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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Yeah, I don't really get what they were thinking with Ignatius's Paralogue. Even with using every trick in the book, it takes a while to reach his location and he can easily get killed well before you get to him.
  2. I just noticed, Soren and Mist are introducing new color tomes. They ever going to remember that we still don't have Red and Green Serpent tomes?
  3. Ugh, they just had to throw Soren in there.... Gotta say though, Mist has a pretty cute design here.
  4. Well, who knows. Could happen. Makes me wonder who they might potentially use if any more Book 3 characters become Mythic Heroes. 3 of our Legendary Heroes are Book 2 OC's.
  5. Interesting. Guess we're getting a special Falchion or Tyrfing this time.
  6. Yeah, Sharena's appearance in the Book 3 artwork is perhaps the thing I find most intriguing so far, and I really want to see how that particular aspect unfolds.
  7. Yeah, I really like that picture. They look good in those clothes. :)
  8. Lif will likely be on a Book 3 banner with Thrasir and Hel like with the Book 2 characters. As for Bruno, guess that depends on what IS does with him.
  9. Sad but not unexpected. It's not going to change until they finally get the nerve to remake Genealogy and bring it to the West. They're going to be held back by being Japan-only until such a time, no matter what Heroes does.
  10. Considering how CYL follows a family theme for the most part, I wouldn't be surprised if Alm got a look based on Rudolf.
  11. Wow, Alm got the highest amount of votes overall by a pretty decent margin over Micaiah. And nearly twice the amount of votes that Marth got.
  12. The fact that it's still Spring 2019 on the investor's thing is nice, although still a grain of salt since they said 2018 last year before E3 pushed it into 2019. Still, my prediction remains May 2019, unless February comes and goes with no info.
  13. If it's true, then it's a near perfect result for me. Alm winning was the biggest thing I wanted. As for the females, Micaiah is a worthy winner. And while Camilla didn't get completely knocked out as I would have preferred, she did still get knocked down to 2nd which means Micaiah gets the Prf skill. Overall, a good result.
  14. I don't get the lukewarm response either. Gaiden/Echoes finally has a Legendary/Mythic character, and it happens to be a character we've never controlled before. It's not even an alt. It's a new character. And yet everyone is still down in the dumps on it. I'll never understand this fanbase.
  15. Well, you only get to see Duma's human form by seeing the Prism Memory found in the post-game dungeon.
  16. So my final tally. 1. Alm 2. Nino 3. Thrasir 4. Micaiah 5. Alm 6. Bruno 7. Alm
  17. Eh, the reputation of the Smash community is already in the gutter. This just seems par for the course.
  18. Don't really care. Fire Emblem really isn't something where I look for postgame a whole lot.
  19. Most likely not the turnwheel itself, but I could see TH having it's own version of it.
  20. Welp, in light of recent events, Vote No.4 for me goes for Micaiah.
  21. Sadly, I think the amount of people who are sick of her are a minority. The sad truth is that many people love a pandering character like her, hence why she gets featured so often. Makes me sick just thinking about it. She's basically a sex object, and apparently that's all that's needed for some people. I hate it.
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