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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Your favorite site for searching fanart? http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=50877721 I cut the lewd part.
  2. Your favorite FE LP on Youtube? no Although I should because I really like these guys from PxZ2.
  3. Would you like to get some rain from me? If it was for free, then maybe. Yep, it was Mirror of Fate. I know it's not the best and most popular one.
  4. Have you ever had a thunderstorm going on with a length of 8h (and more) without interruptions? Played a bit the part for the 3DS (Idr the title) and I stopped very soon because I couldn't get into this.
  5. 4 DQ2: Luminaries of the Legendary Line 13 DQ3: Seeds of Salvation 7 DQ4: Chapters of the Chosen 7 DQ5: Hand of the Heavenly Bride 2 DQ6: Realms of Revelation 21 DQ7: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
  6. 6 DQ2: Luminaries of the Legendary Line 13 DQ3: Seeds of Salvation 9 DQ4: Chapters of the Chosen 7 DQ5: Hand of the Heavenly Bride 6 DQ6: Realms of Revelation 19 DQ7: Fragments of the Forgotten Past 0 DQ8: Journey of the Cursed King
  7. Is Vaike your favorite FE character? A Link Between Worlds As for someone like me who never could get into Zelda, this game worked much better for me than I thought and made me want to play more games of this series.
  8. 1 DQ1: Dragon Quest I 9 DQ2: Luminaries of the Legendary Line 10 DQ3: Seeds of Salvation 9 DQ4: Chapters of the Chosen 7 DQ5: Hand of the Heavenly Bride 8 DQ6: Realms of Revelation 18 DQ7: Fragments of the Forgotten Past 4 DQ8: Journey of the Cursed King 0 DQ9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
  9. #59: What would you do if someone's cheating in a video or board game? The library of my university is my favored place to use free internet too (like now). My WLAN internet is pretty much the worst. I have only 15 GB internet memory available each month. By watching videos or joining Skype calls this limit is reached very quickly. I see. I'm not the only person who uses WiFi in restaurants.
  10. ^ Idk. Never pay attention which sort of cheese I'm eating. I don't like mould cheese though. Favorite cheese dish?
  11. The last thing you normally do before you go to bed? I eat a few sorts of fish and shrimps but I'm not really a fan.
  12. 1. Your favorite videogame theme? 2. The best day in your life yet? 3. The weirdest situation you have been involved? 4. Is there a RPG series you haven't played yet but you want to try out soon? 5. Do your prefer watching Pokémon or The Simpsons?
  13. ^ Toren/Regret was already interviewed about a month ago (#72).
  14. #58: What would you do if you had no internet at home? (Just came up with this because it's the case for me currently)
  15. Despite I won't be able to follow this interview probably I vote for TheErrantShephard + Rezzy. Edit: Read too late that first has opted out for this week.
  16. #57: What would you do if you're looking forward a wanted event but circumstance(s) ruin it? Example: A cancelled meeting
  17. Like I said eariler I prefer to get hard copies. 16 GB should work. I don't tend to have more than 5-6 downloaded games. It's really only for special sales to save money.
  18. I searched for san-disc cards and figured out that they're not very expensive. However I must ask: Is any san-disc card compatible with the 3DS or could there a be a risk to damage the console? I'm still not sure what card exactly to buy.
  19. Fire Emblem x Tales of would be hilarious. At least one PXZ2 chapter is basically this. Are you a fanart hunter? My legs would freeze on cold days.
  20. I'm European. The currency exchange is almost 1:1. 30€ ~ 33$ Also you made me curious that I checked out my memory card. It has (laughable) 4GB. I own the FE13 edition. I could install exactly one more game besides FE13. Idk why Nintendo gave me this "huge" SD-card. Anyways now I know that my question was a little bit wrong since memory cards exist which can have more than 30 games.
  21. Dragon Quest game 10 I 10 II 10 III 10 IV 10 V 10 VI 10 VII 10 VIII 10 IX 10 X 10 XI
  22. Ok, I wanted to take advantage of the E3 special sale by Nintendo and buy a couple of games. It was the very first time ever that I tried to buy digital copies just because of the money savings. (I prefer to have hard copies) Spent 30€ for a couple of e-shop cards today. When I wanted to download the first game from the e-shop I got the message that my SD card doesn't have enough space anymore. I could solve this problem by deleting a few arcade games I never ever played. But for the second game there was no way to download it without getting a new SD card. So there's my question: What's the point of downloading games if you have to spend money for SD cards each time? (It's only one point of several which speaks against having digital copies.) Edit: My special problem is that Nintendo gave me a memory card with ridiculous low memory but it doesn't change my question. I'd have to invest extra money for a better SD card to download games for my 3DS.
  23. How much money do you spend for videogames in each year in average? It was strange but also cool to watch.
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