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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I eat them. Never faced one irl, though. Favorite LP on YT (if you have one)?
  2. I noticed that the post time matches the real time... for now.
  3. ^ red chili pepper Why no interest in the older FE parts?
  4. Knoll can use a hoplon guard at least. I haven't heared yet that FE14 gives you an item which prevents you from crits. (DLC maybe ?)
  5. FE6 had awful weapon balance. It disqualified axe and lance users. FE10 had awful characters' balance (availibility) and unbalanced difficulty (DB chapters are tough while the difficulty in the other two groups is rather easy). I also found mastery skills totally OP. However I liked that strength was the buffer for the weapon weight. It's fair for each class. FE5 was balanced and unbalanced at the same time for me. You can max out each stat of everyone theoretically with giving them scrolls. But classes are generalized since everyone has the exact same caps. FE4 was unbalanced in this way that non mounted units had a harder time to get levels since they tended to fall behind fast. Adding Tellius weapon weight in FE11 was a huge mistake. Mages always lost speed because they gained no strength.
  6. It's not as bad as in Thracia 776, so.
  7. 7. Is there any reason to change yourself in the future? 8. What could do FE10 better? 9. What's your opinon of SF? 10. Did you enjoy your interview? I never forget things. :P Awww :......( After watching Nealuchi oneround Ludveck I was so hyped to see more. I'm a bit sad but I understand you.
  8. Added the two latest suggestions and also added a few by myself. The voting time will last till tuesday.
  9. OMG... I'd adopt it immediately if the family would have to give it away. Your opinion about this horse?
  10. What was your first pet? violet If they're not dangerous I could imagine to pet them.
  11. Do the reinforcements monsters in Conquest's chapter 21 (which have a skill which don't give you battle experience) give you weapon experience at least?
  12. Are you satisfied with the first half of 2016? Hoshido Ah ok. I guess it's fixed now.
  13. Australia's east coast (Great Barrier Reef) Is SF very slow for you too?
  14. It's funny. He was the MVP in my first Conquest run. I never ever expected to see a fighter with the most kills in a FE run since I hate this class. My Arthur was blessed in defense and speed so I was a bit lucky. All in all he's far away from being the worst. Goddess icons and luck drinks (you can buy for each chapter) help. If his luck is still too low, pair him up with Effie to let him survive one crit or pair him with Elise to get more luck. Yeah, he was the worst unit statwise in my Birthright run. His only good point was his mobility.
  15. I' ve played CQ only once yet but Arthur was pretty damn good. Although he has no luck his defense was great enough (paired with Effie / Beruka) to survive a crit by most enemies with physical weapons. (I think he was critted only twice which weren't fatal.) Odin has the wrong class with his growths. He might be better if he's reclassed to a non magic class. (I haven't done it yet.) At least as a mage he was the most useless unit in my run.
  16. Well, Idc what next round is. (deleted poll) Either someone comes up with a random list or I'll let this thread die. Edit: Would you like to see FE14 characters (Birthright + Conquest in one list)?
  17. Only on normal because on higher difficulties I can't get enough experience for my units to take him out. Boyd with hammer, 34 speed and enough strength can oneround him.
  18. I switched my vote to Xenoblade to have a majority now. I won't be here the next days so someone else has to make a list and host this.
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