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Posts posted by Dai

  1. Gotta admit, it's nice that they give you some orange rupees when you find those owl statues. I abused the magic armor for kicks, seeing as I'm going to have all sixty poes soon enough. XD

    Edit: Just found out that you don't need to talk to Midna to warp, either. Just go to your map and turn on the portals.

    Dang, with all these streamlines, speedrunners are going to have a field day with this game.

  2. I never really had a problem with the bugs being blown off from me whilst using the boomerang. I got them all though...for some reason, I thought the Giant Wallet was 5,000 rupees, not 2,000. That's still double the original game, but still. XD At least there's the colossal wallet to look forward to, though it kind of sucks that I have to wait until after the Twilight Realm. That's just a bit silly.

    Man, it's a good thing I decided to wait a bit before going ahead and just going crazy with stamp-collecting. There's just so many, it's hard to believe how easy it is to pass them up...and I never would have imagined the game had all of these grottos.

  3. It amazes me just how much shit you can get as early as possible. I mean, I had almost all of the bugs by like, before the Lakebed Temple, which I didn't think could be done, I had a ton of pieces of heart (only missed one so far, and that's in the Sacred Grove as Wolf Link), I found like, 29 poes before heading off to the Desert, so pretty much RIGHT AFTER I unlocked the ability to obtain them...man, it's just crazy. Hell, I didn't even know you could get every single bomb bag AND the upgrade pretty much all at once once you get bombs.

  4. Something I've noticed...I scanned them in the fourth time, and all of them had the Armory Shield equipped so I could have them work in the armory. I scanned Lucina last...and what I noticed was that she was in both armories...Dawn AND Dusk, in Revelations. Secondly, after multiple battles, the Amiibo never showed up again, in the armory or otherwise. And then I tried rescanning them in...at least, Marth. By this point, I had removed the accessory, and he was working another shop. It seems that the Amiibo only work in a shop ONCE after you've scanned them in, and, in order to get them to start working again, you need to re-scan that Amiibo.

    Does anyone else know if this is the case?

  5. Forges go to +7. I believe that's 128 base weapons in total to get one.

    As for me asking a question, is there a guide to buying skills? I'd like to but I dont know how.

    I'm sorry, but that isn't what I was asking. Let me rephrase.

    What are the total number of forges you can have at any time in the game? It'd be neat to have, like, ten +7 copies of every Brave Weapon, or Mjolnir.

  6. So, the DLC's released.

    Also, it SOUNDS to me like Anankos' voice is just one of Corrin's reused...with an echoing effect, like he's in constant Dragon mode. I kinda like it.

    Edit: Also, I love the title drops that Owain makes.

  7. I'd recommend Loopy's. Katsukitty has terrible support.

    Melissa's (Snake Mom) capture card from them overheated and bricked their 3ds.

    Does Loopy even do them anymore? His site says he's been out of stock for some time, now, and I've heard no news of any New 3DS XL capture card work.

  8. I tend to stick with Nohr Noble simply because I like using Swords, Tomes, and occasionally the Dragonstone. I do have Ninja as my asset, however. I like Ninjas. My Asset is Defense, but my flaw is HP-I simply prefer to take a small hit to multiple stats than a big hit to one stat.

  9. Are we not able to return to level 1 when re-classing with any of the seals?

    Only when you first promote to an advanced class, like say Oni Savage to Oni Chieftain. You can, however, purchase Eternal Seals from level three shops which raise your max level by five points once you've hit level twenty (or level forty for special classes). They're pretty expensive at 10000 a pop. Kind of makes me wish they'd release a DLC with the Silver Card.

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