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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. The next Tales game will be released for a Nintendo console!? Didn't expect to see this ever happen again. It's the first argument for me to get a Switch.
  2. Seriously sounds like a question from me. As for the answer: The first like 20 years of my life. Lately about one month.
  3. #4 Meg Meg is an interesting unit. She's an armor knight with a shiny orange looking armor but she doesn't really share the armor part. Her growths remind more on a peg. knight with her high speed, luck and resistance growth... at cost of her strength and defense. Seriously her bases are really good if you consider she's only level 3. However still not good enough for hard mode. With her eight speed she'll get doubled and ORKOed by several tigers in 1-4. It's really hard - not impossible but hard - to give her some levels in this chapter to make her (semi)useful in combat. Her biggest problem besides her low base level is that she's in the wrong class. She suffers on the low movement. Seriously she should have changed class with Aran who has exactly the growths a knight should have. On the other hand we would have basically a second Nephenee because Meg is Brom daughter, Nephenee's biggest friend from Ohma. So it was logical to put her in an other class than Neph. I guess she became an armor because of her dad. However her bases and growths don't work for this class unfortunately. I used Meg in a draft in the longrun and even Fiona beat her by miles with her much better movement and caps. If you need a tank, you should go for Aran... despite he might get into speed trouble. If you need a sword user, you should go for Ed. Meg is not bad on EM / NM but seriously never needed. Note: I screenshotted the results for Micaiah and mentioned them in the OP. I'll let revote Edward and Leonardo at the end to present all results.
  4. Laura Bailey also voiceacted Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4 unfortunately.
  5. Oldest videogame you have played yet? I'm sure the only games from the 80s I played and enjoyed were SMB3 for the NES and Tetris for the gameboy.
  6. I own all possible parts for the PS3 and completed all at least once yet except for the two Symphonias. And I also own Abyss. I love this series because of the mix of deep story, interesting character cast and enjoyable gameplay. As for the gameplay I prefer Tales more than a classic roundbased RPG because you attack on you own and not by giving any commands. So it's less RNG based than a RPG like Final Fantasy for example. Storywise Berseria and Abyss are my faves because they're very deep and have lots of depressing moments. Gameplaywise Abyss is my favorite because lots of dungeons are gimmicky with fun and challenging puzzles. The only games I don't really enjoy are Symphonia and Zestiria.
  7. I remember when everyone praised ToCS I and asked me for to play it. I said to myself: Fuck my backlog, and play ToCS I at once! And I didn't regret it at all.
  8. This reminds me that I played this game actually....... at least tried. I almost forgot. The only good thing I can remember of this game was the great soundtrack, as this theme. 8 Tales of Zestiria / Berseria - A Formidable Foe Stands In The Way
  9. Is your UN a combination of Otto and Karl The Great? koala
  10. The opening was lame but the melody became much better after that. 6.5 Super Smash Bros Brawl - King Dedede's Theme
  11. Axes tend to be more accurate in Tellius because supports affect more the accuracy than in others parts and biorhythm is a thing. You see 100% accuracy on Boyd / Nolan often enough when they fight with best biorhythm against an opponent with worst biorhythm. Haar has great hitrate too for being second tier already with very high base skill. Speaking of weapons I find lances worse than axes overall because they only have weapon advantage against dodgy classes which even tend to have critrate like swordmasters. The reason why GBA peg. knights are worse than in Tellius and FE12 is because of the con thing. Since they have low con they have massive speed penalty and low evasion by using heavier lances. So the weapon advantage against swords is pretty much negated already. Thany can rarely double aside with slim lances. With her low strength base and growth she will have a hard to time to damage the enemies seriously. I prefer peg. knights who can use swords first or get it as second weapon type by default.
  12. Honestly current music on the radio doesn't interest me anymore. Only listening to music I've grown with (late 70s, 80s, early 90s and very VERY few songs from the 2000s), classic and videogame music.
  13. full playthroughs However 3/4 of the runs are without animations so the playtime is reduced to ~15 h nowadays. It's spread in four years. I know it's still very much... too much... but I wouldn't say it affected my mind negatively. However it hindered me play other games for a very long time. Thankfully it changed and I started to play new games. I still love this game but it's not that my entire life deals with it.
  14. Indeed it's hard to rate Micaiah and I had my issues with making the polls. She's a hit or miss. You can be lucky with her that she has enough speed not to get doubled and can double herself by having resolve, or you can be very unlucky with a speedscrewed Micaiah who will get oneshotted furthermore. Her stats and growths aside of magic, luck and resistance are mediocre at best. In part 1 she's a walking target. Sure, you don't want to keep her out of any enemy attack ranges but in a few situations like in 1-9 it's almost unavoidable. In part 3 her stats don't really matter because she'll be mainly your staffbot besides Laura. Also the difficulty is a thing. In EM and NM you have enough bexp. to let her catch up, but in HM where your bexp. is very limited you want to use it on units with more potential. Micky doesn't really need bexp. in endgame. As long her magic is high enough for effective healing she's useful enough. She won't see much combat except maybe in 4-P with thanibombing the generals. Indeed it would become hard practically. On her own she can do 2 damage to her with maxed magic and rexaura. With support and whitepool she could do 2x10 at best. Bringing Ashera down to 10 / 20 HP would be still a tough task.
  15. No one likes Leo :( or Leo-fans they don't want to come out Actually one person voted for him. Anyways hopefully the next character will appeal a bit more interest. #3 Micaiah First of all she's the first female lord who doesn't use sword but it's a classic mage. This makes her already interesting for me. However this offers her main problem already. FE10 hates magic classes. They're not only squishy but also really slow (equal to knights). And this makes Micaiah very vulnerable through the entire game. In HM almost each physical enemy oneshots her. It become worse when she gets doubled. 1-9 can be a pain in the ass if her stats are bad and you're not aware how to place out of any enemy attack ranges. In part 3 it'll become easier because you don't fight range weapon users in the chapters against the laguz. Her combat is pretty alright. Thani can oneshot early bosses and she's a much better chipper than Leo, actually the only real good chipper of the DB. However in part 3 her main task will be to heal people besides Laura. She'll keep the frount units alive and will gain the best sword in the game. She'll be able to reach SS in light and staves which will make her a great stave user at the end. Characterwise I find Micaiah a very interesting character but FE10's writing made not very great at the end. The Yune-part nerfes her personality a lot and the game only cares about Ike at the end. It's a shame than Yune can't hit Ashera so only Ike can finish the game. He steals her the spotlight. Nevertheless I really like Micky, much more than Ike. And her light priestess dress is one of the most adorable looks I've seen in videogames.
  16. I know the title gives a bit a negative taste, but I mean with obsessed that you're so in love in this game that you have the desire to play it again immediately after you have finished it. My example
  17. Sounds very East European, really good. 8 Stronghold 2 - The Smith
  18. Saddest videogame death for you? knights and fighters except in Tellius and FE5
  19. I haven't played any of these "side" games like Ultimax or Arena yet so Idk about their quality. As for me Atlus is trying to make as much money as possible with their own trademark Persona. It's no real difference than all the Mario games (party, sports) to me. I'm sure there are enough people who appreciate these games so I don't think it's justified to blame Atlus for doing this kind of business. Though I understand that hardcore fans who have grown up with their main games can't respect any side games. I won't buy the dancing games, not because I decline Atlus's marketing politics, but because they don't match my interests. If it was a more appealing genre, I'd definitely consider a buy.
  20. The shuffling in the White House continues unabated. And Trump twittered after that: best stock prices, lowest jobless rate, no chaos lol
  21. Personally I really like FE10's 1x1 support system from the gameplay aspect. Getting +45% evasion for Nolan, Zihark or Volug which helps to survive the DB chapters in HM has still more priority for me than the content of the supports. Videogames exist to be discovered and people don't want to be spoiled. Showing growthrates in FE as precedent automatically means to show them in any other RPG.
  22. DeSu 2 is still my favorite 3DS game and better than 1 because it added some nice features like social links, new demons and new maps. Yes, with new maps I meant that some maps return (I think all Tokyo ones) in 2. Futhermore you have access to more characters in the beginning and I find it much easier to save them all. The mission objectives are either defeat all the demons (for the very most part) or defeat their leader. Some side objectives are included like sparing NPCs or beating the chapter in a turn limit - absolutely similar to FE. I find this game easier than 1 because 1 has some mean maps with annoying boss gimmicks. Seriously I'd recommend newcomers to play 2 first because both games are unrelated storywise and 2 features more stuff and is easier to play than 1. Edit: I forgot to mention that the 3DS version added a second story.
  23. I see, thx. At the end Discord fulfilled multiple purposes... well maybe not the SF discord server Also I figured out today that my posting issues (like empty quote boxes) were connected to a bad browser apparently with limited actions. Switched to Google Chrome which allows me to quote properly now. Maybe the fun of posting returns... after more than a half year.
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