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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Pokémon as a whole franchise because I cannot stand very most of these creatures, especially Pikachu. The way I got into its gameplay was by playing Touhou Puppet Dancer Perfomance. Also platformers because I am terrible in these. However there is a platformer for the Wii have to play nonetheless just to figure out the origin of one certain character I adore.
  2. I think my hopes for a Summer Surtr are burnt by seeing Ylgr on the story map.
  3. #4 Nolan Nolan is an unique fighter in Fire Emblem. Unlike having a traditional high HP and strength growth, his best growths are skill and speed so basically an axe myrmidon. He joins kinda overleveled whose purpose in the beginning is to tank and to prepare kills for Micky, Ed and Leo. But he still needs some early levels to keep his speed and to buff his strength to use heavier axes without speed penalty. Nolan's major weakness is that his strength and defense growth are kinda weak. With his HP he cannot take two hits in every case. In hard mode two tigers and two steel axes kill him. To cover this issue he needs a support with either Volug or Zihark immediately to make best use of his evasion. Nolan does not rely on bulk, but on evasion. His HP and defense will not be enough to take two hits by tigers in hard mode even with his personal axe unless he got an angelic robe or draco shield. In normal mode he has way less problems since most tigers have only A strike, so do five less damage to him. Also once he is promoted he can use crossbows, and with beastfoe he can use the same skill set up as Leonardo to overkill the Laguz. However I recommend to keep his Tarvos on him because of his defense boost. In the end he will turn into one of the best enemy phase units and more reliable axe users in the game. Even for joing overleveled he is definitely not invincible at all. In hard mode he can even die in the first turn, so give him levels early. Nolan does not represent the traditional (and hated) fighter archetype, but a speedy dodgetank. Nolan is the axe myrmidon of Fire Emblem. Nolan definitely needs a forged iron axe immediately to prevent any speed reduction and cover his mediocre strength and a earth support to cover his mediocre defense. A dracoshield in 1-1 would definitely make things easier in the DB early chapters. Recommended status items: draco shield Recommended skills: part 1: cancel (part 1), part 3: vantage + beastfoe (with crossbow) / paragon / vantage + cancel / reneveal Recommended support affinity: earth
  4. There might be five reasons against a game, but also ten reasons pro a game. That said I never did and will do watch that kind of video because it only contents negativism. I do not even disagree with most of the points (only caught from the text comments) like unbalanced weapon weight and the way how the inventory is executed, but FE4 also offers strong points like best executed weapon triangle, introduction of new staves and weapons and introduction of a very well relationship system.
  5. I have to admit FFVII is enjoyable so far, way more than the beginning of VI. Sure, random enocounters still suck, but the dark and action-packed story has caught my interest. Also the characters seem to be more memorable for me, Cloud, Barret and Tifa are cool so far. PS: I have to get used to the battle system since I am pretty much not acknowledged with this series at all, but making the attacks based on the character's speed is a nice mechanic.
  6. So far this mode is alright, not great, but still more enjoyable than Grand Conquest because the effort of getting these rewards is less. It reminds me somewhat of the current event from FGO, but it is not a raid.
  7. So there is hope for a free Surtr!? My dream might come true.
  8. #3 Leonardo Leonardo is in a great class. Archers are finally good again with having high strength and speed and crit boost. However unfortunately Leonardo cannot really benefit from it because of his lowish growths in strength and speed (<= 40%). These are stats an archer only needs and by not having it almost disqualifies him. Still Leonardo has a few uses. The DB is rare on range weapon units. If Micaiah is busy with healing in part 3, Leonardo will be the only real range weapon user of the DB. In part 1 he is mediocre for the most part. He mainly exists for chipping and killing the pegasus knights in part 1. He will hardly double anything, maaaaybe mages and a few cavaliers in 1-6-2, but he will never do serious damage. The long bow might be a good addition for ledge maps like 1-5 or 1-E. Just be careful and switch back to an other bow because Leo has massive speed reduction and this will give the enemy the chance for double attacks. Leonardo will become way more worthy in part 3 when he gets the Ludgnasadh. This weapon can definitely buff his perfomance. If he has 13 speed in normal mode / respectrive 15 speed in hard mode, he can double the tigers. And with a crit he could ORKO them. As I mentioned before the DB is rare of range weapon users, so Leonardo is definitely appreciated. With crossbow and beastfoe he could oneshot them all, but this requires a promotion. Cancel is pointless since archers do not want to get counterattacked. He only needs beastfoe, if you want to try out the crossbow + beastfoe strategy in part 3. As for supports he wants fire the most but since the DB is lacking on this affinity he can take anything which gives me attack or hitrate. At the end Shinon and Rolf out class him in offensive stats, but a Leonardo is a decent "filler" for the DB. He needs less effort to be useful than Aran, Meg and Fiona, maaayyybeee even Edward. Recommended status items: none Recommended skills: beastfoe (part 3) Recommended support affinity: everything except for earth and thunder
  9. This is why I like Conquest, because is the first game after Radiant Dawn with actual innovative gameplay. The bad story does not really matter since the charm of FE is not the story, but the gameplay. And I am honest the majority of the parts does not impress me with their story.
  10. I bought Final Fantasy 7 from the e-shop's E3 sale with the knowledge that I will regret it since I made no good experiences with 6. But there are so many people who praise this series, so I definitely want to join the club of the ones who have beaten a Final Fantasy game. Just noticed that the main character is the one who is in Smash. That underlines how much I know about this series. Still I am focusing on Trails in the Sky first, and Torna is also in my backlog list. But I will try it from time to time...
  11. #2 Edward Edward is in a kinda tough spot. On the one hand he is pretty awesome in terms of class and growths, but on the other hand he is suffering from the difficulty jump to hard mode more than most other units. The main difference is the negated weapon triangle in hard mode. While in easy / normal mode he can easily cheese the early game bandits and fighters, in hard mode he begins to suffer already in the second chapter. He needs speed to double constantly and strength to finish weaken enemies by Nolan. Since Edward has 60% growth in both stats, seeing these stats rising happens only in every third level up. Edward absolutely relies on these stats especially in early game. Later on if his speed is good enough to double he will be in a similar spot as in normal mode. Instead of fighting him fighters in normal mode he is good against soldiers because they deal the same damage to him as in normal due to the removed weapon triangle. With A support and a decent defense he might even take two hits by soldiers. If Edward is not stat screwed in the beginning, he will do his role. He is still the only first tier DB unit besides speed transfer boost Jill who is able to double the majority. Edward usually caps HP, skill and speed before level of 20, so bonus experience can fix his strength and defense. Many people tend to replace Edward by Zihark, but both will turn out great and can fulfill a different role. While Zihark will become a dodge tank later on with his earth affinity, Edward is a good player phase unit. In part 3 he is really good with wind edge / storm sword in wrath zone. With criticals he can claim some free kills against the Laguz. Since Edward's strength growth is much better than Zihark's I usually prefer him as second SS sword user besides Mia. Overall Edward's usefulness relies on his early level ups. Since his affinity does not grant any evasion he is a player phase only. And honestly I do not recommend to support him with earth simply because the earth unit also wants a earth support or at least an affinity which gives a bit evasion like wind. Edward's best support alternative is probably either Leonardo for the attack or Meg (if you really want to train her) to get +23 hit which is helpful for the wrath + range weapon shenigans I mentioned. Edward has the potential of becoming an amazing unit, but he has to prove it in his early levels. Overall is definitely one of the better myrmidons / sword masters in this series. If Micaiah only had authority stars, he would not be harder to use than Mia. Recommended status items: none Recommended skills: Part 1: wrath (default), cancel Part 2: wrath, paragon Recommended support affinity: fire / water
  12. I am grinding for multiple hours everyday, but so far I have collected only 30 Mio damage points yet and still not enough resources for another Sakata copy. I am starting to get seriously worried since the event will end next week and my freetime will be over tomorrow.
  13. #1 Micaiah Micaiah is the first real only magic using lord in Fire Emblem. Her stats and bases are what you expect from this class: high magic and resistance and poor defense. Unfortunately also her speed growth is poor, but this applies to most mages. Either their magic or their speed is bad. Anyways Micaiah is used like any other regular mage: from the distance. She hits hard. She is a perfect chipper, Thani will oneshot knights and paladins in very most cases. She is amazing to kill or prepare kills. Also a plus of her is her high hit rate with light tomes. Even in 1-F against Jarod's authority stars she usually has >80% hit rate. From part 3 on she works also as a great healer, obviously better than Laura because of having higher magic. The difference between normal and hard mode is that more enemies double / one shot her in hard mode. She has no enemy phase against non magical enemies. Use her only from the distance and you will be safe. Good skills for her are wrath (Edward) and resolve (Tauroneo). Sacrificing is the way how to reach the HP territory for activating these skills. Latter is essential for 1-9. As for 1-9 there is a way to place Micaiah safely in each turn, but in case that you do not know, she definitely needs the HP to survive a hit (=> angelic robe) and the speed (resolve) not to get doubled. She needs 13-14 speed to double all the enemies which will not happen before level 20 statistically unless Micaiah is speedblessed. Micaiah is good recipient of bonus experience. Since she usually caps magic and resistance early, bexp can fix her speed Overall Micaiah is technically easy to use on paper, but still not because even keeping her in the second row does not prevent her getting attacked from archers. Use her in player phase to chip from the distance or in enemy phase against mages and she will do fine. She is slow and squishy but one of the hardest hitters the Dawn Brigade has to offer and a great healer later on. Also keep her default support with Sothe because having boosts in the early beginning is really nice. Sothe would probably prefer more evasion, but it is a good support for Micaiah. Recommended status items: angelic robe (if she cannot take a hit in 1-9) Recommended skills: Tier 1: wrath / resolve / paragon / discipline Tier 2: wrath + paragon Recommended support affinity: fire, wind, darkness
  14. Freepulled Delthea, my second freepull of 2019 I have already a great copy of her (who was freepulled too) but a merge of her is great. Went also for a given red, but no Celica yet for me.
  15. This thread is a concept. I will introduce each character of this game and explain how to use them properly in normal and hard mode. The difficulty spike is quite big for some units which change their usefulness and role. This is not going to be a rating thread although of course one character is more usable than the other one, but this thread shall serve for new people to this game and people who like certain characters, but could not figure out and exploit the best possible of them. Some characters who are more arguable like Edward or Fiona will get more explanation than the OP units like Tibarn and Caineghis who have a simple as clear role and purpose. The order of the unit's presentation will be in the chronological order of appearance time, so I will start with Micaiah and end with Lehran.
  16. Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon because it feels empty to me in multiple ways. Almost no character presentation and very uninteresting maps. That said I have not really finished a bad game yet, but FE11 is far away from being enjoyable.
  17. Thanks, I noticed I was too impatient, had to clear story first before fighting the "real" oni battles. They are quite tough, barely can beat them in advanced mode.
  18. Can someone here explain me the Sakata event in detail? I do not understand the deal of these oni battles. I cannot redo them after doing once, so I do not understand the purpose of the special stamina. Is it supposed to be meant to use weaker units and to lose on purpose for grinding damage points?
  19. FE9 has a better story including supports, but FE10 has better gameplay in terms of having more and interesting maps, more difficulty and more mechanics. Since I value gameplay over story, FE10 is the clear winner for me.
  20. Avatar and badge are S-tier waifu material.
  21. I have not started yet, but I will start and finish Trails in the Sky Second Chapter next since I recieved a new and workable laptop today. Since I enjoyed FC I do not expect less from SC.
  22. Finally recieved a new laptop, means I can finally continue with the Trails in the Sky series. Also can finally play CivilizationVI and some classics like Tropico, Age of Empires II or The Settlers. Going about 15-20 years back.
  23. From the second circle I pulled Kaden and a +atk / -res Tibarn. Well, this is much MUCH better than the focus units. Now I have all the Fates beasts together (off focus) and the Hawk King himself with majectics IVs.
  24. Idc for either them. I tried out a few DQ parts (I, II, VI, IX), but none of the parts could appeal me because the characters especially main protagonist are bland. The fact that they have no voice does not make it more lively either. Since this series is very common right now I am not surprised about this unit's choice. I never played the two Banjo games although they were good from what I have seen. I only had to deal with him in Diddy Kong Racing in which I hardly used him because of his low speed for being very big. This choice comes pretty much out of nowhere for me since it is a about 20 years old very small series which was produced by a company which does not exist anymore for almost the same passed time period. However seeing him gives me little hope to see Conker too. That said DQ protagonist seems to be good choice even if I am not really fond of this series, but I really hope for deeper characters.
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