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Status Updates posted by Rewjeo

  1. Oh, I forgot to tell you when I posted Chapter 1. Anyways, it's up and Chapter 2 should be up very soon.

  2. Update in my story! It's a new prologue start. If you have time, would you mind reading it and giving your thoughts?

  3. Hey, I wrote a new new new (however many times now) start to my story. I think you'll like this one more, and besides that your critique has been quite helpful before. If I didn't scare you off with my flowerstuffs before, would you mind checking it out?

  4. I just saw your comment on my story... Thank you! I'm working on it. It's coming slowly, but as the school year ends it should pick up again.

  5. Yes... except I have no time to play games for a few weeks... urggg temptation. Also, I believe I have a bayonet of that style in my house.

  6. Hey. Massive update to that story I was writing. I don't know that you saw it... or even remembered it. The previous update was in October, I think.

  7. As opposed to in the summer when I might post one every other night so I wanted input ASAP.

  8. That's okay. Now that it's the school year, I'm writing much more slowly, so I don't really care if someone shows up to read it more than two days after I post the chapter.

  9. Oh, that's fine. I'm just glad you're getting around to reading it at all. Also, there may or may not be another update tonight. We'll see.

  10. Guess what? More updates!

  11. I've updated the story twice since you last commented.

  12. I don't mean to sound so needy, but my story has been updated.

  13. Hey, first part of chapter 3 up now. I've increased the length of the story by 50% tonight. Make up for the last few nights? Well, I'm done for tonight. I'll address what you said about the rescued soldiers tomorrow.

  14. I just updated my story. Someone posted in the creativity section thing right after I did, so it doesn't show up. I know you're reading it, and you're on right now, and I just really want someone to read it...

  15. Well I'm no genius debater myself, so...

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