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Posts posted by Chaz

  1. This game is what most people will call punishing. Every new unit you get struggles to survive just to do things. You need to baby them hard just to allow them to survive. Even on the chapter solve the case with the arena, that doesnt help those units do well as 2 of them have the worse HP and skill growths I seen on any unit(Percival and Horrus). Mari herself cant do much either, she does a terrible job at healing. The only 3 units who can do anything is Camus, Michalis and Zepheil(and you need to level Zepheil like crazy when you get him) that can do ok but none of them regularly 2hko anything due the way you designed the enemy mobs in the chapters after that.
    Story is decent enough, Ost is good, the concept of this hack is good but the execution is terrible. 

  2. Completed both routes.

    The story and OST used from start to chapter 14 is amazing. I like how you gave a lot of the cast a decent amount of Plot time and talk convos to add on to the story instead of them just being there to be used a unit. 
    I found it interesting to see triple promotions. Granted some of the newer promotions don't feel amazing but it is an interesting change to the gameplay.
    I also like how you fixed the lack or resources and fixed a lot of the early game problems that was there in 1.0 version of this hack. The amount of items and gold you give the player is enough to keep the player with enough supplies to keep going but to not have a crazy amount of surplus in supplies to keep the player in managing the resources for the chapters. Having Oona as a prepomote without crazy tier stats really makes Belle's route a bit more enjoyable. The only complaint I have in belle's is chapter 1-9 Mages placement, Those mages are way to close imo. It feels like the 1st 2 turns are too high risk due to their placement after that the chapter stays challenging but is not difficult to handle.
    Owen Route felt a bit too easy.  I feel there should be more reinforcements on his route on the 1st and 3rd chapter. I didn't feel challenged at all with the spawn placement of the enemy.
    Sawyer route however feels a bit too challenging. It not the amount of reinforcements that makes it feels hard. it was due to most of them are promoted units with elfire and silver/slayer weapons. 
    the 2nd Chapter of Sawyer route I feel the pirate at the bottom should be further away from the houses. You need perfect rng and you need to rush to save that bottom most house or he will get it before you can stop him. I spent at least 10+ retries on getting every attack to connect so i can safely rush my fliers to stop him. After saving the houses tho the rest of the chapter was pretty easy as there was no reinforcements and most of the enemy did not rush you unless you moved into their range. Pretty much make the pirates a bit further away from the house then the original starting point and add reinforcements in the later turns. 
    Chapter 3 of sawyer route was just crazy. keeping those children alive was nuts even with having 5+ promoted units was super difficult. The problem was keeping the units far away from the children then actually keeping your own units alive. Most of the units were strong enough to stay alive.
    Chapter 4 of Sawyer was the turning point of when it started to feel balanced in terms of hard difficulty. I see nothing to change there.

    I noticed only the archer/snipers could use the longbows. every other bow class could not use the longbow.  There was also monster palettes on the promotion screen for some of the units as well. They went back to normal palettes for that class after promotion.

    Overall I give the progress so far on this hack an 8 out of 10. I look forward to you finishing this hack.

  3. I agree it needs to be toned down a little bit.

    I would suggest the 1st 2 bosses be a bit further apart from each other. That is the biggest problem to tackle in that chapter. Both are too close to each other that you can wind up fighting both of them at once and its a chore to fight 1 at a time as is.

    Getting to the house was easy for me Since i had a promoted Keena and I had Jenessa and take care of the house for me.The extra boss and mages wasn't really a problem for me. Keena is a dodge tank that dodges very well.

  4. You have a tile that is bugged in chapter 7. anyone who steps on it makes the game freeze.

    where i have the cursor at is the bugged tile. Fortunely for me the only ones who stepped on it was the Villagers who ai is random so resetting and resuming makes the chapter doable.
    I also stepped on it once.

  5. for the traps, its pretty fair. not too many to overwhelm but enough to make the player pay attention. 

    To get all the loot and story tiles would problaly take about 50-60 turns or so. backtracking the story tiles caused me to run into Midas a lot.

    I would make it where the dead ends where the story tiles end at have a way to go or change Midas move to 3-4 or make him move every other turn so grabbing all the story is possible without getting caught so easily. I couldn't get all the story and loot without him catching me.

  6. a lot of it was trial and error on figuring out which tile did what and after that it was pretty easy to avoid all the bad tiles and make it to the exit. I didnt even need all 5 uses of the light rune. just 1 was enough to trap him to prevent him from catching me to get to the exit.it took me 30 turns on my successful attempt to clear this. Never did find which dude had the chest key for the item in the chest.

    Edit: did a few more play tests to see if i could get to all the bodies and chest. really not to hard at all to grab everything.

    inventory ended like this after 38 turns.

    I died to the traps a lot at the start. some of the back flash scenes are way out of the way to watch. wastes too many turns to get those.

  7. not sure if intentional or not but the archer with the killer bow here does not move when you get in range of agro.


    any unit who melees this female ranger causes the game to crash.


    3k bag only sells for 1.5k.



    cursor flips out when you click on the invisible thief there.


    visual graphics error after opening the chest


    attacking the invisible thief also makes the game freeze.

    cant clear current chapter due to being unable to kill the thief in this chapter.
    also whenever silque gets hit by ranged weapons it causes the game to crash as well.

    uh am i suppose to be able to open these chests multiple times?


  8. I think i mixed up a few chapter orders. now that i remember somewhat I think chapter 12 is the supply chapter. Ill edit my post to fix that feedback.
    15 is the on the sewers and chapter 16 is the one with forced ava for escaping. which means I forgot chapter 14 and messed up the order of the chapters

    Fixed my comments in a previous post of the feedback. chapter 12,14,15,16 chapters feedback adjusted. rest is still unchanged.

  9. I finished your latest upload.
    Giving ava the Training sword really made it feel too easy to feed other units kills.
    I notice mangs comments on how he did the prologue but it much differently then most. I ignore the house at the top right and traded vance a vulenary so he could solo the right while ava, buck and torie went south.
    chapter 1 felt the same as it did in the previous versions.
    chapter 2 changes felt way easier due to the fact the brigrands show up near you instead of near one of houses, making it super easy to recruit hugo. I do like how you changed it from fighting to get to the village to fighting in the village. Felt more realistic to me that way.
    chapter 3. This chapter looked hard on its remake at first but when you added Lonora to this chapter it really killed the need to use vulenaries. From this point on I didn't have to use vulenaries at all. I personally Feel Lonora should be a hard mode character only considering how good her growths and base stats are besides her speed.
    Thanks to having a 2nd Healer for chapter 4 when you except from Aksum, I was able to fight way more agressively then I would of.
    Chapters 5-10 felt way easy due to having a 2nd healer so early, letting the player divide and conquer much easily then normal. I noticed no changes on those chapter from previous versions.

    Chapter 11. With all the generic units you gave us, it was pretty easy to divide the units way to easily to collect all the goodies and defeat the 2 enemy bosses. I dragged it out for exp purposes but I could of easily cleared it in half the time if i was not such an EXP min/maxer.
    Chapter 12.  This chapter is actually hard if you let it drag out and reinforcements show up, it is doable to clear the 3-4 rounds of super strong reinforcements and i think its a nice challenge for those who want to fight really tough units. Getting to the 3 supplies quickly is not tsoo hard to do. But if the player lets it drag out to long they will see a very difficult challenge. I enjoyed trying to beat the challenge.
    Chapter 13. again with the controllable generic units it felt way to easy to clear this chapter
    Chapter 14. Ok this is the chapter i dont remember clearly now that i think about and relooked at my saves. iirc you recruit 2 ladies and siege 3 forts. if this is the chapter I think it is, It needs more and stronger reinforcements.
    Chapter 15. This chapter was neither to hard or to easy due to the few units you can bring and the fog of war. the only problem I noticed is one of the Sages does not move when he spawns in the stairways at the middle of the map, Making it annoying to hunt for him. I did the usual divide and conquer method I been doing the entire hack.
    chapter 16. Bringing Marris to this chapter is a pain in the ass. that was a mistake on my end since you gave the player plenty of door and chest keys in the earlier chapters. This is where Marris becomes a major liability to the amount of reinforcements that show up and only having 8-9 units to use on this chapter. Bring Marris making this chapter extremely difficult due to having to protect Marris from almost everything. Bringing anyone else with door and chest keys The chapter has your normal difficulty, not to hard and not to easy. As for Ava being forced in this Chapter, She does a good job of being a special promoted unit. if it was not for the promotion that Vance forces on her this chapter would of been much harder to do.
    Chapter 17 Vance is finally back. First i am gonna make notes about Vance's promotion(Commander). Not only does it give me tons of stats on promotion, the animations for Commander normal attack and Critical attack are flashy but not too flashy making him feel like a cool unit. Now then his Balcroft Blade. This weapon is overkill. Vance does not need x2 exp to catch up. 1.5 modifier would of easily been enough for the 3 chapters he missed. +3 speed and strong against mounted and armor units make him very useful on his return since the chapter has a large amount of both.s
    now for the chapter itself. I feel it needs more reinforcements since you have easily enough generic and NPC units to help you out. It felt like there was too few and I was able to push to quickly to Yorlu and easily surround him.
    Chapter 18. This was the only chapter that gave me major problems the 1st time around. the amount of units that rushes you at the beginning is overwhelming but after that intial rush of enemies the chapter is easily trivialized, I feel it should have a slightly less rush at the start and more reinforcements during the chapter to balance this.
    Chapter 19 Inside aksum castle. For such a large castle, there was way too little enemy units left over. even with the reinforcements, this chapter felt way to easy to push on both maps. I noticed the magic user with the silence staff never used it on my magic users. The only part of the chapter that felt Challenging was Aier himself. I also feel there should be more units protecting the 2 chest rooms on the map themselves
    Chapter 20, Endgame. Ill say it again Morevech is way too easy of a final boss. most of my units easily doubled him and with the supports for the 2nd Run, I didn't have to fear him doing a critical hit. even with the reinforcements fixed, I easily pushed through them. Maybe giving the 4 units surrounding him elite stuff or more units surrounding him or make it where he summons more units when you get close to him every turn. Luna also makes Morevech way to easy. Push his hp to 120 to 200 range and up his speed a little maybe? As for his battle animations, His battle animations really make him feel like a armored battle mage. Disappointed you didn't give us 3 spells special animations as well.
    The custom weapons sprites when looked at in inventory looked pretty cool as well, wished the had special battle animations.

    As for the ost you used, I felt it matched the setting you set for the plot you were using on the story. 10/10 there from me on ost. I did like how everything was peachy with everyone and everyone did resolved their difference on the allies side. I do feel that alot of the other units besides vance and Ava needed more story time. You really don't know much about the rest of the units besides why they joined you. Even the 1 set of supports don't give enough info(maybe ill feel differently after there multiple supports for everyone).

    other notes: i do like how you made it where the controllable units

    Now for the units I used in 3.0 and 3.03 play though.


    Vance does a good job after his first few levels.Pretty much 2hko everything after enough levels and at end game.


    Ava the Only thing that needs improving on ava is her terrible str. otherwise a really good unit early game but terrible late game.

    Buck didn't become as overpowered as he normally does Still a pretty solid unit early to late game

    Ok this surprised me. A peagues knight who can tank and give her the Wing Shield and she is pretty much unstoable late game. Early game she has some problems but thats easily fixed with some levels.


    solid healer from start to finish and a solid light user at the end


    for a lancer knight he is pretty solid, high move, high defense, high speed and str, good res and luck.


    A solid soldier from start to finish


    best axe user. Makes hugo and O'Riley feel weak in compression.
    High move, high defense, high str, high speed decent luck and res


    for a healer she okish. for a promoted unit she sucks due to her really bad magic. maybe i got rng screwed there.


    best mage. high all stats mounted.


    solid dark mage. I regret not feeding her enough levels. does a good job healing too.


    I keep benching this poor guy. Ill never see what his promotion is like. 4 move hurts him the most. rest of his stats are solid for when i used him.


    I know i got rng screwed on defense this playthrough but otherwise a solid unit. also benched



    pretty solid light user and good sage. benched due to not raising her more 1st playthrough. Solid stats all around.


    I know i keep getting rng screwed on him. for whatever ever reason he refuses to get good level ups. benched

    Marris is useful for getting chests but she fell off combat wise for me.
    no comments on Marveda, Raizen, and Russel as i didnt use them much in the final chapters.
    also benched bethany , Gerdalt, Thraben after using them on their chapters.

    3.03 playthrough

    vance same story as previous run through

    She really needs a str boost on growths to be useful lategame.

    str screwd this time but his support with vance saved him.

    str screwd this time but suppoort saved that and super tanky flier.


    IMO she is overpowered way too good base stats and growths. Makes early game way too easy. Had to feed her 2 speed wings to fix her bad speed growths but other then that she is overpowered.

    gave him a good hard try this time since he supports torie. Either i keep getting rng screwed or his speed growth is terrible. he was usable due to having a support with torie

    with his support he became even stronger then before. solid mounted mage


    solid light mage and sage. 

    Solid Duke Knight.

    supported him with sylvia and since he didnt get defensive screwed this time, he became a solid sword user.

    paired with aaron makes him better then usual.


    good early game but terrible late game. Only kept her around for healing and supporting Jorin. needs a magic growth buff.

    bench warmer. that 4 move just hurts him too much.


    he was useful on the chapters i used him but since i was using hugo and larona he got benched with braxon

    Same story as Kristoph

    no comments again on Marveda, Raizen, and Russel as i didnt use them much in the final chapters.
    also benched bethany , Gerdalt, Thraben, Gracia(due to having Lanora) and Calista  after using them on their chapters.



  10. I am replaying again since i noticed you fixed some things. Noticed there a 2nd healer this time around early game. Not that its needed but it does make things a bit too easy early game now. I do like the changes on chapter 3 and 4. 3 is in a town this time instead of rushing to the town. Chapter 3 feels a lot easier then before. Chapter 4 feels about the same in difficulty but thanks to being a 2nd healer in this chapter its way easier to split up now. I feel hugo got some speed and defense buffs or i am just getting lucky with him now. Also nice additional luck base to him, makes me want to use him instead of bench him. Rest of the chapter up to where I screen shot feels the same in difficulty. I also bullied my allies and forced to camp in above the town where they cant move.


  11. Completed the rest of hack(chapter 11 to end). everything up for Merovech is a reasonable challenge. When i got to Merovech and his chapter, it felt anticlimactic for a Final Chapter and boss fight. I felt the plot did a good job of clearing things up in a presentable manner. No complaints there.

    I did notice  that Calista had no death quote. Didnt find any other bugs besides that.


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