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Status Updates posted by eclipse

  1. I'll do so if I can find it under my own pile of PMs!

  2. Thanks~! You too~!

  3. Thanks~! Inty's probably doing a better job than me. :P

  4. I think I'm coming down with a cold. How's things on your end?

  5. I think you're right regarding the bonus. Also, happy belated birthday!

  6. Glad to see you 'round. Just a reminder to read the rules regarding necroposting. Thanks~!

  7. Schoolteacher Mafia has started. Please let me know if you are interested in playing.

  8. I'm not sure if you're still interested in playing my game, but if you are, that question mark spot is yours. If not, I'll open it up to whoever.

  9. If I could punish your connection for being flaky, I'd totally do that

  10. Books, by far and away. They heal, do damage, and get rid of undead!

  11. I don't care HOW I get it, all I know is that I like it.

  12. It's absolutely perfect, thanks~!

  13. That's why I use stuff with inherent knockback, like rapiers.

  14. I don't mind knockback, because I abuse it when possible. Have yet to put someone to sleep.

  15. Like, give your own units Phys. Aura, then have them go to town on the enemy. REALLY?

  16. Too many, IMO. It means I don't pay attention to most of them.

  17. Never really paid attention to those, since all I did was burn/freeze people, with everything else being gravy.

  18. Okay, so some things can't be defeated like that, but the majority can. :P

  19. Counter? Why bother when you have a OHKO in the form of ring out?

  20. It's there for movement. Or, that's all I use it for. Earthquake is situationally worse. Who wants to accidentally a map because you used it wrong?

  21. If a unit is terrible to begin with, then the boost will be more along the lines of "minimizing damage" as opposed to "turning battles".

  22. A lot of the terrain bonuses are negligible. The huge ones are Undines/Water and Forests. . .one of which is relevant for less than half the game and the other sees all of 3.85 maps. I guess Knights/Roads can be thrown in here, but that just makes them harder to kill more than messing with card percentage.

  23. You can't screw around with Move, for one!

  24. You can knock the Brutes out, but it takes a long time. Get them to the top of the map, and start shoving.

  25. Wasn't Scene 24 the two-part one? Perhaps it was Scene 23 you're thinking of?

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