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Status Updates posted by eclipse

  1. Use Rapiers to shove people off of stages.

  2. Depends on the unit. Generics can get away with one most of the time. Certain named units want two (Pablo definitely does, Elise/Natalia to a lesser extent).

  3. Yep. Other fun things you can attempt are massive AI exploitation when it comes to knocking people out of the arena. IDK if I don't get their stuff, it gets them off the map fast!

  4. FUBUKING! You may know him better as Atticus Rhodes.

  5. It doesn't really hurt you when you do it, it might help, and it's free. I have no objections to it.

  6. Eh, a small boost is better than nothing.

  7. I think it does as long as you're not doing Nightmare.

  8. Potions do the trick for me. I run through herbs too quickly. Bread's great for a tank, though.

  9. If I see stuff I want, I go for it. Otherwise, I just mow through things. Most of the time, I get some lousy accessory or something.

  10. As long as they're off the map, I don't care.

  11. At least Einherjar had a reason to be deployed (long cooldown meant that someone could chuck it to waste a turn). Gungnir. . not really.

  12. I like how it gets forgotten as the story goes on.

  13. Eh, sure. If my suggestion in the mafia channel goes through, I'm gonna be bored. Gimme a sec!

  14. In Isabeli's case, I concentrate on NOT getting her stuff. It kinda worked - I have a Chrono to my name.

  15. That's the most graceful way I've seen anyone deal with it! Thanks for making me giggle.

  16. Yo, how much do you object to that other guy?

  17. Don't remember, off the top of my head.

  18. You can always outrange Conrad, so use that to your advantage. As for capacity, I find that half-decent armor, relevant accessory, and potions are enough.

  19. If the unit dual-wields, I'll consider two weapons (Pablo and Elise will always have two). Otherwise, it's usually one. And the war gods are silly. ;/

  20. Not that I know of?

  21. Not really. Usually, I had other mid-range units do my dirty work for me (Priestess, Gunner, Archer, etc.)

  22. Sorry, NEVER seriously used a javelin unit. Her armlet's nice, and Pablo almost always gets it~!

  23. I'm lucky like that. ;/

  24. I keep getting her armlet. ;/

  25. Okay. Mind if I nudge you in a few months, and see if things are a bit more pleasant? I know I'm not having fun RIGHT NOW, but I also know that isn't going to hold true forever.

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