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Posts posted by Dai

  1. Write things down in Excel, obviously. Don't trust your memory.

    For your initial 6 cards, do the bottom row and the rightmost in the row above that. The shuffle and extra cards are located near the end more often than not.

    That moment when that strategy works to net you the extra go, but then the second card you flip shuffles the entire deck.

  2. Really?

    It's atually quite short. Is it because I've a N3DS? (you use the reset button, then press the home button.)

    Anyway, I got my next party member, and took tons of time to makes him nearly all the base human classes(bar Bard (current class) and Mariner.).

    I've a New 3DS as well, and it still takes time.

    ...You don't have to lose to them. I beat them the first time I fought them this version easily. I will admit I lost to them the first time I fought them on PSX and forgot they buried you though.

    Have Maribel spam Boom and you're good.

    That doesn't work for me. She's still kind of frail, so enemies take her out rather easily, even though I've got some good armor.

  3. ...I don't actually remember this.

    To be fair, you have to LOSE the battle against the bandits in Alltrades' present. I...don't THINK you lose anything? I didn't seem to lose any gold or items when I checked? Though I closed the game anyway. That reminds me: this game should've had a soft-reset function. Going to the home menu and closing the game takes for-freakin'-ever.

  4. Wait you can tell Pepe? I never knew.

    Just like I didn't know you could steal Borkano's sub in the initial harvest of the PSX version until someone told me.

    Oh, yeah. It winds up making him TRULY miserable, though. MARIBEL scolds you, in a LEGITIMATE fashion. It's basically there if you just want to make yourself feel worse for making the poor man feel truly awful about what happens.

  5. At least Kiefer and Layla/Lala (sigh) get a happy ending.

    Verdham just makes the outcome shit for literally everyone. Linda goes off to be a nun, Pepe runs away, Iwan wastes his fortune because Linda ran off on him and their child, and Kaya just got more Yandere.

    Made even more worse if you elect to go back and inform our well-meaning runaway about Linda's fate.

  6. I thought it was touching myself. Kiefer is one of my favorite characters in the series, so

    Of course, you realize as soon as he's gone he was basically your crutch for the entire first segment of game.

    I do get why. And yeah, he is essentially a crutch, but at the same time...I don't know. I suppose I just don't take too kindly to someone abandoning his friends and family for someone he literally JUST met.

  7. You're quite welcome!

    Well, he'd suddenly become completely inferior after the next area anyway, he has no MP.

    [spoiler=massive for way after he leaves]And you find a letter from him as the last text in the game, at least in the Playstation version

    [spoiler=DLC]One tablet does give an update on him, though you don't join him again.

    Where would I get this tablet?

  8. Oh, one thing I found odd was that my game kind of...froze, at the beginning. Right when Maribel goes off and the first battle in the game is supposed to start, there was her scream and then the game...stopped. The music continued playing, but nothing was happening. Dunno what happened.

    And now I'm at what I feel like is part of my least favorite part of the game: The Roamer Camp. I like the music, and I like most everything about it, except for one detail.


  9. Alright, so the game's been out for about a week, now. How far have you all gotten? What are your thoughts on it? Personally, I like it, for the most part. Everything's been rather pleasant, and the visuals are very nice to look at. I haven't bought any weapons or armor, yet. I've ran through the game with only what I've found and I've just finished up Greenthumb Gardens which I am very depressed about. I knew entirely what was going to happen, so it wasn't exactly fun to relive that.

    Only downside is, I can't recall for the life of me how to do the Monster Park. I've sent monsters there, but haven't seen them.

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