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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Typical Xeno2 quality, means very good 8.5 Opening - Super Smash Bros Melee
  2. I second this. If I "disliked" one thing about CSII, then the mech fights. I do not like robots as I do not like robot fights. Furthermore it took me forever to find out the enemy's weakness spot. The mech fight against Reinhardt was by far the hardest boss in the game, took me like a half dozen of attempts. The first mech fight was so frustrating hard on nightmare that I quitted my attempt and went for CSI which does not have them luckily except for the very end.
  3. Nice guitar strings 8 Devil Survivor 2 - Intro (NDS version)
  4. I have not really bothered with Touhou 17 yet, but hopefully it will also appear on Steam on date of release.
  5. I sent you a request. I am in England regarding Story, so not far at all. For now I am grinding mana prisms to get all the rewards before I will continue the story. At least a good thing of not doing the event is, is having time to focus on other things in this game. Still a little bummer since I really enjoyed all the done e ents so far. That free stuff sounds great. Summer Ishtar becomes really true even if it is not the game I exactly thought about.
  6. I have the last mentioned game and I do not like it at all. I have watched a bit of Genso Wanderer which looks interesting as promising.
  7. Finally back to the game. Took me a few months since my phone's battery died and had to transfer it to my new tablet. The loading times became even longer than formerly which slows down things quite a bit. Unfortunately I have no access to the current event, but oh well. At least I pulled two Passionlip in my two summoning circles. She looks really cute and is a new class for me.
  8. The start is meh, but becomes much better thanks to the lyrics. Still one of the less amazing themes from Xenoblade I have heared yet. 7.5 Tales Of Zestiria - Ladylake
  9. Actually true. Lots of the peg knights are way bulkier in Heroes. Sumia, a physical papercut in FE13, could work as an enemy phase unit very well without much investment thanks to her A skill and weapon. That said I am not complain, I am just wondering. I just noticed it in the case of the Laguz. Of course it pleasent to use characters now which were (almost) unusable in their own games. However changing or even switching the role of characters feels weird. Lethe became from the sub-ordinate of the cats in FE10 to the leader since she beats Ranulf in each stat except defense. I mean I can see why Ranulf's stats were nerfed, mainly to support, but giving him less attack than her weak sub-ordinate feels really odd. Even Mordecai who alsoworks as support unit has a very good and realistic stat spread without taking any nerfs, so I do not quite see why Ranulf is the expection here. I rather would have expected him being demoted instead of Mordecai. As for GHB or TT units it is not surprising that they have less BST a / o weaker skill set (exceptions still exist like BK, Xander, Aversa or WCecilia for being an unique class or having an unique weapon), but seeing Haar having the same stats as someone from the 3* and 4* pool of nearly date of launch is kinda pointless by all the powercreep.
  10. It is known that some characters are in Heroes like Wendy, Amelia or Karla are much better in Heroes than in their original game(s). In case of the first two mainly because Heroes made armors become competitive with other classes. However with the introduction of the second Laguz banner I got really confused. That Haar would not become amazing was obvious when I heared the announcement of being him a GHB unit. That he would turn into a copy of an unit from like the very beginning (Cherche) was a shocker for me though. An other example is Ranulf. He is great in FE9 and especially 10 when he joins, can (almost) oneround generics with great base strength and speed. But in Heroes he has even less strength than Lethe (!), one of the weakest units in FE10 at least. It makes absolute no sense to me and made me wondering if the creators ever played the game. Giving the unit a total different statspread than in their original game makes no sense to me. Well, in person of Caineghis the speed had to be dropped because he cannot have +30 in each single stat. In FE10 he is busted, just needs one bloodtide to oneround an aura. The questions are if the statspread changes of certain characters are done on purpose and if they bother you.
  11. Yeah, but none of the dragon bosses offer much except maybe for Medeus II for healing himself by eating his servants. The only dragon which really fulfills the role of an all mighty dragon, Deghinsea, is not even a final boss. In general the role of dragons in Fire Emblem is underwhelming for the most part. They are bland and not even too mighty. This is why I do not really care for them except in the Tellius series because they play a very important role in the story.
  12. Signature shows protagonists and antagonists of the Xenosaga series
  13. My favorite generic boss theme of all Trails games I have played yet (referring to Cold Steel II here). 8.5 Trails Of Cold Steel II - To A Glimmering Tomorrow
  14. In FE5 I just had different expectations for the complexity this game offered before. But yes, very most of the final bosses in Fire Emblem are not remarkable in terms of challenge except for the Tellius's ones and Anakos (yes no joke, but from the gameplay aspect only).
  15. I just have noticed how much merged units matter. With my earned score of 3602 I am pretty sure I would have made it to tier 20. But unfortunately I am only tier 18 right now... At least I know now what to do for the future.
  16. Since I have YTiki I picked her (despite I am fairly sure that she will lose).
  17. I could not remember that GHB being that annoying. Calvary quest was not too bad, but the others were all painful. The bow users are made my life miserable, but thankfully FGrima did not care for them. And my plan to give DB4, Galeforce and heavy blade seal to Hinoka was the key to the success. She could proc galeforce at the right time and even one shot Aversa (with buffs). I still need to take her out with Aversa and Sharena to get all the rewards. Latter will not be possible because for being 4* she is useless (even with TA and red tome breaker).
  18. Speaking of disappointing bosses I find Veld from Thracia 776 a very underwhelming final boss for a very challenging and creatively designed Fire Emblem game otherwise. The final map has a very interesting gimmick with lots of scary enemies, but Veld himself brings nothing on the table except for stoning people. He was easily one rounded by one single unit.
  19. Really good 8.5 Ys VIII - Everlasting Transuent
  20. I would imagine the new game+ epilogue theme from FE10 could work for a wedding song.
  21. The lack on characters from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 hurts a bit, but otherwise the roster regarding Nintendo characters is more than fine.
  22. The musical introduction to of one of the best games and series I have played so far. 9 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna - Gormott Theme
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