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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I can't get five together. Chen from Touhou Lethe from FE9 Mitsue from Atelier Iris ´Would Erica Fontaine count? Favorite cat in videogames?
  2. They're adorable and cool except their name is Lyre. Why don't you like Blazyboob?
  3. Why not! She's cute. However Idk her fighting skills yet. Will try her out now. Opinion about Rachel?
  4. Well then we could add each other perfectly. My dad is expert in handcraft but I absolutely hate to use tools. I don't have even the power and motorical skills to hit preciesly with a hammer... ouch. Idk if my girlfriend is good in technical stuff. If not, I might have a problem.
  5. A certain thing you like to do while playing videogames? Hmm... maybe Tales of series because this series also represents class types from FE although with different names. Yes, it is. Aww... I was hoping you'd mention the blond vampire loli. I guess she's not that great... :,(
  6. ... maybe Which character in BlazeBlue Calamaty Trigger do you recommend me to use as a beginner?
  7. Umm... I don't watch animes. What anime should I watch and why?
  8. It depends on the humidity. I prefer warmness but if it's too dizzy I prefer cool(er) weather. hot + dry > cold + dry > cold + wet > hot + dizzy / wet
  9. After thinking about I must admit that I had enough situations I acted like a girl or even like a baby. Whenever someone insulted me or I hurt myself by I always started to cry. I'm very fragile and thin for being a guy so I have many problems to carry heavy things. Of course each person expect it from me to do it because I'm a man... but I don't feel like one in this case and I'm not able to do it without help. Also I'd be a better houswife than husband, because I love cooking and cleaning things while I suck in craft work and other technical things.
  10. pizza hawaii with crabs Weapon you missed in FE14 but existed in other part(s)?
  11. Still hasn't answered all the questions in his interview yet.
  12. OMFG... I'm so sorry! I just checked out by accident that I didn't finish the Midnight Sun LP. lol Anyways after five months unintended break... FINALLY a new part. [spoiler=Chapter 8 part 4] RIP Shiori is the saint - whatever it exactly means Hellios is still hungry. But suddenly a reaction stops his plan. Since Shiori is the saint she has to be responsible for that. Hellios wants to revenge for an apparently tragic event what humans caused. He disappears. Shiori's still alive. Faratrass is also wounded. As charmant as Christoph is he'll take care about the ladies. The Empress has to be reported with these happenings. back in Serafew The recovery progress is going on. Explanation how the Demon King could break out. At least Fa isn't the vassal anymore. She has her own body and soul now. Shiori has to enlighten the party. Woman-whisperer Christoph is best contender to ask Shiori a dew questions. He confronts her with all the details Hellios mentioned. She doesn't deny it to be a saint. So Christoph's biggest dream became true. blushing? She carries the responsibility for the misery all on her own. But Chrstioph tries to cosole her. At least she has the skill of foresight. ... which didn't work on Hellios though. She's still doing self-approaches. soul doctor a bit embarrassed owned again After Christoph tells Rya about Shiori's true indentity they're going to meet Phoebe. It's no one's fault. They can be glad that everyone's still alive. Phoebe also wants to talk to Fa, who's still exhausted and depressed. Phoebe tries to comfort her in a very smooth way. Magnolia is looking for help from everywhere but Lauzlis declined the offer. It acts neutral like Goldoa. Shiori will be sent to Lazulis. As speaking for Pylum she might have a chance to convince the king. Fa doesn't believe it. She wants to get rid of her naivity Fa shall go to Midbar. Hoikade was murdered. And Queen Munie is on the run. Fa can't hold back her emotions understandably. Who else could easily surpress when an entire country you're even part of the royality is eliminated in this babarian way?
  13. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58260147 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58198600 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58071065 Rose from Tales of Zestiria
  14. Oldest videogame you've played? bread with bother, ham and cheese
  15. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/09/31/a8/0931a8e43ef6a9f28a6a25cd95fc4eb2.jpg http://www.zerochan.net/1429312 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58229929 Leia from Tales of Xillia 1 + 2 with the outfit of Xillia 2.
  16. Any good videogame of Italy you know? I'd say Xillia 1 so far although I'm pretty sure that Dawn to the New World will take the cake.
  17. I'd say that only FE13 was on the best way to ruin this series. This game should introduce new people into this series by simplifying the game mechanics dramatically at cost of the veterans. FE14 tried to fix the mistakes in FE13 by improving the pair up and bringing back old mechanics from older parts. FE14 approaches all player types. Birthright is similar to Awakening for newcomers while Conquest for the veterans. I think it was a fair deal.
  18. I believed in too much shit like Santa Claus and ghosts.
  19. ^ I don't have one certain idol either but the appearance and personality of a few characters inspire me. If I had to mention one person, then I'd say Aigis from Persona 3. A videogame character you like the personality but hate its appearance?
  20. A demo is out now! If you want to see more of the gameplay, then check out some videos on Youtube. I'm pretty sure that Omegeevolution will show lots of stuff. Here's a about mystic artes.
  21. ^ I expected a comment like this because I worded it unprecisely. A thread of Soul attracts the people just because it's Soul. ... But the content of most of his threads... not so much.
  22. Tear, Rita, Pascal, Flynn, Asbel I always get the same questions. :.( Have you any videogame character as your personal idol?
  23. Thanks, but I didn't come up with that originally. Same goes for that.
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