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Posts posted by Dai

  1. ...You hurt my brain.

    The drugging incident was less with a kid being drugged (because let's face it, she was a grown woman thanks to some hyperbolic time chamber "Secluded Region" shenanigans) and more the fact that someone was given a drug of sorts without their consent, never mind the Avatar's intent to aid her with an issue that was causing her to have trouble during combat.

    Hoshido did not become more rebellious after Nohr attacked. It was more that they finally chose to act upon an ongoing attack thanks to the death of their queen. So they finally chose to be HOSTILE towards Nohr for Nohr's atrocities.

    And, admittedly, I don't know about chapter twelve, but I think that's less about drugging a kid and more about LEGIT poisoning her to get the Avatar to return to Hoshido. Not much difference, but still. I doubt they'll change that anyway-poison happens often in this series.

  2. They are going to change all gay supports and make them normal ones.

    They've already made it clear that they are going to change all gay supports. So, no Niles and Rhajat ones either.

    Uh...no. I think you misread "no conversion" as "no conversations". Those words are VASTLY different, you see.

    Conversion means to change it from what it initially was.

    Conversation is what happens when people speak to one another. They stated that there won't be gay conversions, as in, changing one character from being homosexual to heterosexual.

  3. My two biggest problems with Sticker Star is that I found the music to be the best part of the game, and the gameplay rather pointless when you never need to fight a single normal enemy. Yes, music should be good, but it shouldn't be the pinnacle of the entire game. Gameplay should, and story/characters after. It's just...an RPG where there is no point to fighting? Just...weh. I liked a lot of moments, but it certainly is my least favorite Paper Mario.

  4. Actually, if you wait for several turns without killing the boss in the witch DLC, two witches in guard stance will appear. One of the witches in the guard stance will have a warp scroll which can be used on any unit lv 35 / 15 (promoted) and above.

    What. Seriously? Oh, that's just nuts.

  5. pretty sure the amiibo come with the legit verion of their weapons, and cannot trade them.

    that might make sense actually, but im pretty sure they dont have supports

    can somebody who has the actual amiibo check it out?

    You don't need them to have supports to work the shops.

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