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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Avatar is one of the better prepromotes in FE.
  2. http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2469914 http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2194898 MuziƩt from Tales of Xillia (2)
  3. ^ alright thanks! Only items you can use in noraml vs. battles. Since the list is long you may vote once in a 60 minutes period. Barrel: 10 Capsule: 10 Crate: 10 Party Ball: 10 Rolling Crate: 10 Beam Sword: 10 Fan: 7 Fire Bar: 10 Golden Hammer: 10 Hammer: 10 Home-Run Bat: 10 Lip's Stick: 10 Ore Club: 10 Parasol: 10 Star Rod: 10 Cracker Launcher: 10 Drill Arm: 10 Fire Flower: 10 Gust Blower: 10 Ray Gun: 10 Steel Diver: 10 Super Scope: 10 Banana Peel: 10 Beehive: 10 Beetle: 10 Bob-omb: 10 Bombchu:10 Boomerang: 10 Bumper: 10 Cucco: 10 Deku Nut: 10 Flipper: 10 Freezie: 10 Gooey Bomb: 10 Green Shell: 10 Hocotate Bomb: 10 Hothead: 10 Killer Eye: 10 Motion-Sensor Bomb: 10 Mr. Saturn: 10 Pitfall: 10 POW Block: 7 Red Shell: 10 Screw Attack: 10 Smart Bomb: 10 Smoke Bomb: 10 Shiny Shell: 10 Spring: 10 Team Healer: 8 Unira: 10 X-Bomb: 10 Bullet Bill: 10 Cloacking Device: 10 Lightning Bolt: 10 Metal Box: 10 Poison Mushroom: 10 Super Mushroom: 10 Super Star: 10 Superspicy Curry: 10 Timer: 10 Back Shield: 10 Bunny Hood: 10 Franklin Badge: 10 Rocket Belt: 10 Super Leaf: 10 Food: 10 Maxim Tomato: 10 Heart Container: 10 Fairy Bottle: 10 Assist Trophy: 10 Master Ball: 10 Poke ball: 10 Daybreak: 10 Dragoon: 10 Barrel Cannon: 10 Blast Box: 12 Sandbad: 10 Smash Ball: 10 Soccer Ball: 10 Special Flag: 10 Warp Star: 10
  4. complicated activation of mystic artes like in Vesperia or Xillia 1 Do you like puzzling? (word puzzles, sudoku...)
  5. Edit: ninjad Now we need a volunteer who's so kind and posts a list of all items from the Smash Bros series.
  6. I never could recruit Treck in this chapter in hard mode. That means how bad this chapter is designed. It's rather stupid than challenging. Way too many enemies with 1-2 weapons and the dracoknights have way too high base stats (mainly speed). You can't kill the enemies and talk to the NPCs at the same time. The NPCs will do their own thing and do suicide.
  7. Has lyrics of a 90s disco song in his status.
  8. Posted rather a fact about a videogame than a fact about her above person.
  9. I guess because they're too op in earlygame. They work like "Jagens" as wall, only with the difference that they would get serious experience. In very most FE games you don't fight mages early on (which is actually quite a similar thing to this topic), so dracos would make earlygame too easy.
  10. I haven't but I'd like to play it. It's just the problem to find a cheap copy for the Wii. Would you spend more money for very rare games?
  11. Honestly just a dirty way to get extra money from the player. I haven't bought any chargeable DLCs except for three characters in Brawl and I don't waste to waste my money for this stuff. For which game did you buy the most DLCs?
  12. 2-1 in FE10 Favorite chapter in your least favorite FE game?
  13. I finally want to overcome my laziness and complete a round based RPG, which isn't Fire Emblem of a Shin Megami Tensei spin-off. I try my luck with Mother 3. I've heared and read only good things about this game. I played a bit of chapter 1 yet to understand basics of the gameplay, but I'm going to play it from the very beginning all over again. It'll be 99% blind. Since I don't know anything about this series, I will welcome each hint from you (which I will need anyways). I know absolutely nothing about any special attacks or casts in this game. If there's a way to beat a boss or sth. else in an easier way, I'd like it to know. I'd like to wait for a few days to get a feedback . In the weekend I'd like to start any show you my skills. PS: You can submit names for the characters.
  14. I always get awake at 7 AM at the latest. (mainly 6 - 6:30 AM only when I don't have to go to university) Sleeping till 11 AM or later - IMPOSSIBLE for me! I can't sleep while daylight at all even if I'm supertired.
  15. Heh... I don't have the luxus to lay in the bed in the morning, even in weekends.
  16. Heh... I don't have the luxus to lay in the bed in the morning, even in weekends.
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