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Avril Lavigne

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Posts posted by Avril Lavigne

  1. So here's the story in one coherent narrative.

    In the land of Japan, where weird ass anime is produced, there was one person in there that thought "Hey, i should change everything!" and he started to devise a plan to change his country. But then he took an arrow to the knee and fell off of a bridge in Tokyo. But then he was saved by Santa Craus (the Japanese Santa Claus), and Santa Craus told him that he must travel across the magical land of, weeaboos Japan to find five McGuffin devices so he could defeat Satan. Along the way he befriended a strange horned fellow, one with red skin and a goatee, and his name was Bob. Bob was a poet, but the hero didn't know it. Thus, by the instructions of Santa Craus, the two had traveled Weeabooland together in search of the McGuffins, finding the first three with relative ease. However they soon met the evil sorceror, "Insert generic evil sounding name here" and Santa Craus in an epic plot twist was killed. When "Insert generic evil sounding name here" killed Santa Craus, the hero and Bob were desperate and didn't know what to do. Then "Insert generic evil sounding name here" was approaching them while casting a deadly spell. Bob and the hero were horrified, until the hero thought of a plan. "It's so crazy it just might work" said the hero, and stepped forth to enact his plan. While the sorcerer was about to cast the spell, and the hero was getting ready to put his plan to work, the evil sorcerer tripped on his robe and hit his head on a stone and died. Then Bob and the hero shrugged and collected the 4th McGuffin and went onward. But there was a problem. Bob was the final McGuffin! And in another plot twist, Bob was also Satan. "What? You're Satan?!" said the hero to Bob. "No fucking shit!" said SatanBob. Except that creates a plot hole because in order to destroy Satan, the hero needs the five McGuffin devices, and one of those is Bob, but Bob is Satan so therefore, it makes it impossible to collect all the McGuffin devices. And then SatanBob fell into the plothole and and died. HAPPY END. OR IS IT?!?!?!?!?!?

    Sequel comes out October 32, 2105 - Can't wait!

    This was good. I wouldn't mind seeing an expansion on this haha


    Don't just put 3 words unless it is a 3 worded sentence that make a sentence. For example, if you are going to talk about a location, you can say

    In [Location], [Location Name], [General Statement about what happens in said location]

    But it doesn't have to be that. Just make sure your sentence has some substance to it, give the next person an opening to be even more creative!

  3. Enemies will autolevel based on class growths and never character growths, FYI.

    How much are you modifying the growths by? Mages have really low bases. You're setting the autolevel flag to "true" in your events, right? And also restarting the chapter?

    Maybe a bit of a stretch but try to load a different character ID as a Mage and see what happens.

    I shall try this when I get home. And yeah, I kinda figured it was based on class growths. And the autoleveling was on because when I put level 20 as their level to compare with base stats, there was a serious lack of growth but there was definitely some stat changes. But yeah I'll try to fix this when I get home.
  4. DAAAMN it's been forever since I logged in. I've been so damn busy though. Not sure if I'll get much done on my project anytime soon. Still in a pretty early stage of development...really can't wait to get the time to really hack again. But I'll use this for the future.

    Anyways, I had tried autoleveling a Mage with the character ID 0x3E. I noticed that its growth was awful. I put the level up to 20 and everything was around or under 10. I adjusted it's growth in the Class Editor, didn't work. Tried edited 0x3E's growth, didn't work. Tried one at a time, and both at the same time, didn't work. Tested with other classes, worked. MAGES (and there might be others, hopefully not) DEFY THE LAWS OF NIGHTMARE! I actually want competent autoleveled mages instead of the shit ones.

    What other step do I need to do, or am I shit out of luck? It's weird though, usually not this hard because other classes I can adjust their class growth and it will appear to change accordingly.

  5. So I'm late to the party. But what did last year's iterations look like? I wouldn't mind trying something cool. I just need an example to work off of.

    EDIT: And who would I submit it to? I have an idea. Not sure if you guys will like it, but hey, worth a try

  6. define starting screen? do you mean the title screen or..?

    Title Screen Background. You know, the "Press Start" section where the FIRE EMBLEM logo is. But that part (The FE logo) I edited to my... somewhat preference, aside from the palette--which is why I'm here haha

  7. What is UT and GBATEK??? Dumb it down for me I'm not that smart haha

    And no, I haven't inserted the palette. It's image 1369 (Title Screen Background) with palette 66AF6C. I will edit it and it's still blue (pretty much repeating myself). When I try to insert my palette the graphics go haywire and look decompressed when I try to replace the palette.

  8. It appears as though I'm having trouble with the palettes. How do you change them? I changed them in Usenti and then when I open my graphics in-game on the start screen they're all still the same colours. I always return it back to it's original palette (if it isn't already) and then save and make sure everything is the same except obviously the graphics I've edited and the colour palette of said graphics. But, like I said, won't change. Help?

  9. yes; the max for any stat in gba is 31 due to the way stats are stored in memory

    the game only stores the last 5 bits of each non-hp stat, and it'll reset to that after every resume/battle/whatever

    in layman's terms, take the remainder of the stat when divided by 32. That's your new stat.

    Huh.... well how do you fix this exactly? You said something about "layman's terms"? Is it possible to make a stat above 31?

  10. I'm glad the literal Avril Lavigne is into hacking old gba games~~~

    Well hey, everyone's got a hobby... some have unknown hobbies. I'm one of those people I guess :) YOU GUYS ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO KNOW!!! <3

  11. http://feuniverse.us/t/fe7-the-official-ai-documentation-thread/348

    Have a read through this thread and see whether or not you can follow on.

    Essentially, each AI byte corresponds to a pointer within a table. These are located at:

    Pointer table for primary AI: B98994 (20 entries)
    Pointer table for secondary AI: B98908 (35 entries)

    So AI1 0x01 corresponds to the first pointer etc.

    That pointer goes to a set of data that designates what the AI does.

    So you need to follow the "pointer trail" as it were to set an AI up to move to a certain location.

    For example, AI byte 2 is this:

    0x13 = Move to \[03,13] (B98718)

    So you need to go to $B98908 and find the 0x13th pointer within there. Then you go to that address of the pointer and there should be a series of AI commands.

    You will almost certainly not be able to decipher most of it but somewhere there you'll probably see a pair of bytes that are 03 0B (or 0B 03, I can't remember if they're reversed or not)

    You would change those bytes to the coordinates you want that AI to go to, then change AI Byte 2 of the character (in your events) to 0x13

    Occasionally these AI commands contain yet ANOTHER pointer, which is usually a pointer to a list of characters or classes. (One application of this would be "do not attack all characters listed at $FFFF00".)

    Crazycolorz5 even made an extension of the event assembler which allows you to piece together your own custom AI. It's definitely work checking out, although I haven't had the opportunity to use it yet.

    Does that make sense?

    Hey thanks! I'll let you know soon. I appreciate this. I am kinda busy I'll look at this in a bit.

    EDIT: Yup, already checked! At B98718 it shows "03 0D" which is essentially "3,13" so I would just edit that and then place it in my characters AI such as "0x00 0x13"?

    And yeah, I'll check that custom AI thing out. Sorry for the lazy response. Just don't got all that much time to be testing stuff out haha

  12. MY BIRTHDAY IS REALLY SOON, SEPT 27th, it'll be my 31st birthday! Except not with Chad cause we're getting a divorce already... it was a short lived marriage.

    But hey, I got to perform with Taylor Swift on her tour! So that was pretty cool. It's been an eventful ride.

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