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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Nice. More Laguz units. :) I'd be happy with any of them, though I guess Caineghis will be the one I want the most.
  2. I don't have too much of a problem with it. In a way, it makes decisions for New Hero banners easier. If you're the type who went and drew on banners not caring about the focuses but to see if you could get anything else, now it's easier to make a decision. If you truly don't care for New Heroes and want a Gen 1 5*, you can continue saving for that occasion. Now one thing I'll be curious about is if we see an increase in sub banners focusing on Gen 1 5*'s to make up for it.
  3. Yeah, I don't get why some are up in arms over them not talking about DL. Whatever the collab is probably isn't coming for a while anyway.
  4. Decent channel to me. Aether Resort looks like a nice casual thing. Might not spend too much time on it, but it's nice. And I don't see any problem with the Gen 1 5*. They're still there, just less likely to pity break you when going for New Heroes. They'll still likely have plenty of skill banners and what not to give chances to get those units. I'm okay with that.
  5. Great. Time for them to announce more stuff that people will ultimately just call "disappointing". Seriously, it's like clockwork how often those reactions come up after every single Feh Channel. But I digress, hoping for some good stuff. Probably a little too early for them to reveal what the next hero banner will be. I'm guessing much of that 14 minute runtime will be tied to a new mode or something.
  6. I'd say they're going to have to get creative at some point since there aren't enough literal gods or divine beings to fill up 20 slots (assuming they're going to get the new effects just like Legendary Heroes). Once they're done with gods or super-powered dragons, all that's really left is to probably do lore characters (Anri, Tellius 3 Heroes, 12 Crusaders, Elibe's 8 Legends, etc). Though now that I think about the 8 Legends, Brammimond would be awesome, and we need some excuse to get Apocalypse in the game since they didn't give it to Raigh or Sophia (and Niime likely isn't getting it).
  7. I'd like to see some videos focusing on each house individually. If they really want choosing a house to be a big choice, why not make some trailers highlighting each one so players can have an idea of what to see.
  8. I'll just keep it very simple. I want Legendary/Mythic Heroes from Genealogy. Literally the only game that has gotten none so far....and apparently no one else wants judging by other answers in this thread.
  9. Haha! Very nice. :D Hel better be the fastest axe in the game when she becomes playable.
  10. This holiday always seems to sneak up on me. I always forget about it until the first prank happens.
  11. I thank you for the Micaiah mention. Giving both her and Ninian a Fire blessing helped make that map easier finally. Third map was also a pain but putting Valentine Ike and Legendary Roy together proved to be a winning combo eventually. That was definitely the biggest pain these Gardens have been in some time. Just glad I was actually able to pull through.
  12. Is anyone else getting as curbstomped on the new Fire Garden map as I am? Just the first map is insane. Seriously, against 5 units all with inflated HP and good luck using any armors to bait because the Cavalier has an Armorslayer. I'm not seeing how this is even beatable.
  13. She sounded like an old lady trying to sound like a child in RD and failing. Listen to the final cutscene after Ashera's defeat and it's a very deep voice.
  14. I would find it a little hilarious if they'd rather put Dragalia Lost characters in the game over Fire Emblem spin-offs like Warriors and TMS. Not that I care either way. If they make a Dragalia banner, it's an easy pass. Their characters are incredibly bland. Don't even really have any interest in Dragalia honestly. I don't want to play any more gachas. I only tolerate it for FEH because it's Fire Emblem.
  15. Yeah, it's nice that Embla is more or less established at this point of being the dark god behind the blood curse (as they were kind of ambiguous about it in earlier Books). Edit: You know, after going through that entire Twitter section, it's too bad there wasn't any preview on Lif. I would have loved to know what special talents he had, if Thrasir was capable of razing realms.
  16. Something else I've noticed of late. This doesn't relate to Book 3 specifically but is story related. I really like how even more of the side content these days is actually adding more to the world and characters, as opposed to the largely useless stuff we were getting when the game first came out. The Forging Bonds stories have greatly improved. I'd argue Velouria's storyline is the best development Sharena has has since the game began. And now even the Tempest Trials are slowly moving things along, bringing Bruno's journey and up to speed and pretty much giving us an idea of who we'll be fighting eventually most likely.
  17. Lif and Thrasir intrigue me a lot. I really hope they give them the spotlight they need.
  18. You know, speaking of Cipher, there's one thing I find a little strange about the Heroes OC's. Maybe it's just me but it's odd how some characters have very basic classes. Like, it's one thing for Alfonse and Sharena to simply be Lord and Princess, but Lif and Thrasir's classes are simply Myrmidon and Dark Mage. I don't know. Maybe I just expected something a little more unique coming from such individuals.
  19. Huh, with a description like that, maybe they'll make her a Mythic Hero. :D Not saying I expect that (because I don't), but crazier things have happened.
  20. So Spring Loki is by Awakening/Fates art director. That explains so much.
  21. He's referred to as that because that's what the humans called him. Humans have a tendency to refer to anything that is absurdly powerful as a "god". Manaketes are not gods. That is entirely false. Even Naga in Awakening basically says this. Humans call her a god but she does not consider herself as such. So, in this case, "god" is entirely there because they felt it sounded good.
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