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Posts posted by Chaz

  1. I say that like trainee units get a whopping 30 EXP per connected hit. And given how high the levels of trainees are compared to Vanilla FE, you can get them to level 10 off of ONE enemy unit. All in all its not that bad an investment of WHAT? a minute or two, animations off?

    I got Djambo to level 4 levels off of the very last knight in chapter 6 by simply letting him snipe an armor with a handaxe while Faratrass was unarmed and just standing there, blocking the snag bridge so he couldnt get to anyone else, or hit Djambo. No real time or effort wasted.

    AN unarmed wall unit and a javelin and a handaxe can do wonders. Or ganging up on an archer and close ranging him constantly.

    Pretty much this. By the time I got to chapter 8 Sae'rah was able to easily hold things on her own so I was able to not use Hellios, Weiss (who was level capped for me) and puledra. I don't think that counter productive at all if she able to do that easily as a level 7 solider. I think I had to heal her twice.

    Also you do have a barrier staff too for them light mages.

    Also Brigands promote to Berserkers.

    did not know this.

    Edit: I just realized how to fix my problem with garion luck. I completely forgot about how many stat boosters Alfred throws at us. welp, time to do a 3rd playthrough just for this.

  2. I tend to like pirates over both fighters and Brigands.(I love my crits when beserkers get 70+ crit with killer axes) But I am not gonna bench any of the 3 fighters just yet. As for pegasus, I tend to hate them even almost any FE game. Wyvern Units for life. I have a habit of babying units like ross/amelia/Sae'rah/Djambo mostly because the have the greatest potential then any other unit.

    I got sae'rah to level 10 on the chapter I recruited her on because I learned how to bait units to go where I want them instead of rushing towards them most of the times. I also got djambo level 10 on that chapter too. I tend to have a way higher turn time then most people because of this but this method works for me. I regret giving her the fang as it turned out she didn't really need it.

  3. I find the lack of Garion users to be quite disturbing.

    HOW BOUT THAT SKILL!? (Shameless bandit propaganda at work)

    I tried to use him this time but ugh he just didnt turn out good enough compared to others. I also tried schwarz. they both just didn't shine hard enough. Chris is a somewhat better then Garion for me and Djambo is just a godlike axe user. Can't wait to make him a beserker and just axe everything.

    Both schwarz and Memnus feel average to me in terms of flyers but average is way better then being not usuable at all. imo there isn't an useless unit.




    RNG at it finest.

  4. ...*facepalm* I never thought that could happen. Why on Earth would a monster get on that tile?

    Siiigh. Fixing it asap... Thanks for reporting.

    You should read "Known Issues.txt" before reporting any bugs.

    Holy cow, look at that Garion! I didn't expect him to be that strong. :0

    Thank you very much!

    I disagree about the difficulty: it is meant to be challenging, but it's not unfair. I always say that it is harder than Awakening's Hard mode, and even there some enemies were stronger than your units. It's just a matter of strategy and careful planning. Even if some characters got RNG screwed, you could still pick them up later thanks to the Tower of Trials / skirmishes.

    About Hellios: somebody didn't even use him for the whole game... so yes, it's totally possible to not use him, even if he's so strong that most players will rely on him, hehehe.

    That's good, Andre! ;)

    ..."promotion item for magic users"? I think I forgot to mention that in Midnight Sun there'll be an universal promotion item, the Lunar Sigil.

    Derp on my part.

    Also universal promotion item. All my yes.



    Used nothing on her but used up her new weapon before chapter 7.


    only used 1 Fang on Sae'rah

  5. When I first tried this rom hack in v1.0 I found a couple of maps very tedious(old chapter 2,3, and 7). I like some of the improvements you did to those said maps in v2.0. Chapter 2 and 3 changes were good ones. I also like how you made Kai and Agro controllable before recruiting Donwik. Made it alot easier to defense the base while rushing with the rest of the troops.

    Other people already said my complaints about chapter 7.

    Is there any reason you choose for chapter 10 enemy units to not give exp?

    I also appericate the amount of gold/items/shops you have out. Allows the player to not worry about gear too much.

    Keep up the good work. I look foward to the future patches you do here.

  6. So appearantly I am still getting game over from the new download link for v1.2.

    also the cursor starts here When I start chapter 8 and is stuck until I bring up the menu

    appeantly patching over the old patch doesnt fix the bug for me. Need to patch a clean version and copy over the save to fix it. Still getting the glitch of it starting way over >>>> until i bring up the menu and select a unit from the menu.


    As with v.1.2, moving ANY unit on the map in chapter 8 caused a Game Over.

    This has been fixed after hours of trial & error... man, it was such a nasty bug this time.

    Please download the new v.1.2 that I've just uploaded in the first post if you've experienced the issue.

    V.1.3 will come out in the next days and will grant you access to skirmishes.

    By the way, I'm curious, what are you expecting from skirmish battles?

    I expect a challenge. Most skrimishes were dumb easy in Sacred stones and was way too easy to expliot.

    On the topic of V1.2 Cattleya is very easy to work with now. I been using her to help feed kills to others now. A slight nerf to either her new weapon or her speed/skill would be good.

    I got to chapter 8 and got that glitch before seeing this update, So gonna patch but I already almost have everyone in 12-20 range. Experience is way too easy to come by in Hard difficulty imo. Might want to tone it down a little. Chapter 6 is still the hardest for me mostly because of how many units you have to baby. I still don't know how others had problems with chapter 7.

  8. Bosses can be recruitable. Hannibal and Lorenz are.

    How is Sae'rah creepy? She's very serious and doesn't like nonsense. I don't see how that is creepy at all.

    anyone who wants to stabs people for being remotely friendly is creepy to me.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Glad you enjoyed the hack.

    True that. The healing music is just a placeholder, I don't like it at all! It doesn't even have some proper panning. It's one of the first that I changed, and one of the first I'll fix in v.2.0.

    I'm glad that someone noticed how bad it is, hehehe.

    @LightningChaos: omfg dat Andre :00

    Didn't know about the Candle bit. That is good to know.

    As for Knights I was thinking giving a sword armor slayer for the sword users so they arent forced to kill the light users for exp only. Cattleyan can use it the most. Schwart problaly can do just fine because of his really good starting str(but I benched him). Fa and most axe users are strong enough even without the bonecrusher and oblumabra to be effective. Don't really need a Spear armor slayer as everyone who can use spears at that point can use bonecrusher as well.

    For the boss icon that just me.

  9. This is the 3rd rom hack I enjoyed on this forum so Far. The only other 2 from this site I have enjoyed up to date is The Last Promise and Death or Glory. The difficulty feels almost just right. It did take me a while to figure out new strats for the chapters. Chapter 5 was definentally the most intersting chapter of them all. I admittedly did get RNG screwed in a few fights forcing me to restart.

    Chapter 2 where you can recruit Memnus, I recommend removing his boss icon. Seeing him show up and his quote on moving made it very obvious he was recruitable.

    Chapter 6 could use either less Knights or more ways to deal with said Knights.

    Chapter 7 was annoying for Shiro but I did managed to survive without using Hellios. I would recommend not putting Light killers going her way to give her better survival odds.

    1 music critizing is to choose a better song/ost for healing. I find phantasy star 3 travel music very annoying imo. I had to mute Phantasy 3 just to play that game.

    Now then the chars and stats.


    I rmoved his gear in chapter 7 but I cant remember when I stopped using him and too my suprised that was a good thing. Didn't expect him to be the demon king.


    Way too emotional for me. could use a little more speed boost both other then that she a pretty solid unit.


    A cool guy who follows his heart. He a bit slow but he good enough to get the job done. Keeper in my book. I also gave him the +2 luck.


    He feels bland to me. Above average Fighter. A bit slow but He faster then most Fighters I seen in GBA games/hacks. I will keep trying him out.


    This kid is on fire. He also has a very good mentor. That drink tho that drink. A god like mage.


    She pretty and smart. Always a plus in my book. The fact you gave her magical bows makes her priceless. Despite her having low str she does the job to flyers and low res enemies.


    Pervy Healer says it all. Pervs never get old when they have brains. Problaly will bench him later on but he was very useful as a heal the entire time.


    Not much to say on her personallity. However for me, she a beast even with me giving her 1 of the Fangs. Biggest problem is when she joins is she needs to be babied a lot.


    easily Ross replacement. His personality even feels like Ross to me. ALSO ARGGGGGGGGGGGG Pirates.


    I feel this girl pain. Everyone thinks I look younger then I am too. I like the fact you gave her a way to defend her self while being able to heal. A very solid unit


    She is way too creepy, She also needs way too much babying. Gave her the Fang in chapter 8. She starting to look promising but She needs some Con.


    A bit overzealous dude. Also a God tier cavalier. Knight Crest when?


    Really hard to keep serious with this guy. He feels a lot stronger then your average thieves.


    I really love this guy personallity wise. I also love his starting convo. However He gets the bench due to really low starting luck and skill.


    Calling her out so hard. I laughed way too hard at this.


    Seems like a nice enough and decent enough dude. Benched after getting Djambo. He starts way to slow and his luck horrible. I cant stand low luck units. Tried to feed him a few kills but nope.

    I look foward to the progress you will be making on future chapters.

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