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Avril Lavigne

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Posts posted by Avril Lavigne

  1. So you know how when you're editing a Drum Voice Table, you have to correspond the voice numbers with a note? I gathered up a list I thought would make sense:

    [spoiler=Notes and Voice Numbers]C0 is 0
    C#0 is 1
    D0 is 2
    D#0 is 3
    E0 is 4
    F0 is 5
    F#0 is 6
    G0 is 7
    G#0 is 8
    A1 is 9
    A#1 is 10
    B1 is 11
    C1 is 12
    C#1 is 13
    D1 is 14
    D#1 is 15
    E1 is 16
    F1 is 17
    F#1 is 18
    G1 is 19
    G#1 is 20
    A2 is 21
    A#2 is 22
    B2 is 23
    C2 is 24
    C#2 is 25
    D2 is 26
    D#2 is 27
    E2 is 28
    F2 is 29
    F#2 is 30
    G2 is 31
    G#2 is 32
    A3 is 33
    A#3 is 34
    B3 is 35
    C3 is 36
    C3# is 37
    D3 is 38 ---- Correct!
    D#3 is 39
    E3 is 40
    F3 is 41 ---- Correct!
    F#3 is 42
    G3 is 43 (45?)
    G#3 is 44
    A4 is 45
    A#4 is 46
    B4 is 47 (56?)
    C4 is 48 (May be 47)
    C#4 is 49 ---- Correct!
    D4 is 50
    D#4 is 51
    E4 is 52
    F4 is 53
    F#4 is 54
    A5 is 55
    A#5 is 56
    B5 is 57
    C5 is 58
    C#5 is 59
    D5 is 60
    D#5 is 61
    E5 is 62
    F5 is 63
    F#5 is 64
    G5 is 65
    G#5 is 66
    A6 is 67
    A#6 is 68
    B6 is 69
    C6 is 70
    C#6 is 71
    D6 is 72
    D#6 is 73
    E6 is 74
    F6 is 75
    F#6 is 76
    G6 is 77
    G#6 is 78

    As you can see, there are some that are verified correct and some that are uncertain. That's because when I changed the voice at that number it changed. So I'm not entirely sure which note corresponds to which.

    But I'm having an issue with one particular note... A3. Somehow I changed it once, to a voice I didn't want to, and now I'm going back to change it and I've tried all the voices around and including 33, and obviously I know where to stop seeing as I have confirmed other notes around 33 as well. So I don't have to test too many. But I test a lot of notes and it seems as though A3 is hiding from me, and it's been impossible to go back and change again. Or maybe I'm wrong about this note thing, but I can refer to this and it appears to be accurate most times except for A3.

    Or is there an easier way to track down a note where I can add my Drum Voice? Maybe someone can provide me with their own list! Cause mine is definitely not 100% correct yet. I don't know. Music insertion isn't really my forte, along with many other things that hacking entails. But if anyone can help me, that would be awesome. Thanks!

  2. How do you construct an AI for the unit to go to a specific place? Like the same as Hector chapter 15 (Talons Alight?) where you are to defend the throne. I was wondering how to do this. I disassembled the chapter to figure it out and I'm not really savvy with the AI format that I get when I disassemble a chapter event, and not only that I'm not entirely sure how I would use this AI to target a specific area or person.

    Please help! Thanks.

  3. I use DxTory personally. There are other options like Fraps or Camtasia, I'd recommend those too (Camtasia also has a video editor. Both it's video editor AND recording is kinda subpar to other options, but you get both and they're good enough for GBA games for sure. If you wanna do HD recordings? Not recommended.)

    DxTory is good because it records multiple audio streams and supports multiple codecs. I think it's around $37 USD.

    Fraps is pretty run-of-the-mill and it's been around forever. A little dated but it has great lossless quality.

    You could also use OBS as a free option. I don't know much about OBS though. I've heard it takes a bit to set up as well and has some issues to look out for.

    But I don't know how you get it on your VBA. I'm not getting a recording function on the emulator itself. I thought DxTory would only record stuff that is an actual game, but not an emulator, unless I'm missing something. But it doesn't seem to be working with my VBA.

    EDIT: WAIT. It magically worked. Yay. Thanks Theguru1020

  4. Which programs do people use to LP?

    I notice that a lot of people seem to have the best software and get great recording results, and I've had no luck with previous recording programs I used. It would lag like crazy and be choppy terrible quality video-wise but audio would be fine. Then if I did find one with good video then audio would be muted (and yes, I did check the settings in them). I had a program but it just so happen to disappear because I remembered that I updated my laptop a while back and it must have gone away with it, and that one was good, near perfect. But I can't seem to find it. This would be great help seeing as I need to do some recording.

  5. just nintendo copyright things. folks on feu talked about it in detail so if you wanna get caught up you can go there.

    (fee3 is still happening, sorry for the confusion)

    By the way, if you're ready to submit now you can go ahead and submit your entries to those responsible for the LP's and stuff.

    This is especially the case for me, the sooner the better. and for real, no later than the 20th!

    Oh yeah.... this might be noob question but am I just supposed to PM someone with a link to my trailer??? Cause I'm not sure if I'm releasing a patch yet. And I'm not quite sure what to do with my content haha

  6. You know how in the Nightmare Modules there is Death Quote editor Part 1 and Death Quote editor Part 2/3?

    Well I tested it on a chapter very late into the game and noticed that none of my Part 2 Quotes are actually changing. I would adjust some things on a Part 2/3 death quote to test it and it would not change AT ALL! I tested it in early chapters and in late chapters. No change. I adjusted the quotes... nothing. I would do ANYTHING. I would trigger Game Over ID and nothing.

    Then I would adjust Part 1 death quote and it magically worked. Not cool because Part 1 only deals with event pointers which is a lot harder to fool around with then it just letting me type in the text ID and I don't want to do that forever. I need help. I think it just thinks in Lyn Mode or something and I need to get it into Eliwood or Hector mode.

    How would I fix this issue?

  7. So in GBAGE it will tell you that the image is at (EXAMPLE ONLY) offset FFDDCC. So you need to Export it, then edit more icons onto it. Then, you want to put it address (EXAMPLE ONLY) $10000C0. So you Import the image back in to $10000C0, then search and replace all instances of CC DD FF 08 with C0 00 00 09 in a hex editor. Make sense?

    UUGGHHH Yesssss I completely forgot about this.... thanks

  8. Just take the file out of the rom with gbage and put it back in where you want it to be located and tell it to move the pointers

    How do I tell it to move the pointers?? Do I do that in GBAGE? Sorry I'm still at work so I can check which program to use. But please tell me which one and how-to on that program!!! That would be awesome (even though I might already know how to do it)

  9. Hey I'm at so I'm sorry if the format of the post is weird. I just thought about this and kind of wanted to ask it now and deal with it when I get off of work. So what I'm asking is...

    How do I repoint the Item/Weapon Icon data?

    There isn't a nightmare module dealing with Item icon specifically, it's only a part of the Item Editor. So how does nightmare know where the data is? I'm just confused as to if and when I get new Item Icons in the ROM, how I'm going to get their new offsets pointed to.

    I realize that item icons are a jumble of uncompressed data, and you're not actually supposed to add more icons after the music note, because I'm supposed to repoint that stuff....

    Now I'm probably repeating myself. I just want to be as clear as possible. Hope I am. I'm on mobile so it might be a bit half assed.


  10. I was reading another thread (http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=57011) that had a [sOLVED] tag, and I wanted to ask this question here. Because this answer doesn't exactly tell me how.....

    1 - End Lyn Mode before chapter 10 (e.g. chapter 7 or so). Is that possible ? (I'm guessing yes, but what does it require ?)

    2 - End Lyn Mode with more than 13 units (so exceeding the capacity of characters that are present in the tutorial and their non tutorial alisases).

    3 - Have these units always keep their stats. (No regression or progression).

    4 - Eventually, have them keep their inventory. (Optional).

    5 - More importantly, keep them dead if they died in the initial chapters.

    3. Easy again. There's a UNCM/UNCR setting which hides characters from the prep screen and the Unit screen (essentially making them nonexistant) but saves their stats and inventory, which is why...

    4. is also easy.

    I don't get this part. This applies a status (UNCM) or reverts a status (UNCR). And the only ones I know are, rescued, rescuer, go invisible, and gray out. How do these codes allow you to hide units but not delete their stats when you decide you're not wanting to use them that chapter, and use them in a later chapter? Yes, there is invisibility to actually hide them. But they're only invisible, they're still a part of the team, they're still existent. I tried fooling around with this but I may need an example. Just because examples help me fool around with this kind of stuff.

    Thanks :)

  11. Permission was NOT granted. And the response I got wasn't bad at all.

    People, for future reference, please don't ask others for their own unique class/sprite unless otherwise posted, no matter how polite they may be about it. Just take that as a "blessing" if you will. Learned quite a bit going on this sprite journey haha.

    You can go here for distributed animations:


    or here:


  12. Everyone is getting this new looking Nightmare, kind of cool.

    Anyways, I'm not sure if your Nightmare requires a 0x before the number, but try putting 0x23 instead of just 23.

    And to answer your question about the snag death, I'm really not sure if it works.

  13. that's not really the point. From my experience (though i can't speak for everyone) but if there's a unique sprite in a hack, its guaranteed not to be used by anyone else but them aaand you probably shouldn't ask for it. If there sprite was free use, it would have been in the animation thread by now.

    but those are just my thots on it

    That's a good point. I'm sure if you saw someone using the Dewey sprite and/or Malcolm (along with the many, many unique sprites Bloodlines has to offer) you'd probably want to kill them for asking if it were okay, seeing as that was unique idea for that specific game.

    Thanks for giving your thoughts! Greatly appreciated.

  14. he's not gonna like thaaaatt...

    Okay, I saw your post on FEU. I don't know how else I'd get permission... maybe I should just let it be. I really don't know Blazer personally. I'm not asking him to give me a step-by-step tutorial though.

    I have the sprite and everything too, so I'm not asking him to link me a download either.... but you probably know him better than I do, seeing as I'm not really in the veteran hacker's neighborhood. I just wish I would have been warned.

    I guess I'll find out though, I can only hope for the best.

  15. For me, my turn_events would go like this:


    That may be what you're missing, because my Prep Screen chapters have this, and obviously you can still have your other events. This just replaces your Opening_event (as mentioned before). And I believe, if I am not mistaken, your "Good" and "Bad" units, specifically, are the way you would want them to appear as you are in the Preparations Screen.

    I mean, you can try what I am saying, but I may be wrong. I just noticed that my events that have Chapter Prep Screen have that same kind of formula.

  16. I found a battle sprite online and everything I thought it was a really cool class. I decided that I was gonna use it for my FE! Yay, exciting!

    However, I just watched an video on YouTube and noticed that it was actually unique class from The Last Promise. And I'm not sure whether the source said it was okay to use it or not. I also cannot remember where I got it. I was searching up animation sprites a long time ago and downloaded a few. Little did I know that Serenes Forest already had a thread for animations later down the road. And the class that I want to use is not on there, which kind of frightened me.

    So it is the Emperor class, and I really want to use it, but I really don't want to steal someone else's work without it being okay, because it is unique-looking, but it's not unique-animated (it's pretty much a FE8 General when wielding a sword). So is there anywhere I can go to see if it's okay, or is it automatically not okay if it's not on the Animations thread?

    Just wanted to be safe before--if I release it--I get backlash for using it.


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