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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Already reached the final chapter of Black Eagles. This route has less chapters than Golden Deers surprisingly.
  2. One little thing of this game confuses me: The body size growths of the characters make no sense to me. There are characters who brought about to grow 10-15 cm in like one or two years like Bernadette and Lysithea. Also there are characters at the age of 17 like Ingrid who do not grow, but then there is Caspar who does grow for some reason. Is this somewhere explained? Because this does not make sense at all and I am going so far to say it is again the human laws. The funny result is that Edelgard is the shortest character of the Black Eagles. And other interesting fact is that three of the four shortest characters (Edelgard, Hilda, Annette) carry the favor the heaviest weapon type, the axe.
  3. Freepulled Karel. Not the red red focus unit I was looking for, but I take that present. Unfortunately his statline is terrible right now and aside of his wo dao+, he has no premium fodder. Soleil took the sword and desperation 3 since the firesweep is outdated without having a refine.
  4. Linhardt and Marianne are pretty much the same: either Bishop or Holy Knight However Marianne definitely wants a horse due to her love towards them. I made her become a falcon knight and noticed to my horror that this class cannot use staves. Since I have yet to play Blue Lions I cannot say about Annette. I only read rumors that she is a weird unit in terms of favored weapon types. I think to make her become a dancer.
  5. My night was destroyed by basses. Why the hell cannot people make parties at daylight!? That Lys picture is the perfect desktop background for me.
  6. Since banners usually have four units, I pick four: Lysithea Bernadetta Sylvain Ingrid Also I expect to see a dancer banner coming soon and I would give Dorothea the biggest chances to make it in since she is pretty much the canon dancer in this game. Sorry Marianne, but another time.
  7. I will put Ingrid to S for that performance she has done in my BE run. Reached level 30 before the timeskip. With enough uses of thunder sword she can solo the game for the most part. Thankfully game has dismounting, so she can give a fuck to bow users. I thought her strength was mediocre, but it was not. She has about 50% strength growth and enough magic to ORKO the very most except a few generals and wyvern lords. Honestly she has been the best unit so far because she had no point when she was not great. Edelgard starts to struggle a bit due to her mediocre speed even if she can oneshot most stuff, but her enemy phase is not all that great. She is the opposite of Claude: Her performance drops esepcially once she is in the armor class whilst Claude becomes amazing as a flying archer. I will try to make Edelgard become a wyvern lord for sure.
  8. ^ Same, I was sad as miffed that she could not have a real ending with female Byleth. irony is cruel
  9. .I vomited in the bus on a way for a river cruise. Instead of having a relaxing day on a ship, it ended in one of the most disgraceful days in my life yet. Ugh
  10. Not only the growing is against the laws... ... also the aging.
  11. I forgot about Hilda, so there are three people smaller than Edelgard after the timeskip. And true, the shortest characters (aside of Flayn) carry the heaviest weapons, lol. Thankfully constitution is not the weapon weight buffer in this game because otherwise they would be screwed so badly. You have to see it from this point_ The character's size grows as much as the personality, so it still makes sense somehow. No seriously, seeing someone to grow 15 cm within like one year close before the end of growing phase is just silly.
  12. Here we go: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=76301425
  13. .......two units with 350 orbs Idk what the amount of orbs is to get a free 5*. Hmm, I never really thought he was extraordinarily lucky. Most of his sessions seem to be average in relation obtained 5* units to invested orbs. In the CYL2 banner from last year he gained no single focus unit with 450 orbs which was unique in terms of bad luck to me.
  14. Oh, Caspar was 17 before time skip!? I thought he was 16, so rip my theory. Idk the growth laws in this game then.
  15. Everyone below the age 17 grows 10-15 cm in size. Everyone at or above that age does not grow one single cm anymore. It is weird! Admittedly I do not know when a human stops to grow. Also it is just a question of time when we will get hurricanes. A few weak ones already arrived Western Europe like Ophelia in Ireland 2017.
  16. She is the shortest of the Black Eagles (after the time skip!). Of the entire cast at least two playable characters from other houses are shorter than her. Also stay safe! Hurricane season just have started and already a biggy is going to enter the mainland. Category two would mean torn power lines and fallen roof tiles. Still more powerful than any storm I have had to deal with in my life yet. Strongest storm was in January 2007 with a wind max speed of 150 km / h.
  17. It is interesting that Edelgard is the shortest character of the entire party. Even the shortas Berni, Lysi and Caspar become at least 160 cm.
  18. It is a list based on how they performed in my runs (without taking support into accoumt). Claude is not S tier for me because he did not perform great before timeskip unlike the other two lords. He was not as strong as Edelgard and was not as tanky as Dimitri was. Once he becomes a wyvern rider, I definitely would put him on top three, probably rather than Edelgard, but in earlygame he was not special at all to deserve being in S. Hilda and Lysithea were the ones who carried me in the GD run in the first half. As for the cavaliers I think Ferdinand was more balanced than Sylvain, mainly faster.
  19. ^ Lol Chapter 13 was one of the most satisfying 1-turn-clears for me so far.
  20. No one here can challenge PhoenixMaster's luck in the legendary banner.
  21. As for first waifu...... I am really conflicted. Dorothea, Petra, Ingrid and Marianne make the race. Edelgard shall get an ending with Lysithea.
  22. Timeskip Petra looks like an Amazon. And where is Doro's hat? She should have taken Mercedes's one. Golden Deers's females adult look better imo.
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