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Posts posted by Dai

  1. Am I the only one who think we will have a first gen remakes instead rather than Fourth gens ? Ah no matter.

    Bye-bye waifu who's supposed to be 11 year old. Good luck with Kanto.

    Kanto, here why I think we'll have a remake, it's too big of a flag for me to ignore.

    If they really were gonna remake Kanto, then why bother putting Red/Blue/Yellow onto the eShop in the first place?

  2. Shadow Sneak is a move that always goes first no matter what, but I don't know why the Quick Claw would fail against a Klefki...

    So, another question again. Does Alolan Grimer evolve the same way regular Grimer does or is there some other requirement now like with Meowth?

    Level thirty-eight, like usual.

    As for failing against Klefki, that would be Prankster-but I thought it worked only with non-attacking moves.

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