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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Actually you don't need train the mages in multiple magic types until they've classchanged.After promotion they have weapon level D automatically. And I highly recommend to bring one element to maximum level first to have early access to the A / S tome. What does it bring if Soren has weapon level B in wind and C in the other two? He still couldn't use tornado. The best tomes would be longrange magic which are rare (except you restore them with hammerne) and superheavy.
  2. You can be a general, or you can be dinner. (King Ashnard in Path of Radiance)
  3. A hobby of yours (aside of playing videogames)? Oh, come on! Pls don't tell me you have dementia already.
  4. either baldness or uneven hairlength favorite hairstyle?
  5. @ TrueEm Honestly I've enough of weird dreams, so yes. Are you going to celebrate Halloween?
  6. Golden Hammer: 0 Mr. Saturn: 73 10 Dreamland 10 Dreamland 2 10 Dreamland 3 10 Adventure 10 Super Star 8 Nightmare in Dreamland 10 Amazing Mirror 10 64 10 Super Star Ultra 10 Squeak Squad 7 Mass Attack 7 Epic Yarn 12 Return to Dreamland / Adventure Wii 10 Triple Deluxe 10 Robobot
  7. Videogame character with your personal favorite voice? So tasty it might sound, I'd not eat it because I don't like beef. If it existed with pork, then I'd try it out probably.
  8. The longest bossfight you've ever had in a videogame? I refuse to answer such private questions in a public forum. You can PM me to ask for an answer... and I'd give you one.
  9. Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy Which other countries have you visited yet?
  10. Which national parks have you visited yet? Conquest because it has much better map and more interesting mission objectives.
  11. That was the reason why I quitted this game. Using the wii-mote for controlling the sword was a mess for me, totally imprecise. I have no fucking idea why this game didn't support the classic controller. I hated playing platformes with the wii-mote anyways. Super Mario Bros Wii was also awful to play for me with the mote. Kirby's Return to Dreamland worked MUCH better for me just because our little pink cute puffball has the ability to fly the entire time.
  12. Depends what kind of park it is. national park: sure theme park: nah same question
  13. Do you like to go to parks? I had kois and goldfishes in the pond... till the cats grabbed them. Having kois and carps again would be nice.
  14. lotus Favorite fish you'd like to hold in a pond (if you could)?
  15. She looks cute, I like her personalty and she's the most important unit in the cast for being a healer with the ability to revive. Why always the same questions :.......(
  16. UN and name in her signature badge are identical.
  17. Do you wish that the party system in the US would be changed? They're still cute. I had one who lived in harmony with my cats, but not now anymore. Why is like each second question a repitition?
  18. Knows I'm more motivated to continue DQII than FFVI.
  19. Knows about it by reading posts of mine in different threads.
  20. Shares my opinion that Dragon Quest is better than Final Fantasy.
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