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Posts posted by Chaz

  1. should be in the bottom left house from the bottom lane.

    I'm going to be making some pretty significant changes for 2.4, here are some of them

    • Making 1-4 the first part of the shakkar fight, then making 1-5 the big boss fight
    • giving 1-4 and 1-5 a preparation screen
    • buffing various character growths for less RNG screwage and more diversity
    • fixing the ending for chapter 6, if JR and/or Marco dies
    • removing Malcolm's mounted aid, so caravels are more useful in chapter 7
    • giving llyra a siren song, as well as making the siren song 5 uses
    • giving Gaulgus a stealable earth seal
    • giving Mecrid a stealable earth seal

    good job ghast. guess ill wait till you do these changes. before trying again on 1-4. My biggest complaint was i couldn't reposition the units the way i wanted to for this chapter.

  2. Interesting. Perhaps there's a monster there? What happens if you deploy 1 less character and leave that tile free?

    I went ahead and deployed all 8. I just had to kill that 1 monster before I could move Djambo. Also when I enter tower, I get some text about something then to save selection to back to world map on both Shiori or Fa path ill send my save file soon.

  3. I guess I will post my latest 1.6 team too.


    Fa was speed skilll res rng screwed this time but she still did well despite that.


    He turned out a lot better for me in 1.6 compared to 1.0


    Giving this game magic and str to all units was the best thing that happened to rya. Preformed a lot better thanks to this game mechanic.


    benched heal bot at chapter 6 or 7.


    andre didnt turn out quite as god tier as he did in 1.0 but that didnt stop him from owning everything after promoting.


    Cattleya is turning out to be better then she was in 1.0


    less luck then 1.0 version but better offensive and defensive abilities then my 1.0 Menmus too.


    I think you gave him better base stats then what he has in 1.0. I actually used him from chapter 3 to chapter 8. turned out decent.


    he didnt get str blessed like last time but he still did pretty good doing his job with his father


    He didnt get as blessed as he did in 1.0. Still held his own.


    rng speed blessed compared to 1.0 everything else is about the same in abilities.

    I didnt use Letrurffe that much and I benched poor Schwarc again

    Opps I forgot someone.


    Literally still goddess tier. MVP status just like last time.

    for thoses who didnt see my 1.0 version of units.


    I did and didn't like the one of the changes you did to chapter 8. I did like it because it encourages the player to not take his time. I didn't like it because holy smokes their movement after x amount of turns.

    Still enjoyed this hack like I did in 1.0 so keep up the good work. I look forward to whenever you can complete 2.0

  4. I'm enjoying the hell out of this hack so far, it's really really awesome! Excellent work, I'm really impressed. I don't really know where to begin haha. I'm currently at chapter 6

    A few things that stood out for me:

    Story is incredibly good (already). It feels like a real Fire Emblem game, everything makes sense and I haven't noticed any open ends or whatever.

    When Hellios told Faratrass what was going on in the prologue, after the soldier attacked her, a song from Lufia 2 started playing and I was staring at my screen for a while, I didn't believe the awesomeness that was happening. Lufia 2 is one of my favorite games ever :)

    Music in general is really well done, I don't even know how you can change the music but really cool, good job.

    The new weapon icons are refreshing, they look cool

    Some new weapons with new features you added are nice (I won't spoil anything), they feel balanced and useful.

    Different chapter completion goals feel really cool, especially chapter 5 was a lot of fun

    I could go on for a while but this is just by far the best hack I've ever played. That said, I haven't played many FE hacks but still. I'm really impressed. I'd really like to see this finished and I will support this for sure.

    By the way, chapter 4 was a bit weird for me. It was an impressive chapter, story-wise, but the map layout was a bit tedious to get through. I understand that that was your intention, pretty much, but I didn't really like how long it took to get to Faratrass. Especially because it's not a really hard chapter per sé, it makes it a bit frustrating in the end. But that's all the criticism i have for you ;)

    By the way, how was I supposed to recruit Djambo? (I hope I remembered his name correctly)

    He got killed after chapter 4 ended, and there was nothing I could do at that point. I didn't feel like restarting so rip but can anyone explain?

    In chapter 3 you need to let FA talk to garion before you defeated him. you also need to recruit Garion in chapter 4 when he shows up if you talked to him in chapter 3. Then in chapter 4 Garion saves Djambo.

  5. Still blown away by the response my submission has received. In hindsight, since I made this like 7 months ago now there's most certainly parts of it I look back on that I'm not very satisfied with and I'm kind of anxious to see your reactions to them but holy fuck, I couldn't have ever imagined some of the praise people have given the hack. Almost every post in this thread talking about it has blown my mind, for real. :U

    So even though I kinda already said this in my last post, thank you again to everyone. It really does mean a lot to me! <3

    I already want the download link for your ragefest rom hack. I am already impressed by what I have seen. Waiting for marc to upload the rest is driving me crazy. I just feel like the awesomeness oozing out of this submission compared to the rest that was already played.

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