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Posts posted by Dai

  1. Is it really great? Both Electric and Grass have ways to cripple it, and Water types always carry Ice moves, plus it's weak to a lot of common Pokemon in the current meta, such as Flying types like Talonflame, Therian-Tornadus and Mega Pinsir. Plus there's Azumarill, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Slowbro, Starmie, Mega Medicham, Mega Metagross and others for it to deal with. Have you seen the drop in the usage of Fighting type Pokemon?

    Granted, it still resists Stealth Rock, which is a plus, but other than that, most of the type it resists have ways to deal with it.

    Not to mention, if this thing isn't some sort of special-variant of fighting-type, it's going to be absolutely crippled by Scald/Will-O-Wisp.

  2. Totally, unrelated, but... Aren't we supposed to say Pokémon instead of Pokemon (becuase it's pronounced Po-kay-mon, and not Po-Kee-Mon.)

    That's Something I read about a while ago (around gen 2, actually. Pretty sure Crystal wasn't even out yet.), but I never seen it confirmed anywhere (and that may not have been the most reliable source either.)

    BB-but that's the main reason to love it!

    The second he's that we have Gumshoe :

    I can't get that accent on my keyboard for some reason.

    Also, you can't name your Yungoos/Gumshoos Dick if prior games are anything to go by.

  3. Thinking about it, most pig Pokemon are bipedal, aren't they? Even the pig starter goes from four legs to two...maybe it's intentional?

    Also, it seems that the Jangmo-O's has a tribal theme to it.

    I think Jangmo-o and its evolutionary line are pretty neat, but I swear they are like the most Digimon thing I've seen this generation. XD

    (Just my opinion. Again, they still look neat.)

    I love Silvadi, though. I hope it has a spread of 100 in every stat, since it's basically discount Arceus. XD I'm probably gonna replace Drampa with it on my team.

  4. I feel kind of bad for double-posting, but...does anyone have any advice on the bastard that is Cumulus Hex/Hell Cloud? This son of a bitch is hard as hell, and it's pretty frustrating.

    The Hero's at level 27, Ruff at 25, with both Sir Mervyn and Aishe at 23.

    Hero's mastered Warrior, Dancer, Thief, and Sailor, Ruff has mastered Mage, Shepherd, Martial Artist, and Priest, and both Sir Mervyn and Aishe have mastered Warrior (the latter having already come with Dancer mastered, of course).

    Currently, in order, Priest, Warrior, Sailor, and Martial Artist.

  5. Butterfree at least has Compoundeyes and Tinted Lens to its name. It has decent moves for the early game but falls off due to low stats, but it evolves so fast that it isn't a big deal to train one.

    Beautifly... It just sucks.

    ...Wow. I went to Smogon to take a look, just out of curiosity to see what was said about it to see how bad it might be..."just sucks" is an understatement, holy crap.

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