kirby remix
  11. Since I'm not familar with most series, I just post a few songs from series I've played which I missed: A Grasping Truth from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn Divine Decree from Fire Emblem Awakening Sullied Grace from Kirby Triple Deluxe Hyness Unhooded Battle from Kirby Star Allies (this game lacks massively on music for some reason) Koopa's Battle Theme from Mario 64
  12. I haven't played Yoshi's Island (the only game I'm aware of Baby Mario's existence), but I really don't care for all the baby and metal characters in Kart. They really just blast the cast and could be better alts instead. Then again I'd not mind seeing a crossover racing game like Smash. Kirby and StarFox characters and Captain Falcon definitely could be executed well in a racing game. Ness could use a skateboard and Samus Aran maybe a space shuttle as vehicle (I have no clue of Metroid so idk if she ever used any transport vehicles).
  13. I think the main problem is that Kirby is developed by HAL and not Nintendo. However on the other hand HAL had no issues to add Mario characters as guests in Superstar Ultra.
  14. Air Ride could become a thing for 30th anniverary. If it should get a remake, it would be a great opportunity to add more story relevant characters like Marx, Magolor and Susie to its cast.
  15. If Kirby gets into this game, then other characters have the same reason to be there. I have no idea why non Mario characters were added, but if more will be added, it would turn into Smash in terms of character cast. I would appreciate a racing game from several Nintendo series, but it shouldn't go with the title "Mario".
  16. Welp, I dozed off for like 30 minutes. Anyways need to head off... Nah...these were just trivial thoughts about myself. Sometimes I like to reflect myself, though it can happen on awkward times as it was the case right here.
  17. back from a sleepless night Maybe I should settle my thoughts during the day instead when the body needs all the rest it can get.
  18. Oh, 👌 I thought he only really dislikes 3 and 4. I mean it's only 4 whose part from the Cold Steel series I love since it feels like a worthy final of this series aka a "Best of". Otherwise both Crossbell parts and Sky 3rd are also parts I like a lot and have played more than once.
  19. Beaten third dungeon in Persona 5 Strikers. The last two main bosses did NOTHING, couldn't attack me at all. I guess I have to turn up the difficulty!? I must have become an expert in hack and slash pretty fast apparently. So I can extract from these words that you're playing this series too now?
  20. Finally found this song. Couldn't find out its title.
  21. I guess I'm the only one here who considers Sky FC as worst and CS IV as best Trails game. At least I know I'm the only one here who has played latter. But then again Idc if people bash Rean since it's not because of him that I love Cold Steel IV the most of the Trails series, but because of the huge cast, gameplay (definitely better than III) and the great plot. I'd buy the Switch version too, if it goes on sale. Thanks, but for work I just need motivation. 🙂 Anyways home, so time to continue Persona 5 Strikers. Hopefully I can finish the third dungeon toay.
  22. I have a fat sunburn rn from yesterday. My entire head hurts. Considering I had to wear a hat and scarf on friday, I didn't see this coming. Anyways working time...
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