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Posts posted by Dai

  1. Missing is about the same as the ball simply wobbling. You'd best try putting them to sleep-the Legendaries are mostly just really frustrating to catch more than they are impossible.

    As for the Move Deleter...well, it is unfortunate. This is why I tend to stick with designated HM slaves, hence why I have a second Mew for everything that isn't Surf.

  2. Still haven't fought Surge yet. Just filling out my Pokedex, and I've hit forty so far. I think I may soon hit fifty, which includes trading to evolve Kadabra, Graveler, and trading for Weedle, Meowth, and Ekans. I don't plan to evolve my starter trio yet, though. Saving them for last since they'll be on my main team. So, around the time I get Dratini.

  3. By Competitive Battling, do you mean Nintendo VGC or Smogon Standard?

    Both are radically different ways of playing.

    Either or works, really, though I see more appeal in Smogon, in a way. I don't agree with EVERYTHING...but I've read more for Smogon than VGC.

    I wager I'll probably do Smogon, though. Any suggestions?

  4. Is anyone here into competitive battling? I'd like to start, but I'm a bit nervous about it. I've read up a lot, but finding those to partake in it is a bit of a task for me since it goes outside of my usual comfort zones.

  5. So, thanks to a post on Miiverse, I found out that apparently, the Q Glitch is possible. For reference, the Q Glitch is a glitch where you combine some Pokemon in the PC using the Glitch Pokemon Q to teach the Pokemon you want moves that it would normally not know. In my case, that move is Surf on Pikachu. So, my question is, which Pokemon is the best to get a special stat of 192 in order to catch a glitch that evolves into Q?

  6. But when I got hit by Brock's Onix's Bind, my Pokemon wasn't able to move at all. My Pokemon was still able to move after being hit by Wrap.

    No, Wrap makes you unable to move as well. I don't know what happened, but you definitely can't move during Wrap. It's why Dragonite was so terrifying back then-Dratini's access to Wrap and Dragonite's Agility and Thunder Wave made it a nightmare to fight.

    And that's cool! I'd like to catch as many Pokemon as I can too later. :) But it looks to me like not every one of the original 151 is available in this game, glitches aside. I didn't see any Weedle or Kakuna in Viridian Forest, only Caterpie and Metapod, for example. I found Sandshrew, but not Ekans, and I know I'm in the area where you can encounter it in...Red, I believe. So how do you plan on actually getting them all?


    Those are the Pokemon that you can't catch in Yellow. Thinking about the anime, some of them make sense-namely, the Rocket Trio Pokemon, and Weedle.

    As for how I intend to catch them, well, I have three 3DSes. I just bought Red and Blue on my spare.

  7. Gods, Wrap is stupid too. Though not as stupid as Bind, thankfully.

    No, Wrap is definitely worse, simply because it's more 5% more accurate. They have the same strength and effects and chances.

    I'm currently attempting to "Catch 'Em All" in my Yellow Run. Swapping out Pokemon as they evolve fully. Oddly enough, my Magikarp was the second Pokemon to evolve fully, and I wasn't trying that hard to raise it during Mt. Moon. I mean, I was sorely under-leveled. I've caught every single Pokemon that can be encountered up to Diglett's Cave and Route 11 (without the use of Rods or Surfing), including using the Mew Glitch to get the eponymous Pokemon.

    So far, my fully evolved list includes Butterfree, Gyarados, Raticate, Fearow, Sandslash, and Golbat.

  8. Every 3DS owner that matters has Pushmo!

    That certainly doesn't sound insulting at all.

    The Oracles Duology and Link's Awakening are definitely great games, so if you like Zelda, or are looking to try the series out, I recommend them. Cave Story is also good. As for something else...there's the original Shantae.

  9. All that Fire Emblem: Dates video made me think of was that image I made back when we were considering what would replace Skinship in Fates. XD It was of Soleil in Huniepop, actually...I can't find it, though.

    Edit: I found it.


  10. There IS technically an unlimited source of rupees by a decent amount in TPHD, that being the combination of Falbi's Flight-By-Fowl and Fyer's. If you can successfully get to the platform, it's a seventy-rupee profit.

    Also, beating Rollgoal completely gives you max capacity, but I do not recall if this extends to only a single beating or multiple.

    Edit: Adding on to the Fyer and Falbi, you get an eighty-rupee profit by the added bonus of the yellow rupee in the basket by Fyer's house. Just hookshot or boomerang it before launching yourself.

    Anyway, any advice for fishing up the Hylian Loach? I'm using the frog lure, but it's not biting.

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