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Posts posted by Zkirsche

  1. Time to try and make a topic in new SF! I already hate it, send assassins to end my misery please. (RIP ISOs, you will be missed).

    EiMM, or everyone is mafia mafia, is a game where you are a lone mafia trying to find other mafiosos to win with. You win if you survive and kill almost everyone else. Everyone is armed with abilities, determined by the character they send me; a shot they can use to try and kill their opponents, a fake name to hide behind (an alias), and their wits and determination... and some bulletproofvests (BPVs). It's not a super serious game, no matter how many times I may have said otherwise, so just have fun and shoot people. Yes, shooting people is fun. No, we're not  psychopaths, I swear. Here's the rules/mechanics:


    1. Don't be mean.
    2. No screenshots/editing posts.
    3. Final three win.
    4. First two nights are 48 hours, every night after that is 24 hours.
    5. Complain every night about other roles being stronger than yours to teach me a lesson. Bonus points if you sign up just to do this.


    1. 2 BPVs each to begin with unless extraordinary circumstances.
    2. Every night you may ##Vote: Alias to lynch the user with that alias. The alias with the most votes, if any, gets lynched. This lynch cannot be stopped by BPVs or regular night protection.
    3. Strong PRs. No priority roles. No jailers. Self-targetting will be specified otherwise it will not be possible.
    4. Most players will target aliases, there may be items, death may not be the end.

    To play: Send me a character to base your role off of and an alias to hide behind. That's it! Feel free to ask me questions about your role/the game in your role pm, but I am not obliged to answer anything about other people's roles (Unless you're question asker). You can request a simpler role if you feel intimidated by the prospect of having a mechanically intensive one.

    Alias list will be posted upon game start. There should be a poll above with some game start dates, please select the one that suits you best. If there is no poll just state your preferred date in a post below.

    Living Playerlist:

    1. Gaius
    2. Zeonth
    3. Eat Carat/Kinumi/honq
    4. Slyveon
    5. Walrein

    Living Alias List:

    1. Gâteaux
    2. Chiffon
    3. Charlotte
    4. Delusion
    5. PINK
    6. Rasputin
    7. Placate

    The Fallen:

    1. McCoy, aka Shubaka the Friendzoner.
    2. puppy, aka Acidphoenix the Controversial Commentator
    3. qt3.14, aka Q
    4. MY MOM, aka M
    5. Proverb, aka Reinfleche the Empowering Shotblocker
    6. Epoch, aka Blitz the BPV Reconstructor,
    7. The Commanders, aka Prims the Bus Driver Manipulator
    8. :AH:, aka SB the Safeguard
    9. L, aka Rssp the Predator
    10. Particle Bomb, aka Magnificence Incarnate the Reflexive Meme
    11. Cabbage, aka j00 the Manliest
    12. Mr. Plinkett, aka DLE the Shy Doubleshooter.
    13. Heath, aka Hulk Hogan.
    14. The Otter, aka Tuvy the Strongman Delayer
    15. Lucky, aka Makaze the Bringer of Happiness
    16. Buster, aka Elieson the Master Duelist
    17. Mr Potato Head, aka A Random Player the Sneakman
    18. Shaneika, aka BB the Fame Seeker
    19. Pisces, aka ????????
    20. Lilliput Wrym, aka Faerie Knight the Loved Hider
    21. Steele, aka Paperblade the Lynch Controller
    22. Cherry, aka Einto the Judo Master
    23. Digital, aka Clarinets the ResidentSleeper
    24. Bibimbap, aka Jiac the Reality Warper

    Night Seven - Phase End at 2AM GMT 28/2/2017

  2. The new forum rules checks if a pic is too big BEFORE it puts it in spoilers instead of after like it did before so it won't accept it =/ trying to think of a new pic to replace it in the meantime and will change it after the match.

    @FF: Tennis grand finals between the two greatest players the sport has ever seen, when everyone thought they were too injured/rusty/old to do it.

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