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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Will finish SMT IV first, then I might look for TocS. Is it a fair deal?
  2. frghtrfhnfhgnhcgn jghnhbvhb c vb *aka f**k dp
  3. https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/68725-fe-heroes-error-803-3001/ ^ Having this problem. Happened when I wanted to start Heroes for the second time. Idk if reinstalling can fix it, but honestly I'm too lazy and tired to do it. Burnt more than three hours to bring Heroes to work by trying several emulators and downloading the game from different sites. Good luck! I have a job test and interview for two nice jobs next week. One of them is with official status and excellent payment. The other one is in a health insurance, also very nice. When I got one of them, I'd quit my study at once.
  4. Huh? ...I thought it was clear by reading the first part.
  5. I know I'm the only one with this opinion... but I still feel like to share it: I really wished Heroes was free game from the e-shop for the 3DS instead for a mobile phone. Then some people (like me) wouldn't have to deal with technical issues.
  6. Pretty much the same opinion, but I still don't like Hubert much as adult either. Just stubborn and wary. Also really I hate canon Pascal x Hubert. Even Sophie x Pascal works better. FE Heroes became FE No More Heroes. The good thing is that I can focus on SMTIV and the preparations for my exams right now again, so actually it's good that this game doesn't work anymore.
  7. What the fuck is Daganrompa? She's the prettiest of them, so my vote goes for her. I think OP is pretty... hmm...
  8. I like notifications and especially the new style... Also yes, please purple!
  9. I guess I'm the only one who likes Graces's cast. I'm awful in Symphonia. The bosses are so painful to play with the nostalgic 2D camera. Even failed against the very first one before Kratos appeared. The character is great, I give you that.
  10. Umm... I have no idea... for now. Might add sth. later maybe. Highest (geographical) place you've visited yet?
  11. Played it for 15 minutes too just to get an impression. Wanted to continue... but game doesn't work anymore... so not much enjoyment at all.
  12. Have this problem now too on Nox when I started Heroes for the second time. In the first time everthing went well... but not now anymore.
  13. After playing Heroes for like 15 minutes I noticed a stat I've never ever seen in a FE part before: SP / FP Actually I don't even exactly know what it does, but I have an idea already. Anyways the introduction of SP gave me some ideas for the weapon and skill system: Mastery skills should be used by command, if the SP bar is full. Each mastery skill needs a certain number of SP. You'll get SP after each battle (not level up as in Heroes). You get more SP, if you fight more efficiently (getting the kill, landing a crit or attacking without taking counter damage). Also you'll get SP after the end of a map. It works similar to bexp. from the Tellius series. If you fulfill certain sidequests a / o end a chapter in a low number of turns, you'll get some bonus SP and battle exp. for your units. Instead of bonus experience, the units who where brought to this chapter will get a bit battle experience directly. Each class learns a class skill after like ten levels like it already exists in FE13 + 14. Furthermore you can buy optional skills like vantage, adept, cancel... in a skill shop. A second new stat besides SP should be introduced (I just call it skill points). You gain a skill point in each level guaranteed. If you have enough of them, you can trade them into a skill in the skill shop. For example cancel requires ten skill points, so you can buy them after ten levels. You learn skills by using weapons a certain number of times. The weapon level system vanishes. Instead for each weapon you'll learn a stat buff a / o skill. Each weapon has a bar. If this bar is full by attacking enough times, you'll learn the stat boost a / o skill the weapon gave you. The number of required attacks to learn the weapon skills depends on the might of the weapon. The bar of weaker weapons like irons rise faster than of stronger weapons like silvers. That means each weapon is usable at the beginning. Few examples: By using an iron axe you'll learn +1 strength and +5% accuracy. By using a silver axe you'll learn renewal (+10% auto heal before each turn). These learned skills could also be part of the skill shop. Skill and luck stat vanish. The hitrate and evasion of the unit is displayed in the unit menu and level up instead. Critevasion is added and replaces the main affect of the former luck stat. Skills whose activation rate were based on skil and luck will be based on hitrate and evasion instead.
  14. Works now. Just tried to download it from the wrong site. Google play store sucks.
  15. gdfgtdgt ghdtzhnchjghbv fgcvb hgcvbcgfcbhvb
  16. I tried to download Heroes with Nox twice. Installation didn't work because apparently it's not compatible (got an error message). Reinstalled... with the same result. But I heared by other people that this game apparently works on Nox. Did I do something wrong? I have no idea about the setup since I'm not familar with app-emulators at all. BlueStacks is way too slow for me, so this one is no option. I'd appreciate each little kind of help. Edit: Could fix it myself by download it from an other site. On google-appstore it wasn't downloadable for some reason. Can be locked.
  17. Reinstalled the app and still can't download the game from the appstore. How many emulators shall I still try and how much time and effort shall I burn? I wasted like three hours for installing Bluestacks and Nox twice, and honestly I'm really tired of this right now. It's no news for me that non Nintendo emulators cause me trouble. Neither PS emulators, nor app emulators work.
  18. Just to match with my UN. (most people know me anyways, so it doesn't really matter I think) A game you wished to replay but can't anymore because you gave it away?
  19. Became a fan about 1.5 years ago after I had finished Abyss. Since most Tales games for the PS3 were out for several years already, I got them all for a low price. Bought Zestiria on date of release... but completed it after almost one year because this game bored me fast and so I was more interested in other parts like Vesperia and Graces. (needed almost two years to beat Vesperia because of language issues) Still have to beat both Symphonias... and honestly I really have no motivation to play these because I don't like them for several reasons: Awkward battle gameplay because of the side camera angle and they feel too cartoonish for me.
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