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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. quite alright 6.5 Touhou 12 - Emotional Skyscraper
  2. I think I posted it already a long time ago... but still very nice to hear it again. Just a depressing sounded theme which reflects the situation perfectly. Honestly one of the very most memorable themes in FE. 9 FE5 - Dancer
  3. Favorite castle you've visited yet? No. Maybe I'll do it if I get another chance to go to the Schwarzwald. It's not that away from it.
  4. I didn't even remember that enemies attack a berserked ally, probably because I have used it very rarely yet. The issue if you berserk Reinhardt is, you risk to lose lots of daimthunder uses. Putting him asleep or stealing his equipment with the thief stave is the most comfortable way. Then kill the boss (Asvel works best) by warp + rescue and Cyas will leave at once. Then you got rid of the majority of the enemies's leadership stars.
  5. ... Arthur was my MVP in normal. I never dreamt of having a locked axe user as #1 in terms of landing kills.
  6. Oh, my bad. I thought you played on a PS emulator, didn't know you imported this game. So it's reasonable not to make a LP of it. It's allowed actually. My FE10 trash units run also had no pictures because I played it on the Wii and couldn't record in a proper way..
  7. Seriously why haven't you started a LP of this game? I mean I enjoy reading your commentary here, but a few pictures would be nice as well to get a visual impression of what you're talking about.
  8. I think all units are usable more or less but not in one and the same run because this game is definitely unfriendly to exp. sharing. When I played Conquest I always used the same characters in each map not to tend to become underleveled. It automatically means that I couldn't unlock lots of the children. I don't even know all FE14 children with their name. Well, I played this game only fluently and never could finish it in hard mode because I couldn't compensate Camilla's death but these were my impressions of the units's balance.
  9. I like both pictures, so. I also like glasses. I wished I'd wear them... but I don't need them yet thankfully.
  10. I played hard mode of these parts: FE6: It was quite challenging and the enemies had serious stats but the enemy's level curve dropped after a while massively. In chapter 23 you still have to fight draco knights. FE7: I played only HHM yet. The difference between the character mode was way more noticable than the jump between normal and hard. Still easy except for two certain chapters but not because of their difficulty. Marcus was never needed. FE8: Really easy. FE9: If we're talking about the non JP version, it's the easiest hard mode. Prepromoted enemies are even worse than in normal mode (like in FE8's easy and normal mode). FE10: Not hard except for the DB chapters because the laguz have up to seven more attack power than they have in normal. Some reduced mechanics like disabled enemies's movement range make this mode more time consuming but not harder. FE13: Iirc it was the best mode. But I'm talking about FE13, one of the most unbalanced games in this franchise. FE14: Never finished Conquest on hard because I got frustrated. It was challenging... but not in a fun way. Honestly I'd say FE6 but it's far away from being perfect.
  11. Lettuce in thinking-pose Honestly you looked quite different to me. I guess it's only because of the glasses you wore in the former photo. Headbands look cute.
  12. Honestly the sudden rise of noise bothered me when the plane started to sprint for the takeoff. I always kept my ears close when it happened. However I don't know if planes became less noisy since I haven't flown for 15 years... which is sad tbh.
  13. Posted his latest results of the Touhou sorter just a few minutes ago.
  14. My my mylady, despite asking you 100 questions, which you answered such in a quick and detailed manner that you made me gaping, my thist for knowledge about you is still not satisfied. Please allow me to ask you the final 20 questions. I have utilised your freetime enough already, and I'm pretty sure other human individuals might ask you the one or other question as well, so I'll leave you alone for now that you can focus on them. I still wish you lots of fun with the remained time of your interview and many thanks for taking all your time to answer my questions!
  15. Nice melody, but not really fond of this backround groove 6 Touhou 16 - A Pair of Divine Beasts
  16. First time, yes But when I played older games like Thracia 776, it made me think Awakening is from the stone age because of the simplification of mechanics (no weapon weight, no ballistas, no light magic, no anima triangle, no variety of mission objectives...) I'd like it....... if it came out 20 years before official release. Ok game for newcomers, but not really enjoyable for FE veterans.
  17. I meant in general although the one in the US brought up this question. You don't live in the US so I didn't assume you would invest lots of money and time to go there just to watch it.
  18. You know what? I find the bosses (till stage 6) easier than the stages. Stage 4 and especially 5 feature so many projectiles that I even lost the overview and there are situations I can't even dodge anymore. Also moving to the top for autocollecting is super risky because suddenly enemies appear there from nowhere. It happened to me often enough that I lost lives just for being greedy to get all the items. Stage 4 boss is actually easier than IN's Marisa, although there's one spell I've serious issues to deal with.
  19. Fighting him is super risky if you don't have nihil. Reinhardt has wrath and continue and dime thunder is also a brave weapon. Putting him to sleep would save two of the very rare thief staff uses because asleep people should be dismounted iirc so it should be easy to capture him.
  20. Holy... you had answered my questions before I added 25 more to my post. (of course you don't have to answer them if you don't want to) Anyways you deserve all my respect for answering all my questions so detailed in this short time!
  21. whoops... of course... edited If you miss with 99% several times (it happens like a half dozen times in every run for me) with the knowledge you should have 100%, it will become frustrating. You don't have to fight him if you steal his equipment with the thief staff. He'll leave then. The other way is to warpskip.
  22. Difficulty has a large range of definition. As for a difficult game I would understand that the enemies have really good stats and skills and tend to overman you. I'd say it's not the case. FE5 became artificially difficult due to all its mechanics: no guaranteed hit and miss sick throne boosts (as issue no one has mentioned yet btw) status affects last the entire chapter Leaf has to escape last heal can miss warptiles in chapter 24 fatigue All these mechanics make the player's life a lot harder than the game actually is. The final chapter is the only chapter the enemies have serious stats and skills (crusaders)... well... and Reinhardt of course. Otherwise they're a joke for the most part. Ballistas got a huge buff compared to FE4 though, you fight tons of them in FE5.
  23. Seine Fakten sind häufig nicht in englischer Sprache.
  24. I beg your pardon young lady, but since it's your interview now, and I've read that you tend to have unexciting, even boring moments sometimes, I thought it's the best opportunity to ask a few questions about you to get to know more about you. Feel free to take your time to answer one by another. I hope none of my questions will bother you in any kind of way. If this number of questions might not meet your expectations, then feel free to ignore them. The least wanted target of everyone is to restrict your private freetime.
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