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Everything posted by Gima

  1. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn being available on the eShop would be pretty cool. Doubly so if the old save bonus is patched in.
  2. Are you SURE she's not a Dancer? Like, really sure? Because...
  3. Griffon Riders MIGHT fit as a sort of West-exclusive class. Griffons are Greek and Roman, after all.
  4. Thieves without stealing might as well be treasure hunters. They really should think hard about the system and add it back in.
  5. Maybe it's not the elemental system involved here? The Chinese Zodiac is part of Japan, so it could be involved in some other way.
  6. I think it depends on how well Xenoblade Chronicles X sells here. If it sold well, that would indicate there were enough Western WIi U owners that would be interested in JRPGs now for it to be feasible. Same thing goes for the East.
  7. Alright, I have to admit, Fog of War is pretty frustrating. It's probably pretty high on the list of "unnecessary features", so I don't see any reason whether or not to bring it back.
  8. The earliest we can expect information is about a month from now, if the game comes out in June. And I doubt that will happen.
  9. Honestly, I kinda just want this game to actually win back the crowd. But, really, they don't need to. Anyways, reimplementing the Triangle Attack would be awesome, even if it was really impractical.
  10. Honestly, if we're really assuming that, at least one of them is going to have to be scrolls. When the Torah, which has been printed for thousands of years, is still found on scrolls to this day, it's probably a good idea to acknowledge that and use them within the game.
  11. I really don't see why we're having sword arguments here, but really no sword is meant to be used to clash against other swords. It dulls the edge of any blade, and is to be avoided at all costs. Also, swords tend to be made for different purposes. Katanas are meant to go cleanly through one's heart, not to cut someone's head off. Different properties, different uses. (Speaking as a non=professional, here.)
  12. Yeah, I understand the whole "Don't let negativity get you down", thing, and I understand that very little of this forum actually hates the game, but eventually arguing just gets old to me. That's part of why I left in the first place. Anyways, this is off-topic, so let me give my two cents on this game. The fact that this has a fairly good writer is good to hear. Story was one of the main complaints about Awakening. I definitely like the idea of experimenting with different settings, as well as blurring the line between the overhead and in-battle view. Hearing that choice may have a bigger impact on the game is a good thing to hear, but it's making me wonder if this is going to fall to the same pitfalls that Western RPGs face with choices: A weaker story due to the freedom that results from that. Doubt that it will go that far, though. (And, hey, I'm not saying that Western RPGs are necessarily bad in the first place.) Also, Meidos. Always a plus. (I'm joking, by the way.)
  13. All I hope for is that this makes Serene's Forest a community. So much of this forum has been torn into "Pro-Awakening" and "Anti-Awakening" and everywhere in between it's drove me nuts. I'll be here every now and then to check up, mainly to see if I can stay here without gagging, but if this falls straight on it's heels, I'm leaving again. It's not like I was ever a part of this community in the first place. I was in here for a day, driven out, and gone.
  14. Gima

    So, hey.

    I have seen. ...I actually just downloaded Shin Monshou no Nazo. Going to try the Fire Emblem GBA games next.
  15. Well, excuse me. I'm sorry for stating my opinion. She is indeed the character I WANT, hard, but with all these characters getting in the game that just DON'T seem like shoe-ins, Anna doesn't seem like much of a stretch. She's apparently beloved enough to get a bigger role in Awakening. There's a chance she might get a bigger role in the next game. But, hey. She's not that relevant, I get it. It's more of a pipe dream. Like Porky.
  16. Gima

    So, hey.

    Then a game taking place on one of the unexplored nations would be nice. Preferably somewhere farther back on the timeline. ...Although, part of me wonders why Stahl is a Ylissean Knight in literally every ending. Hmm...
  17. Alright, I just need to know because this is KILLING ME. I know that if a character dies, they don't get a paired ending. But what happens when they retreat?
  18. I realize that not everybody thinks of her as a mascot, but I feel like Anna is important enough to Fire Emblem, especially recent games, to earn the third slot. Quite frankly, I can't comprehend why they didn't add her before. She appears in every game, so even if Marth, Roy, or Ike isn't in the games people buy, she will be. As for Chrom, yeah, he'll probably be replacing Ike. Sucks, but they could incorporate quite a bit of him into there. Plus, if they're REALLY aiming to make characters unique, they could implement the Pair Up feature as part of Smash Bros. somehow, so we'll be seeing Sumia, the Avatar, Frederick, Vaike, Sully, Gaius, Olivia... It's kinda a pipe dream, but I really think they could pull it off.
  19. Gima

    So, hey.

    And suddenly I realize I'm welcome here after all. PROBABLY going to use an emulator to play a few games. That doesn't change the fact, though, that it's impossible to run Tellius on any of my computers. As stated, Virtual Console, lots of Fire Emblem sales = Fire Emblem games being released here. There's probably going to be a sequel to Awakening, too, unless they want to start up something new entirely.
  20. Gima

    So, hey.

    Eh, people have opinions. To me, the characters are brilliant, the story is dull.
  21. Gima

    So, hey.

    Um, hello. I see you have checked out this thread. Nice to see you! Just a typical user browsing these forums because honestly they have nothing better to do but frequent 3 forums at a time. I'm honestly not sure whether or not you're fine with the fact that I've only played Awakening. And watched a a bit of a friend's playthrough of Radiant Dawn at their house. That's probably the reason why I got into it in the first place. Not really willing to make a profile. Privacy reasons. You know. I also kinda suck at Fire Emblem, so... Probably not going to be playing Lunatic. I'm pretty much here because the characters, and sometimes the story, are quite frankly the most amazing things I've ever seen. And, as much as I'm not good at SRPGs, I'm also strangely addicted to them. I have no idea why. Granted, I've been pretty much obsessing over these games and the support conversations and levels. I'm probably one of the best people to ask about stuff about Awakening's characters. Not really for any other game. I also sincerely wish I could play the Tellius games, but with how popular Ike is, I can bet they're going to be available for Virtual Console. Planning on buying the GBA games on there, as well as... others, if they're available. Pleased to meet you.
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