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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. It is nice to see more trophies and Pit´s and Kirby´s final smash are improved. Kirby´s final smash is the ultra sword: HELL YES!!! I do not tend to buy a Wii U just because SSB4. The games do not interest me except for Pikmin 3 and SMTxFE. If the 3DS version will be a little worse, it would not a be big deal for me. Therefore I can get it earlier.
  2. Cigarettes are not only dangerous for smokers. Many passive smokers suffer from the same health implications like smokers. Headaches, sickness, asthma right up to lung cancer. About 600.000 people died of passive smoking every year. The smell of cigarettes smoke is a huge problem for non smokers especially on parties. So I would like to ask you, if smoking should only be legalized in special places (at home, in special pubs or sth. else.)?
  3. Do you really want to get more "copycats" in Smash Bros? This is really the last thing I want to see! SSBB had enough of them!
  4. Why should Daisy be added? We have enough Mario characters and princesses already! You can play as Peach and use her outfit. What moves should Pac-Man get? I would prefer other characters from Namco. Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia would be more reasonable. King K. Rool would be cool and possible, although he and the Kremlings are not used as enemies in the latest DK games.
  5. 64: Kirby, Pikachu, Captain Falcon Melee: Marth, Captain Falcon, Peach Brawl: Kirby, Meta Knight, Game and Watch, Snake I prefer light characters with good airgame. I was never good with slow, akward or heavy characters like DK, Bowser, Ganondorf, Zelda and EVEN Ike.
  6. I am the great Ikey-poo, and my "Great Aether" will cut at you!
  7. Finally I got the JP copy of Tales of Vesperia and I am going to start to play it tomorrow besides ToX! I am very excited about it, because it will be a totally new challenge to play a game on Japanese, although I cannot speak and understand one word Japanese. I have played FE12 on JP, but that was not a big deal, because the icons and symbols helped to understand it fast without any JP knowledge. Till the moment the translation patch will be released, I try to give my best. I have watched a few of episodes of the beginning of two LPs already, so I hope the entrance will not be too bad. After I have played some parts, I will watch the LP till the point I came to understand the story. I really hope, it will work.
  8. After resetting and watching lunatic+ stuff of "Interceptor" and Rey, I could beat finally chapter 2 after 10 tries! I gave my avatar defense+, so I could use him more. In my first run I used Frederick too much and my avatar was underleveled. Now he is level 13. I think it is enough. Chapter 3 will be even worse, if Rey says it is the hardest chapter. I will take a break for the moment. The main point I hate that enemy skill are completly random. I always restarted, when an enemy has luna+ and hawkeye. Thanks to all the people, who gave me the tips and instructions! Without your help, I would still stuck in chapter 2!
  9. Here are some of my favourites: Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - Snowmad's Island Kirby Triple Deluxe - Dirty & Beauty The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Ghirahim Battle Fire Emblem Awakening - Divine Decree Super Mario 3D World - Sunshine Seaside Kid Icarus - Dark Pit Kirby's Return to Dream Land - Galacta Knight There are some themes from the Sonic and Starfox series, which should be added as well.
  10. I like the idea to create an own unit and chose him/her a class. But he/she should not be the main part of the story like in FE13. The avatar like in FE12 would be good.
  11. I only think that characters from the latest part of a game series should be added. The character rooster has to be be up to date. Series like Metroid, Mother and Fire Emblem are not as popular as Mario, Zelda, Kirby or Pokemon so they got less character spaces (2max). I think Lucas will be dropped as well, because Mother 3 is too old. Marth is the mascot of the FE series, so there is only one space left for another FE character. Roy was up to date in 2002 and Ike in 2008. And now I expect to see a character of FE13, because it is the latest game.
  12. Hmm... a delayed easteregg. The past showed, that a character from the latest FE game was added in SSB. And FE13 is the latest game for SSB4. It would really wonder me, if this "tradition" would be broken.
  13. I am a little bit surprised that still people think Ike will return. Roy did not return in SSBB, because he was outdated, when SSBB came out. Ike replaced him, because the Tellius series was up to date at this moment. And six years later the Tellius series is outdated and there is no way to bring out a sequel of Radiant Dawn. That would not be fair and consequent by Nintendo, if Ike would stay while Roy was dropped. A character of Awakening will join. It is only the question which character. I think Ganondorf will stay in SSB, because he is the most evil villain of Nintendo and this game needs villains. It is the same reason, why Wolf should return. But Ganondorf needs a new moveset. He was just a copycat of Captain Falcon, who reminded me on a slow version of a character in the "Street Fighter" series. Ganondorf has to get attacks with his sword.
  14. Thank you for sharing it! Without Rey´s guide I never could not beat this mode. Watching chapter 2 helped me a lot. I restarted my playthrough, because I used Frederick too much and my avatar was underleveled only level 7 before chapter 2. I gave my avatar defense +. I could beat the prologue at once and I only needed one restart in chapter 1. Chapter 2 was more painful but after 8 tries (I believe) I could beat it, because the better defense of my avatar was the key to success! Seriously I have no mind to play chapter 3 at the moment, because the 3 previous maps took me enough time and energy!
  15. Which music should be added in SSB4?
  16. ...I dunno, DIDN'T it have pretty bad publicity....? I think the Tellius series was more popular, after SSBB hade come out. Many people (like me) did not know even the existance of FE9 + 10 and were introduced to these games through Ike´s appearance in SSBB. But at this point (end of 2008 in EU) the Tellius games were sold hardly any because of the bad sales before SSBB was released.
  17. "Mary Sue" is the description only for female characters. The male description would be "Marty Stu", "Gary Sue". And Ike is not a "Marty Stu character". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sue
  18. I have only played the JP version of FE12 (I do not get an emulator) twice and have not done a speed run yet, so I could answer only a few of your questions. Hope that helps a little bit.
  19. I only like her backstory. I never really used her as unit. Her stats are not that good, if I recruit her.
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