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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I got something to cuddle and to teach playing Smash.
  2. Despite being a FE10 lover my reaction to this banner is the same as the former Laguz banner. I am not really interested in them because I am not a fan of transformers. If Jill or any other DB unit was in this banner, I would have been scared for having like no orbs atm. But I am not fan enough of the Laguz to purchase money. Haar as GHB unit smells like he will not be as awesome as he is in FE10, and I do not expect him being unique at all. He will become most likely a copy of Michalis or Gerome.
  3. Some benefit scrounge from East Europe who came in just to cause trouble. No seriously, he was obviously drunk by talking to himself loudly. And then he flipped out when his cola bottle fell on the ground after the bus driver had braked suddenly to avoid an accident. He swore, insulted and threatened the bus driver. When the driver forced him to leave the bus at once, he refused became even more aggressive and was close to the moment to use physical violance. When I called the police he came after me and threw my tablet out of my hands. Thankfully he did not more to me.
  4. Catchy but also thrilling 8 Who does not love Subspace Emissary? It has been the best mode in Smash history. Super Smash Bros Melee - Temple
  5. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=74024963 Favorite videogame boss
  6. Waking up that early from Monday till Friday has been my standard since my early childhood, and I never had a problem with that. The con however is that I also get tired early, so I never have been to parties which usually last until later than midnight. Actually my sleep depends on brightness. The longer the days, the less the sleep. In summer I usually sleep six hours (if heat allows me) and in winter I can sleep until ten hours. Unrelated to that today I was almost battered by some drunk Russian prank. Thankfully police came in time. It ended up only with a lightly damaged tablet and scare.
  7. Well, past night I slept in fast and did not wake up several times, but therefore I only slept till 5 AM (when the birds woke me up). If I had this kind of sleep tomorrow, it would be great. But getting awake at 5 AM on a holy Sunday sucks even for my standards as being an early bird.
  8. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=72764652 Your least favorite FE character
  9. Well then, I guess I just have to relearn how to sleep...
  10. Avatar is not familiar with home appliances.
  11. Decent battle theme 7 Super Smash Bros Brawl - Boss Battle 2
  12. Reaching Hecatia took me like 20 attempts. Funnily I captured her first spell instantly, but her second non killed me. In general all her nons are hellish which makes sense, I guess.
  13. Unfortunately not yet. I hope and expect to see update(s) very soon. Edit: Speaking of 15, have not purchased 16 yet.
  14. Heroes showed me to use units I never could in their original game. Nowi, my least favorite FE character, became my first 5* +10 unit. But then again, I might have a total difference opinion in terms of units than the majority.
  15. I just came here to see FE4's maps get bashed by a certain someone, and I did not get disappointed! Anyways I would definitely like to see a remake of Judgral and I do not see no single reason why they should not become the next parts of getting a remake. FE1, 3 and 2 had a remake. 3 before 2 simply because it was connected storywise to 1. 4 would be next after my logic...
  16. Not something which catches my ears even after relistening to this. 4 Super Smash Bros Brawl - vs. Marx
  17. The Ishtar banner gave me four Sullys of five blues. She must really have been into me...
  18. But four orbs would help to pull a favorite. That said I never cared for this event since its existence aside of the rewards which are really nice. I usually support the unit I have the best copy of regardless my personal relation to that character. In general I do not play Heroes for favorism because it is not made for imo. Getting all wanted units would drag out my money of my wallet what is not going to happen for sure. I made an exception for Yune's banner because 10/12 of the cast was great at least in terms of usefulness of fodder. Usually I take that what I get aka F2P.
  19. I see. My sleep schedule broke because of depressions and noise at night since 2017. Although my personal life has been changed to the good side lately, I still have issues to come back to a daily day and night routine. Falling asleep mainly works for me, but I usually get up for several hours, so the pills might not work on me. Furthermore I do not want to "hurt" my body by using medicine I might not have been force to use. And I am just glad whenever I do not have to run to several doctors and psychiatrists because it was literally my past and I do not want to go back to this time anymore. I should live im the tropes because there is a constant day and night schedule. PS: I still have no clue how to delete accidently clicked quote boxes with a mobile device.
  20. Dealing with jetlag and a total different day and night schedule (Australia's day schedule if it is the south area would come close to European's) sounds incredibly hard to deal with. Thing is I never had to deal with jetlag because I ever had a long airplane journey. Will change though when I am going to the US next year. Also serious question: How are sleeping pills and what are their siderisks? Right now I have a phase when I am up for 3-4 hours without interruption at night. I come back to sleep at like 3 or 4 AM and become totally tired when I have to get up at 6 AM. I would like to have a "normal" sleep again.
  21. Touhou RPG sounds cool. Touhou Puppet Dancer Performance is a really good RPG. It is Pokémon-likish just with Touhou characters instead of Pokémon. Since I dislike Pokémon because of most of these creatures this was the way how to get into Pokémon-gameplay. BTW Touhou 15 is available on Steam now. Let the graze and pain begin.
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