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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. If Asvel uses continue or crit, he does not care about counterattacks. I think he killed about 95% of the bosses after he had joined because he gives a fuck to these stupid thrones boosts. Reminds me I still need to play FE5's latest translation. It is still a masterpiece for its time and the base for FE of today.
  2. Remember there was a mage in FE5 without him it was nearly impossible to beat all the bosses.
  3. She is a papercut, died four times against the dragon, but she hits like a truck and is fast enough to double the majority.
  4. Lysi could oneshot Death Knight with her effective tome. So strong!
  5. Started to play Trails of Zero. I am really looking forward to this. First quick impression: It looks fun. First dungeon is not new, but one character is missing I was hoping for.
  6. Finally I can join the Crossbell club. I am excited for Zero. Hopefully the script will be enough to understand to game, mainly plot.
  7. I received Trails of Zero and Trails of Azura, my first very first PSP games. I tried to remove the disc from the shell with tons of effort, so much that I broke the shall. Then I watched the video of how to insert the disc in the console. Video shows it will be inserted with the shell. Me: 😏 Thankfully I have a second shell I could use... Today's lesson: I should have not make things more complicated than they are.
  8. Ignaz is the least useful in my team, weak and fragile. Lorenz can use magic at least. Also I have to say Claude is a disappointment so far. His stats and levels are very mediocre in average. Dimitri has served much better in early game, the best unit by far.
  9. Tbh I prefer FE10's battle save option, but mainly because it is a good way to learn becoming better in FE by repeating a move.
  10. I noticed that multiple HP gauges are a thing in FE now too. Still 150 HP in chapter 5 is a bit too much imo. This boss would have been an execellent replacement for FE7's fire dragon.
  11. In Echoes I never used the turnwheel aside in the very lategame and postgame. Using it multiple times so early is a bad sign.
  12. Instead of either Hilda or a better copy of Petra I pulled BHector and BCelica. That means I have no need to pull from any of the CYL banners anymore since I got my desired DB4 and GF (even if by accident). Still I would have preferred a Hilda over these... She is my MVP in 3H and so deserves to be in barracks.
  13. I had to revive Lysi three times and Raphael once because latter took a crit by the Dragon. Thank God turnwheel returned.
  14. I did not expect that bosses have ~150 HP at this point and a map attack which can oneshot. Honestly this is kinda the boss I wished the Fire Dragon of FE7 was, but not a chapter 5 boss.
  15. The one Gilbert joins. But I think I know now what to do by asking somewhere else.
  16. I think I understood. It is similar to Ashera's auras!? So the dragon will recover HP, if I attack it before destroying all the yellow squares.
  17. How to beat dragons? (the one in the chapter NPC Gilbert joins) And I did not understand the barrier thing and it restored HP over and over again till my half party was killed.
  18. Umm...how to kill dragons? I did not get the explanations and it restored HP over and over again. Lysi died by that...... but I killed the avatar off too (which took some turns though).
  19. First of all I have not completed one single route, not even played one halfthrough yet, but it does not require to play that far to share the new features this game offers: Exploring: Exploring is not quite new since it was already introduced in Echoes, but in 3H you do not explore dungeons but natural environment. You have to fulfill obligatory and optional tasks which give you items, experience or deepen bonds between characters. Most of them have been really simple so far, but I expect it will change later on. Dialogues: Dialogues affect the bond to a character depending on your answers. Good answers raise a bond. I do not know if it is the case that certain answers affect the story and its end. This, however, would not be new since FE13 had these questions. Day organisation: The Persona series is likely the most popular franchise regarding lifetime simulations or how I may call it. You plan your day by doing various activities like studying, hanging around with friends or going to the cinema. In 3H it is the same. You have certain amount of activity points you have to spend for like cooking with others, having lunch in a group or studying. Each activity raises a certain stat or a bond to other character(s). You can also use optional battles to grind and / or fulfill optional quests. Studying: It is also a thing which exists in Persona, but it is different in 3H since you do not only get taught, but you also teach. The purpose is to select which unit will prioritize which weapon by training several weapon levels. There might be more new mechanics in this game I have not explored yet or simply forgotten already. I was burnt out of Fire Emblem and honestly only these new additions, mainly first mentioned point, made me want to play this game. And now I am really enjoying it. This gamestyle is absolutely refreshing!
  20. That is why I want her in Heroes so badly. She is strong, tanky and even really fast. She did even crit with broken weapons.
  21. Oof... well.......... but at least she is no pony racist.
  22. She is BADASS! No seriously, one HP away of becoming a very saaaaaaaaaaaaaaad person. I do not know why I suck in this game so badly. I totally forgot how to play FE. And that comes by someone who has beaten lunatic stuff like Thracia 776, FE7if, Gheb FE in hard mode just a few years ago. It feels so weird as bad... It is absolutely enjoyable despite I do waaaaaay too many mistakes like not checking AS or calculating damage. The new gameplay with the day simulation and teaching part is refreshing since I love these things from other JRPGs series. As for the character cast the only ones I dislike so far are Lorenz and Leonie. And I dislike Edelgard, the reason, why I will pick her route last. My favorite character is Ingrid. She does not only look like an angel, she also behaves like one. A nice, modest as honest young lady who wants to become stronger to protect her friends and herself. Secondaries are Lysi, Felix, Raphael, Marianne and Mercedes. And Hilda is pretty much the destroyer in my Golden Deer run.
  23. I like both leaders equally, so I wanted to learn to know their group at the same time.
  24. Not far, chapter 4. I am playing two routes simultaneously (Blue Lions and Golden Deers) And alright!
  25. I really wished some people would be more cautious with their choice of words for some threads regarding Three Houses. A title like this is a major spoiler for people like me who have not reached the point of the game yet. Ugh... I cannot delete quote boxes or spoilers on mobile devices.
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