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Posts posted by Dai

  1. I'm loving the design of the world; the old ruins and the creepy, magical technology look absolutely stunning.

    However, I'm worried about both gameplay and story. Now, this is of course entirely subjective, but I've never been a fan of crafting (outside of World of Warcraft where I could get loads of money!), and I tend to find that open world games, especially ones with gargantuan worlds such as these, have lackluster stories and sacrifice quality for quantity; Dragon Age: Inquisition comes to mind, and I remember having to look up if I had finished Skyrim's main quest or not when I was done. I'm just afraid of another resource-gathering, crafting, exploration simulator.

    Am I making any sense? I love Zelda, and I want to like the game, but I can't help but to be skeptical.

    Someone brought up Metroid Prime-I feel if they do a similar thing with the way the story was presented in that game, only instead of having no people we get to learn from some people and townsfolk about the story, it should be pretty good.

  2. ...What. Okay, this is stupid. Why even have the story and everything else then? Why have any of the apparent 100+ shrines? Not even ALttP was that full of optional stuff. Everything being side stuff effectively makes this an extremely short game which is lame.

    I'm starting to reconsider getting this at all now. This Iis really dumb.

    You ever hear the saying, it's not the destination, it's the journey? They're giving you the freedom to have as much of a journey as you like. And personally, I quite like that (and I personally will be exploring every possible nook and cranny that I can before heading towards the final boss's lair.) Hell, had you not needed a sword and the eight pieces of the Triforce in the original game, you could have practically beaten the entire game just by going to Ganondorf's lair, if memory serves.

  3. I have a question: why is Link right-handed in this game? He's always been a left-handed hero; and was only right-handed when it came to the Wii games because of the Wii remote. This game is for the Wii U/NX, so why is he right-handed in all the footage they've shown? I hope that Link can be left-handed or right-handed in this game.

    Apparently, Aonouma designed this game is so open-ended to the point that you can go straight to the final boss from the beginning of the game, and effectively skip all of the story. That's pretty badass, but also completely insane. At least we know what speedrunners will be doing.

  4. Still, what about the buffalo from the trailer? Or the butterfly that the woman playing said she shot? Or the poor pigeon with the cursor over its head?

    You could just, you know. Not hunt, and only gather fruits and vegetables. I'm pretty sure they said that hunting could be avoided, if you so chose.

    What about all the poor monsters? They only seem to attack you if you get close to you anyway.

  5. As for the animal hunting, it absolutely prevents me from using Wolf Link because he purposely aims to slaughter animals. Animals that he could talk to in Twilight Princess might I add. These animals are so realistic, and I felt the pain of the deer or whatever it was in the first trailer that Link shot an arrow at. Animals don't deserve that kind of treatment, not even virtually.

    ...People have been hunting animals for eons. It's how people survived. It's not like the game and developers expect you to saw off an animals' legs for kicks or something.

  6. Btw, here's a trick for using as little money as possible while catching all the Safari Zone-exclusive Pokemon: save right before you go in, so if you fail to catch what you're looking for before you use all your steps, you can just reset and get your money back and try again. :P

    You can also save on steps by just spinning in place.

    I'm currently doing the game corner. I got Vulpix (since it's unavailable in the wild in Yellow), and I'm currently working towards Porygon. Unfortunately, I haven't been getting any bars or 777's, but I do occasionally get some streaks with the 15-coin payouts.

  7. The survival aspect is what's so bad. I'm like actually completely annoyed by this

    If I ever actually play this game I would only eat apples and other fruit

    and I wouldn't cut down trees or burn brush because I'm not a destructive person

    ...So, what? You didn't burn any of the spiderwebs or cut down any trees and junk in Zelda?

  8. I'm guessing you didn't play TP? The Temple of Time was in ruins here too. It's not new. :P

    EDIT: Meant TP, sorry.

    I played TP. I've beaten it, including with the Ganondorf Amiibo. But I wasn't entirely as sad there as I am here. Maybe it's because I focused more on the fact that I could restore it temporarily going in the time portal to it. Here...

  9. My question is, is what Hyrule even is this? Koroks were in Wind Waker, where Hyrule was sunk beneath the sea, and I'm somehow skeptical of the Temple of Time somehow being relocated to Spirit Track's Hyrule.

    Also, I'm really sad. =< Seeing the Temple of Time in such a ruined state...it's also pretty sad knowing that Hyrule is in a state of decline.

  10. Anyone else got it, yet?

    I gotta say...Matthew Mercer sings pretty well. That theme playing is AMAZING.

    [spoiler=I also wasn't expecting...]it to be a duet, either. Matthew Mercer AND Rena Strober. It sounds REALLY awesome-but that's just me.

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