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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. 10 Corrin 10 Azura 10 Felicia 10 Flora 10 Jakob 10 Mozu 10 Kaze 10 Silas 10 Shura 10 Ryoma 10 Hinoka 10 Sakura 10 Takumi 10 Hana 10 Setsuna 10 Azama 10 Kagero 10 Saizo 10 Hinata 10 Oboro 7 Subaki 8 Orochi 10 Rinkah 10 Yukimura 10 Reina 12 Scarlet 14 Kaden 10 Xander 10 Camilla 12 Leo 10 Elise 10 Arthur 10 Effie 2 Niles 5 Odin 10 Nyx 10 Beruka 10 Selena 10 Laslow 3 Peri 10 Benny 10 Charlotte 10 Keaton 10 Gunter 10 Izana 10 Kana 10 Shigure 10 Dwyer 10 Sophie 10 Midori 10 Shiro 10 Kiragi 10 Asugi 10 Selkie 10 Hisame 10 Mitama 10 Caeldori 10 Rhajat 10 Siegbert 10 Forrest 10 Ignatius 10 Velouria 10 Percy 10 Ophelia 3 Soleil 10 Nina
  2. [spoiler=Scarlet +2, Orochi -2, Odin -3, Subacki -3] 10 Corrin 10 Azura 10 Felicia 10 Flora 10 Jakob 10 Mozu 10 Kaze 10 Silas 10 Shura 10 Ryoma 10 Hinoka 10 Sakura 10 Takumi 10 Hana 10 Setsuna 10 Azama 10 Kagero 10 Saizo 10 Hinata 10 Oboro 7 Subaki 8 Orochi 10 Rinkah 10 Yukimura 10 Reina 12 Scarlet 10 Kaden 10 Xander 10 Camilla 10 Leo 10 Elise 10 Arthur 10 Effie 10 Niles 7 Odin 10 Nyx 10 Beruka 10 Selena 10 Laslow 10 Peri 10 Benny 10 Charlotte 10 Keaton 10 Gunter 10 Izana 10 Kana 10 Shigure 10 Dwyer 10 Sophie 10 Midori 10 Shiro 10 Kiragi 10 Asugi 10 Selkie 10 Hisame 10 Mitama 10 Caeldori 10 Rhajat 10 Siegbert 10 Forrest 10 Ignatius 10 Velouria 10 Percy 10 Ophelia 10 Soleil 10 Nina
  3. fify I lurked here a while ago and read things like "Yawn", "Penis" or similar contentless stuff so I was thinking this thread is going to die. Idk what happened here the last weeks and months. Actually I don't tend to hang around in chat threads anymore. Today I was just curious and checked out this thread and saw Crizix' post.
  4. So FE14 won. [spoiler=FE14 units] 10 Corrin 10 Azura 10 Felicia 10 Flora 10 Jakob 10 Mozu 10 Kaze 10 Silas 10 Shura 10 Ryoma 10 Hinoka 10 Sakura 10 Takumi 10 Hana 10 Setsuna 10 Azama 10 Kagero 10 Saizo 10 Hinata 10 Oboro 10 Subaki 10 Orochi 10 Rinkah 10 Yukimura 10 Reina 10 Scarlet 10 Kaden 10 Xander 10 Camilla 10 Leo 10 Elise 10 Arthur 10 Effie 10 Niles 10 Odin 10 Nyx 10 Beruka 10 Selena 10 Laslow 10 Peri 10 Benny 10 Charlotte 10 Keaton 10 Gunter 10 Izana 10 Kana 10 Shigure 10 Dwyer 10 Sophie 10 Midori 10 Shiro 10 Kiragi 10 Asugi 10 Selkie 10 Hisame 10 Mitama 10 Caeldori 10 Rhajat 10 Siegbert 10 Forrest 10 Ignatius 10 Velouria 10 Percy 10 Ophelia 10 Soleil 10 Nina Since this list is very long you may vote once each hour. Otherwise the voting rules are the exact same like in the previous competitions.
  5. Pretty much 80% of the mage girls look great. However I prefer FE9 > 10. Sage Calill and especially Ilyana look better. I don't even like Ilyana's outfit in 10 much. Not enough skin. As for Micaiah I like the tier 2 outfit the most. Idk why FE13 made them look like garden gnomes. Poor Miriel...
  6. I only come to this thread whenever I see a Crizzie post. Anyways Hi and how have you been?
  7. But with a steel or iron great lance she could double most enemies. Base Nephenee needs only one speed point to double Yeardley. Neph with the steel great lance has 80-85% accuracy at best if she has best (=good) and the opponent worst biorhythm. Wrath doesn't really help her all that much.
  8. Mainly uses pegasus knights as their badge. My location is the answer.
  9. Actually Nephenee is the most screwed unit in FE10 by the weapon weight system (if she hasn't FE9 boosts). 2-1 is a nightmare for her. She has hit and avoid issues and can't double anyone except for the fighters. Ed and Leo have base weapons which don't reduce their speed. Nolan has issues with his steel axe but thankfully you can buy weapons at the right time before enemies could double him. As for Jill you can forge an iron axe for her (I always recommend to do).
  10. Are you a good cook? Vanilla despite I prefer milkshakes.
  11. Soul hasn't answered all questions yet. Geez... Edit: Second vote goes to Midori Mage
  12. Cath Sith is the cutest along with this chick. However the best is Lucifer of course. It helps me to solo all side missions in DeSu 2 even with a total underleveled protagonist.
  13. It represents my personality. How is your skin ruined? (don't answer if you don't feel comfortable with)
  14. hell no I don't want to ruin my skin. Are you interested in body decoration?
  15. Never watched, played or collected Digimon, so Pokémon. (despite I only played two Pokémon games) Do or did you collect cards of videogame series?
  16. I only really hated Mario Party 9 and Fire Emblem Awakening. same question
  17. This chapter has the best ambush spawn in FE. Gameplaywise it's interesting but it's not one of my absolute favorites. Well, you have to defend a couple of houses. It's actually pretty tough to defend the house in the central west if you don't bring Titania or promoted Marcia. As for the civil defend I never could let them all alive. Even if I ignore the east side and go through the central house (BK), one myrmidon automatically dies after Zihark's recruitment.
  18. ^ Only watched a LP of KH2 a while ago partly. It looked interesting but I'm pretty sure I'd suck in this genre. What's your opinion of videogame crossovers?
  19. Do your prefer reading books or listening to audio plays? Normal water with much carbonic acid.
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