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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I had to buy orbs for an amount which did not surpass my (wrong) shown credit. After that the credit was updated correctly. But it does not mean that the issue has been fixed at all. I reported it yesterday and I am still waiting for a reply. Still I should not complain because the bought ten orbs for 6.99 € gave me two 5* units.
  2. Has anyone problems with the transactions? I recharged my Google Play account to buy the monthly orbs pack. But Heroes does not show me the latest credit after the recharge, so I cannot buy it. Google Play does show though, so is it a fault by Heroes and if so, how can I fix it?
  3. It was at some conviction. I never ever have been there before, not even heared of it, but it was quite fun, especially the gaming section. Played also a bit Smash Melee for nostalgy reasons. Unfortunately I missed the opportunity of cosplaying because I did not expect to have changing rooms there, but now I know. I also made my thoughts about next year's cosplay:
  4. I tried to prove myself by playing T8 at Dokomi for the audience in normal, but I failed miserably (came to stage 5). Well, it has been more than two years when I played this game the last time.
  5. Does Space Jam count? Besides that the first two Ice Age movies
  6. I spent more than six hours today to get 30 quartz together and all the possible summoning tickets from the mana prism exchange. The very last ticket gave me Suzuka. Not the right fox, but a fox is still a fox, so absolutely welcome! However kinda unfortunate that she is a Saber and I have already multiple sabers in my barracks I have to train like BraveElisabeth and Mordred. If she was as assassine or berserker, she would have had way less competition and I could throw all my experience cards in her. Now she has to wait...
  7. The graphics in the title post look less anime likish, rather similar to Xenoblade, which does not have to be a bad thing all. Totally unrelated to that, but I have to bring this up by reading the Zestiria talk. At a conviction yesterday I faced two Ednas almost next to each other. Seeing one was already not expectable, but seeing two and that even within a very close distance was just hilarious. By the way the only Tales of cosplay I saw there. As for me she is the best this game has to offer which says that my opinion about this game is not the best. But I am certain if the developers set Berseria as their measure, I am not worried about Arise at all.
  8. When I see a flying unit who can be used in close combat I am usually thinking about galeforce at once. But yeah, I remember having same issue with FGrima. Speaking about her I could make her become like her just in blue with DC and lot shield seal. With Sol / aether (probably rather Sol) she could work as really good mixtank. I really need an unit type like that for hero battles. This helped me further, thanks! Edit: I changed my plan by giving atk / spd + rally and atk / spd bond to Naga by sacrifing a 4* Louise and F!Adrift!Corrin. Hrid's distant counter and attack smoke went to Garon instead to make better benefit of inheritance.
  9. What would be good A skill for a +1 +atk Naga as for someone who does not bother with aether raids? I would have distant counter (Hrid), but the thing is that no dragon aside of Julius has two attack range. Other possible A skill would be atk / spd link by Louise who I do not like to give away though since I have no other bow cavalier aside of Lyn who already collected 5000 HM. Or would be the classic fury / desperation / galeforce build the best solution?
  10. ... Then it was good timing to order a gaming PC yesterday since I do not own any of these devices. Anyways I am really looking forward. Berseria was the last main part and is still my absolute favorite. Even without understanding Japanese this game was absolutely playable and enjoyable and the only part I have completed 100% yet.
  11. I usually restore the thief staff because there are lots of situations you want to dismantle enemies like a certain guy who says Besides that pugi and especially grafcalibur are essential. Since bosses have no resistance boost on the throne, Asvel is the ticket to very most bosses of the game.
  12. I guess the latest banners really force me to play aether raids!? Unrelated to that the banner became less interesting than I expected mainly because the unit's choice in blue and green. As nice as Naga might look, I do not need her at all. Since Lugh made it in instead of Kaden unfortunately, I have no desire to try going for NYFjorm merges. Red is the only colour with value because I do not have the cavaliers who have great fodder, and NYGunnthra is great. As usual one circle will do it.
  13. I wish everyone everything good for the future! After five more or less enjoyable years I have leave this place for various reasons. In the current status of SerenesForest it is impossible for me to interact, sorry. Anyways thanks to everyone who gave me some company! It was cool after all. ??
  14. ? I cannot delete videos and emoticons for some reason.
  15. Oh hey, could finally login again. And Interestingly I have recieved no malware yet. That's what I would call progress.
  16. I would like to negate the question, but topic title does not give me a chance. Nephenee is the first character of this class. She looks pretty gorgeous and is quite decent in FE9. With wrath and vantage she is fun to use against physical enemies in enemy phase. Her design is cool although I am not a fan of her personality. Her base conversation with Heather in 2-1 of makes her become a hick. Sure, farmers do not tend to be the most intellectual social circle, but it goes too far with her. That said the soldier class is pretty much only Nephenee since she is known for being a crit-machine by having class crit boost and wrath in FE10. But it does not change the fact that she is a foot unit, so outclassed by all lance cavaliers and especially fliers. I do not like to use the term overrated, but many people tend to overrate her perfomance. Without transfer boosts she is garbage in 2-1. Nephenee is the "lance wielding Mia", but the main difference is that Mia needs less investment and trueblades are still a better class than sentinels. And at the end Tanith, Marcia and even Fiona bring a similar damage output to the table with having higher movement range.
  17. I have a huge backlog list, but with my rare freetime I cannot play much. I am playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna right since I completed and loved the main game. As expected the DLC is not less awesome. Think I have done about the half (15 hours playtime). I do not know if Fire Emblem Heroes and Fate / Grand Order count, but these are the games I play daily because of updated events.
  18. 8.5 Fate / Grand Order - Boss Theme (event)
  19. Mentioned the game I am playing currently, at least trying with my limited freetime.
  20. May's day of retirement will become officially mayday which would make sense because UK needs some serious help.
  21. Thanks! I am not doing it professionally, just for fun for 1-2 events per year. I am already considering for cosplay next year, will make a thread to let people bring up suggestions.
  22. Oh, that is true, haha. Also just noticed that Europe election is coming on Sunday. I guess the only voters will be the protest voters. Tomorrow is Japan Day and my dream of going as my waifu ended up with burning 200 €. There is no dress of Rosalina available in my size (my height is 195 cm). The one I imported from the US is still too small despite being XL. I really wished I was smaller and there have been a lot of moments yet I wished I was no man. I do not know if I should be more angry or sad...
  23. I do not think it would become too exciting. They will admire each other, nothing more. Will not be different than Trump's meeting with Erdogan, Kim and Orban.
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