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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Well, I don't watch current movies except Star Wars or James Bond is in their title. If any I only watch movies of the 90s and before so Idk most of the popular actors of today. I didn't expect Hathaway is a common last name. At least Idk no one else except for Shakespeare's wife and now the actress.
  2. Your Setsuna image in your profile is gorgeous :)

  3. Watch snooker, darts and world cups in ice hockey and basketball. white I tend to prefer color art but it depends mostly on the artist. With a pen my nickname and the first letter of my last name. Do or die. vanilla
  4. v A tie between chapter 9 + 10 in Conquest. Actually 9 because I replayed it multiple times. I've beaten 10 in my very first attempt with visiting all the houses but at cost of two allies.
  5. 10 DQ3: Seeds of Salvation 2 DQ4: Chapters of the Chosen 6 DQ5: Hand of the Heavenly Bride 28 DQ7: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
  6. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45776416 Scarlet from FE14
  7. 12 DQ3: Seeds of Salvation 5 DQ4: Chapters of the Chosen 7 DQ5: Hand of the Heavenly Bride 25 DQ7: Fragments of the Forgotten Past Cap is lifted.
  8. The last videogame which disappointed you. After reading what it is, it sounds somewhat interesting.
  9. That's actual the only one Anne Hathaway I've heared of till i realized here that a movie actress with the same name exists which is strangely enough (pseudonym?).
  10. It's almost impossible to beat a normal leveled Ike with only tier two units due to his defense boost of Ragnell. Although I guess you could "cheat" a bit by equipping Ike a worse weapon at the end of 3-11 and attack him in 3-13 before he starts to move and changes to Ragnell. Third tier Jill with pass, parity, brave or forged axe is the easiest way for me. Micaiah's purge and Volug with high speed (high enough to double Ike) and at least S strike also can do lots of damage to him. Edit: Iirc Ike doesn't count as boss so you won't get +20 boss experience. It's satisfying to kill him but it doesn't bring you too much. He gives as much experience as a transformed Laguz.
  11. @ Shinpichu peach Have you any interest in Tokyo mirage sessions?
  12. How spicy should a sauce be? Actually I haven't even followed it. Only noticed the E3 sale in the e-shop.
  13. Gameplaywise Dawn Brigade because their chapters in hard more are the perfect difficulty for me in FE. You have to care about some fragile units including the lord, Micaiah against enemies with serious stats. I love 1-3, 1-F, 3-6 and 3-13 because of their difficulty. Only 1-9 is annoying if Micaiah is bad. CK's and GM's have some units who are much higher level than the enemies so their chapters are less challenging. However part 2 features two of my absolute favorite chapters in FE: 2-P and 2-E
  14. Yeah, there's the danger of a snowball effect. The result of the Brexit brought some other countries into the arena. France's and Netherlands' opposition (in form of Geert Wilders) want to have a referendum in their country as soon as possible. The anti-EU policy rised noticable. Austria almost elected an EU opponent as Federal President. Roma has a new mayoress now who also tends to do rather have anti European policy. It's kinda weird that the clamour against the policy of the EU mainly started after the refugee crisis, a non economic topic. Even after the Greek crisis the reservations weren't publicised as much as now.
  15. What's the maximum of temperature in your location? I'd say heat becuase I don't really know what real cold is. Temperatues at ~-10°C are the lowest I have.
  16. Here are some reasons mentioned: http://www.vox.com/2016/6/22/11992106/brexit-arguments Edit: Not only economial points were the reason. The refugee politics of the EU also affected this.
  17. The last action of yours you regretted after a time. no
  18. This is pretty much the answer. These senators are rather higher leveled enemies than the others so it's more worth to kill them, especially on hard mode.
  19. It's certain now. Great Britain is going to leave the European Union after a very small majority voted for it in the referendum. This result has massive consequences for all members in the EU, the EU itself but also for the future of GB. England is a new government lately. Theresa May takes over David Cameron's job as Prime Minister. Against all expectations she chosed the major Brexit-proponent Boris Johnson as foreign minister. England is in danger to get isolated economially and the EU is in danger to break apart. After the "Brexit" EU-opponents in France and Netherlands tasted blood and want to establish a referendum in their country too. In general the number of the EU-critics raised in the past months. What's your opinion of the "Brexit"?
  20. same question for one single character Tellius and Judgral
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