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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Nanna because she's great in FE4 and 5. L'Arachel because she the Queen of Light and the prettiest princess. Sakura. She was the first unit who had pretty much an all around function in a FE game: Could heal, could attack, could work as a dodgetank. In my Rev. run she maxed speed and defense in first tier.
  2. Also I'm a bit curious that you gave slightly different rankings to a few characters than in my thread. Anyways I normally would give all ranked characters a lower ranking except for Leonardo. I don't repeat everything what I mentioned in my thread. Only want to say a few things: Sothe would get a 9 or 9.5 in part 1, but I have to judge the other parts too. In 3-6 and 3-13 he's a great player phase unit but nothing special anymore. 3-12 can be a really bad chapter for him if he gets tworounded. In 4-P he can be pretty alright... but after the late promotion he won't be able to do much anymore. He'll technically stay level 1 when he enters the tower. You must be really lucky with his speed if he can do serious stuff there. I don't find Sothe underrated, because his endgame perfomance is simply not enough to give him >=9. Personally Leonardo > Aran in HM because Leo is the only real range weapon user in part 3 and Lugnasadh makes him pretty alright. If he reached 15 speed, he doesn't even need beastfoe. One crit would onerund 16 AS tigers. He also has a few uses in part 1: In 1-6-1 against the peggies and in 1-5, 1-7 and 1-E to chip with the longbow. He's a bad archer, sure, but still helpful enough for the DB. Find it interesting that Edward and Nolan got the same rating (did it too btw). I find Edward better overall in part 1 because of his speed while I find Nolan better later on because of his bulkyness and earth-affinity. Both have the same use for the party in total for me. You can buy a second physic stave in 3-13.
  3. It's good to see that Berseria apparently has its attention it deserves. Also, I never would think about that a person is dense just for not identifying a character of a very new videogame. If someone's dense, then rather me, because I have no clue of most games which are talked about here.
  4. ... not quite. Actually Idk what kof is. He's a playable character from Tales of Berseria, the brother of another female playable character from the previous games, Tales of Zestiria.
  5. Huh? LOL! Thank you for the tip! I'm back on the track... for now.
  6. She has an awesome weapon and is a physical tank but unfortunately she joins very late. Also lacking of pursuit is a little problem. Nevertheless still useful enough to tank or to oneshot dark mages. 6 / 10
  7. The difference about Sanaki is that she's forced, and you want to have as much as attack power as possible in the endgame. Her low strength doesn't really matter when you have Ena and later Gareth. In the endgame you might need like two stave users. It's not really the purpose to bring arch sages only to let them use staves. They're here to use all the SS weapons to lowturn Ashera. In the endgame you're good enough with Micky, Elincia and maybe Mist (if she should turn out into sth.) as stave users.
  8. If you like them, they can be a gain. However there are also times you want to have your calm, and if several cats are meowing without break, they can really go on your nerves.
  9. I don't take any more cats in my bed since one shitted in my bed. Will never forget that... Whenever I leave the front door or car, about a half dozen of cats is chasing after me just to be cuddled.
  10. That's my status quo... although outside of my house.
  11. I stuck in Ueno atm. I can't go further to the western area. There's no bridge I can cross as far as I can see. The last thing I did was to get the LED lighbulb in Ueno's underground.
  12. Yeah, both is true. Each gained point in a buff reduces the MP cost of its cats. And each gain point in a spell increases its attack power but Idk by which factor.
  13. Edward usually has 18-19 speed (because I feed him with kills in the 1-4) and the myrm has 14-15 AS.
  14. In the first turn you can take out all the opponents including the mage with sending Sothe on the ledge. Edward onerounds the faster myrm next to the ledge. Leonardo and Nolan kill one of the fighters. Micaiah and Aran kill one of the fighters. Ilyana and Meg (probably with a forged) sword kill the left myrm. (yeah, I give Meg a kill in HM O.O) Volug onerounds the mage.
  15. That means +1 = -1 MP for the cast? Haven't paid attention on it yet. My protagonist has agi +7... which would mean he could cast it for free.
  16. De(buff) skills of the protagonist can be improved when a demon learned the this same skill. For example my protagonist has tarakuja +3, which means x3 affect, right?
  17. Asch's death from Tales of the Abyss gave me a bit moist eyes... but not enough to cry.
  18. Medusa was a cakewalk compared to Minotaur. Beaten her in my first attmept in normal mode. Her design was alright to me.
  19. Seriously Aran in hard mode stinks almost as much as Meg does. He's okay - not great - in 1-3 because he can take two steel lances and bows. He starts with weapon level D which is not great. For 1-4 you will have money only for one forged weapon unless you sell several skills. Nolan defenitely needs a forged weapon more to prevent speed penalty and simply because he has higher potential than Aran in the longrun and needs levels earlier. Aran will stuck with the iron lance and does only little damage to the Laguz. Javelins are worse than hand axes, so saying he's a good range weapon user in invalid. Even Leo is better in this than him. In 1-4 each opponent can oneshot him with a crit. At least his base speed is high enough not to get doubled by any tigers aside of Agony. In the entire game you'll have to worry about his speed that he doesn't get doubled. His high defense is worthless, if an opponent doubles him. Another problem is that he will get no personal weapon in part 3 which automatically makes my decision to go for Leonardo instead of Aran in HM because at least in part 3 Leo has his uses for being the only range weapon user in the DB (Micaiah will mainly heal). Since HM forces you to focus on very few units there's actually no room for Aran... at least for me. He's fine in NM, and ok in HM in the chapters you can bring him, but other units turn out more useful in HM.
  20. Classic: Asvel because he's the best bosskiller. Seriously holsety isn't as much needed in FE4 as grafcalibur in 5. Also since when does he have the same name as the Tales of Graces f protagonist? Veteran: Lute because she can solo FE8 and her personality is great too. Classic: None because I find mages in the latest FE games not really good.
  21. Minotaur has war cry btw, not dekaja. I understand... I guess to know what the best strategy is against him: Everyone of my party has bufu and uses against him. With smirk (bonus attack) I could use for example tarukaja and rakujaja twice to have doubled strength + defense. Minotaur uses war cry and decreases my boost from x2 to x1 in both stats. In the next turn with the same strategy I could upgrade my buff by one, and in the third turn to the maximum of three. The only problem is that I need more demons with the combination bufu + stat buff.
  22. Yeah, that's what I was referring too. Especially meant the medusa / gorgon elite monster. Zesty's elite monsters had the super nasty attitude to have access to deadly attacks when their HP is ~ <25%. Btw medusas are back in Berseria, same goes for this mentioned elite monster. Good to know. However against Minotaur it's not very helpful since he has a skill which decreseas buff(s) of my party. Unfotunately I didn't have rakunda at the time I had to fight him. Still want to beat him in "normal" mode.
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