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Posts posted by Dai

  1. I'm conflicted on Corrin now myself... Even though I said I felt like she was a waste of money because I couldn't for the life of me recover with her, I kind of want to go back and play her again. But at the same time, I don't, because I know I'll just keep sucking... Man, what to do...

    Do you want to practice against me, Ana? I'm trying to learn Corrin, too. We'd be about even.

  2. Not having too much trouble recovering with Corrine. (Yes, that is what I refer to the female version as.) Black alternate because it looks so good. Dragon Lunge is so much fun, just launching myself into enemies. Also, I love when Dragon Lunge hits with a tipper and beats everything.

  3. Edit: Just thought of something... Warp. Dear god. Warp and Galeforce together could be a serious game changer later in fights if your units are dispersed all over the place.

    Only issue being that Galeforce will not kick in the same turn as Warp, seeing as using warp puts you adjacent to a unit.

  4. I've been a fan of the series for about twelve or so years, now. Since at least a preview of the game was released in Game Informer. I don't mind some of the additional fluff of a game, such as Skinship or even My Castle. The problem I have is I'd rather not have a localized version have cut content-rather, I'd prefer they EXPAND upon it after finding things to improve upon from initial releases.

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