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Posts posted by Chaz

  1. I am currently playing a mostly blind FE 4 And I don't regret it. I am finding out all kinds of mechanics that got removed in later FEs that make me salty. I love enough of the game mechanics that the long Maps don't bother me toooooooooooooooooooooo much. Also Fk me, I wanted to give Adieen to someone else but Noooooo she stuck with dew. Oh well Live and learn. 2nd playthrough. I couldn't figure how to bypass Estilan until it was too late rip. I guess I can do that on muh first playthrough but all I got is a good noish and shitty everyone else. rip.

    IMO Do FE 4 or 9 next.

  2. What did you use for the boss battle theme recognize it.

    I also feel the critical animation for bram is more over done for his unpromoted class. I do like however you throw some interesting ambushes at the player. Makes a player think and adjust instead of the usual camp at enemy spawn points.

  3. Almost never. Comes out shitty, Bench and use who didn't turn out shitty. All shitty, well if I can still beat the play through everything ok. If I can't beat the play through, then I reset and do another play through.

    my Current playthrough of HHM is making me cry tho.

  4. Starting Hard mode tomorrow, I already know the changes and stuff but nonetheless I have some things to ask.

    First of all, everyone says to just train Nolan and Jill and maybe ZiharkI... But what about Edward? Yeah he starts weak but the mid-late game potential is amazing. Also I don't think I'll be able to do maps like 3-6 with only two unit, just because everyone would jump at Micaiah's throat. He can use resolve so he gets crazy avoid, you have to give him kills anyway in chapters like the one where you recruit Jill, Zihark and Tauroneo, and Nolan would just get measly experience very soon when overleveled. Plus I just saw a complete hard playthrough and the dude trained both Ed and Nolan just fine.

    With the title I mean that I'll probably ask a lot of questions throughout the game, so this is probably gonna be a long thread: what if I make it a sort of playlog/let's play whatever? The schedule would be I ask some tips for a specific chapter (only in special cases of course), I play it, I write a quick rundown here (no screenshots since I'm one of the three people that play this on an actual Wii), rinse and repeat. Nothing long, but it can be fun since this is my first hard mode experience in any FE and I'll keep this thread open anyway, and someone may find funny the game driving a Hard mode noob insane.

    But you can screenshot from the Wii provided you have a capture card and virtualdub on your computer. Takes a bit of tinkering to get it working but it is possible.

    Felt obligated to point this out.

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