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Avril Lavigne

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Posts posted by Avril Lavigne

  1. This post might be horribly formatted cause I'm on mobile.

    Anyways, you know how Markyjoe gave the pointer for map changes in his tiled tutorial? Well i kind of want to figure out how to find that for the cutscene only maps (so like outside fort and outside araphen) because there are actually map change pointers for those maps

    Or can I just add my own random pointer? Not sure how it works and this might be a dumb question but I wanna make map changes on those maps.

  2. I WANT TO DO THIS but it will seriously delay my project so much. Eh. I dunno maybe I can show my potential.... Which is not really spriting and mugs. I am not very good in that field so I probably won't mess with that. But I am very very very interested in participating. I haven't made an awesome, crazy, unique chapter yet (not at that stage in my hack yet cause I'm still in the early chapters) and this gives me a perfect excuse to do so. I might actually start when I get home from work. Awesome idea

  3. FEXP if I hear correctly has no limits to what you do, but ROM hacking does. But ROMs are more applicable between platforms. For example you can play ROMs on your phone and Wii or Wii U with a soft mod. But I don't think you can play FEXP games like that.

  4. Hello everyone

    By the title of this thread, I assume we can talk about FE romhacking

    Here's my problem, I made a sprite, this :


    But when I try to load it with FEditor, it doesn't work T_T

    Anyone, please help me, the struggle is real >_<

    Any future questions or uncertainties should be posted in the Questions subforum.

    As for your answer, it may be a colour problem. You might have accidentally added more than the allowed limit, or there's just a graphical issue. I recommend posting this in Questions as well.

    Please read the rules and guidelines!

  5. That still didn't seem to help. Next time use more detail.

    Usually this problem occurs with the promotional item itself. I don't know if you're having trouble with that but I'll tell you anyway. In the Class Editor (Nightmare), it tells you what you want to promote the class to. So when you apply the promotional item of your choosing to that character with that class, it should promote them.

    The way you edit which classes the promotional items work on, you have to go to the Item Editor and find the promotional item module (duh). It allows you to point to a custom offset for you. Then there's a module that allows you to edit these offsets to the desired classes that you want promoted with that item.

    I don't know if that is what you are looking for but you didn't say too much and it makes it difficult for us to know what you want help with.

  6. I like RD's story and think it's the best in the series.

    Conversely, I consider PoR's story to be the dullest, most cliche story in the series to date.

    I don't give a rat's arse about support conversations and character development, and consider RD to have the best support system.

    I consider PoR to be a mediocre game.

    I consider Shadow Dragon to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

    I will not be buying either FE:Fates or SMTxFE.

    I'm not interested in playing any FE game older than PoR.

    In my opinion, Kaga leaving the series is the best thing that has ever happened to FE.

    There is one Pegasus Knight that I consider to be decent enough to actually use.

    I'm not really that much of a FE fan.

    Wait a minute, I don't know exactly why you are browsing these forums.... I know this isn't a controversial topic thread, but I could not feel more compelled to reply. Based on the information you've given, you've only played like 4 Fire Emblems, and you shat on basically all of them except one. And you won't play anything older than PoR? ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!? The GBA series is honestly I think the series I like best. It's so stripped down and uncomplicated and I love it. I'm not saying I don't like a challenge, I just like that it doesn't have a bunch of unnecessary features.

    To each their own I guess... this critique just seems a little "off" based on the little amount you've played.

  7. Yeah, 16 tracks and 12 notes. 11 notes of you wanna be a stickler about sound effects not cutting out your music, but that's only for footsteps on the map and battle sound effects.

    Soooo Agro.... I have the "12 track" patch applied... does this mean it's actually 16 tracks? Do I need to apply another patch?

    Or can anyone else tell me what the deal is with that? CAUSE THAT IS AWESOME

  8. 4. The easiest one to answer. In Nightmare, there's a specified battle conversation editor. You can adjust it to your liking on whichever chapter you like.

    6. You need Event Assembler, and if you only want to remove that event instead of create your own, disassemble the chapter. You must go to Nightmare and open the Event Table References module and go to the desired chapter. Then you must take the offset that is provided (subtract 8000000) and put it in Event Assembler, and disassemble the Whole Chapter to a .txt file of your choosing. Then, if you understand Eventing codes and language, find where the Karel and Harken entrance events are and delete them from the file and then re-assemble it back into the ROM.

    That's all I can help you with right now.

  9. Use permanent event IDs. Any ID greater than 0x65 is stored away by the game and can be referenced in later chapters. Be wary of the very high number IDs (idk, somewhere around 0xA0). They tend to be glitchy and don't always store like they should.

    So basically anything below 0x65 is a non-permanent ID, and most things above 0x65 are permanent?

    Thanks btw

  10. How do you make it so that if an event was/wasn't triggered it affects an outcome of a different chapter? So if event was/wasn't triggered on chapter 1 then later on in the game in chapter 5 that event's importance comes into play.

  11. I need help with map sprite inserting, I can't seem to get the map sprite I inserted over an existing moving map sprite to work, I'm inserting it over the one which is used by the "Empty" class 0x61, help?

    So are you using the Misc Map Sprite editor in Nightmare? Because if you are, class 0x61 is actually in the 0x60 slot there. It's weird. Everything is shifted down by 1 in that module (I am using old-school Nightmare, not sure if it's the same with the new), and make sure your Graphics Pointer is different than your Animation Pointer. You can use Animation Pointers from other classes too. I haven't found that it does any harm.

    Just see if that works, and if not, then someone more knowledgeable than myself will come to correct my mistakes and help you!

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