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Posts posted by Dai

  1. A new update with various small changes

    - avatars can be customized in profile

    - some damage values of moves changed

    - "certain" gym animations refined

    - improved memory issues

    - footprints removed from nearby pokemon

    - adjusted damage calculations

    - bug fixes for wild pokemon encounters

    - Pokemon details UI updated

    - achievement medal art updated

    - certain map elements fixed

    - minor text fixes

    Quick thoughts:

    - not interested in customization unless we get more and better options for it to be honest

    - maybe my roads are back

    I was wondering about that, did "nearby" in the update notes mean all pokemon you can see?

    This won't change anything though, it makes no difference if a pokemon is dislpayed to you at 3 footprints or 0...

    The footprint tracker was at least helpful enough for me. It helped me find a lot of Pokemon that I was looking for-like a Lickitung that was unfortunately in a neighbor's backyard. =<

  2. So I found out that they updated...and that they removed footprints from Pokemon. Mmhmm. Okay. So...they can't FIX the footprint tracker...so NOW how the hell are you supposed to find the Pokemon?

  3. Yeah, it'll be fairly uncommon. For me, that amounts to Ponyta and Nidoran (Female), amongst other things. Serebii has a comprehensive list of them. Currently, I'm working on a ten-kilometer egg. My first and only one prior to this one was a Snorlax, so I have high hopes.

  4. I feel kind of bad for raining on your parade, but maybe it's just me, but I've got more eggs than I know what to do with. Like...I ran out of space...I need more egg space.

    Also, I think that, in spite of 2 KM eggs hatching com-mons, they're still kinda useful 'cuz the com-mons are pretty badass.

  5. Decided I'm gonna try and hoard some balls until I find something rarer stuff to use 'em on. I keep running out thanks to pidgeys, rattatas, and eevees.

  6. Been getting pretty lucky with some of the stuff popping up nearby. Found a Squirtle, a Pinsir, an Eevee, and a Staryu.

    Bruh. Dratini and Dragonair? I'm so jealous.

    Edit: Been rollin' in a lot of crazy Pokemon in my complex. Just caught a freakin' Magmar, for starters.

    Double Edit: Holy cow. There was a 972 CP Flareon in my bedroom.

  7. I've replayed X solely to get Mewtwo, Zygarde, Zapdos, and the Garchompite (for my sandstorm team). I'm considering Nuzlocking the one generation that I HAVEN'T beaten/really played: Unova. I have White and White 2, and I only ever got far into White because I wanted to get a Rufflet for a friend of mine that has Black.

    Edit: Started my White Nuzlocke. Got destroyed by Cilan's Pansage SOLELY because it survived with ONE HP, and by that point, it had worked up TOO HIGH. Not to mention, all of my Pokemon are REALLY slow. Not to mention, before that, his Lillipup managed to SUCCESSFULLY ACTIVATE Pickup in the middle of battle, and it got an Oran Berry.

  8. Just give it time. I'm told the game crashed for everyone today, and I couldn't even log back in because it wouldn't load for me or find my account. Managed to log back in s minute ago.

  9. ...Oh. I didn't know they could be that strong. Seems unfair. I'm not finding Pokemon anywhere near those levels. It would be impossible to use them in battle. :/

    The key idea is that you keep your Pokemon until you find something stronger and then transfer the weaker one over-I found a 145 Pidgey, so that Pidgey is something I'm training right now by using some saved up Pidgey Candy and that Stardust. My plan is to hopefully max out its stats as much as I can, and then evolve it, do the same for Pidgeotto, and then finally evolve it to Pidgeot.

  10. I have a Pidgey at 145. That's pretty low, actually. And I've seen people hit 1000 with their Pokemon. There's a gym with an exeggutor across the street that has 1200 CP.

    Also, yay. The game completely crashed for me.

  11. What? More people aren't posting in this? C'mon, now.

    *1. Rocktite/Shuckle
    Item: Binding Band
    E.V.'s: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpD
    Nature: Bold
    Ability: Sturdy
    Moves: Infestation, Encore, Sticky Web, Stealth Rock.
    Notes: None.
    *2. Pestnut/Forretress
    Item: Custap Berry
    E.V.'s: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpD
    Nature: Relaxed Nature
    Ability: Sturdy
    Moves: Gyro Ball, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Explosion.
    Notes: An I.V. of 0 in Speed.
    *3. Lanayru/Tyranitar
    Item: Smooth Rock
    E.V.'s: 248 HP, 8 Def, 252 SpD
    Nature: Careful
    Ability: Sand Stream
    Moves: Crunch, Stone Edge, Protect, Roar.
    Notes: None.
    *4. Ferris/Klefki
    Item: Light Clay
    E.V.'s: 252 HP, 4 Def, 252 SpD
    Nature: Calm
    Ability: Prankster
    Moves: Swagger, Safeguard, Light Screen, Reflect.
    Notes: None.
    *5. Aesop/Clefable
    Item: Life Orb
    E.V.'s: 252 HP, 252 SpA, 4 SpD
    Nature: Modest
    Ability: Magic Guard
    Moves: Moon Blast, Thunderbolt, Wish, Calm Mind.
    Notes: None.
    *6. Clawhammer/Garchomp (Mega)
    Item: Garchompite
    E.V.'s: 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Spe
    Nature: Jolly
    Ability: Rough Skin (Sand Force)
    Moves: Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Iron Head, Stone Edge.
    Notes: May possibly swap out Dragon Claw for Dragon Rush. More power in spite of the accuracy loss-it's more accurate than Focus Blast, and people seem to like using that.
    Under normal circumstances, I'd never consider a team like this. I was recently challenged to a battle by a former coworker, and in light of how cocky he was, I decided to set up a team that I'm certain will destroy him. Even though it has a major weakness to stuff like Taunt, Rapid Spinners/Defoggers, and Steel types will wall it particularly hard, not to mention that flying/levitating Pokemon will be able to avoid most of the setup, I still like it, and I'm fairly certain he's going to have a distinct lack of most of this stuff, particularly anything to stop my hazards.
    Namely, the goal is to setup all the hazards, and then go about the remainder of the match a few ways-have Rocktite and Pestnut stall things out a while so that the damage from Toxic Spikes can add up, and when Pestnut gets low enough, just have him use Explosion to finish off what's in front of him. Have Lanayru Roar through the team for a while so that the damage from hazards will add up and finish something off. Or, I can just have my Sandstorm-boosted Mega Clawhammer come in to finish off what's left. The beauty of my Clawhammer is that, even though he loses speed the turn after he Mega Evolves, the Sticky Web will hopefully help negate that speed loss. So far, all of the training practice has worked out pretty well.
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