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Professor Vasuda

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Everything posted by Professor Vasuda

  1. Finally someone understands. Just speaking generally, it bothers me hearing people complain about "cliches" and disregarding the subject without any further criticism. They are cliche for a reason; it is consistently appealing to people. For the most part, everything has been done before some way or another in the vast abyss of the media, so if you expect something completely new and innovated, you're only going to end up disappointing yourself. -End rant. He's not my personal favorite, Alvis for president but if Ashnard is a crazy power hungry ruler, ok cool. It's the underlying method to the madness that drives him is what makes him interesting. Too bad so much of it isn't explained until radiant dawn.
  2. That Titania is fantastic! HNNNNG Now I see why I like it. The artist also drew my favorite Ephraim pic as well. Thanks for that.
  3. So the GBA Fire Emblem was announced for WiiU virtual console recently. You guys downloading these? Even though I already own them, I for one am all for supporting the stuff I more than just enjoy, plus they can't be that expensive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOSqvfTpFIU
  4. 4 and 5 re-released together would be amazing, but I know it will never happen. I would much rather them continue to make original games, as long as they can stay true to the series roots.
  5. idk, I'm playing FE12 maniac, and I'm wondering when the game is going to ease up, but it's not happening, and I love it. But yes, with exp abuse, or with just most of the games, your characters pretty much all got their swell on. Those blind ironman pkaythroughs are always the best. It gets so intense late game when so many have fallen.
  6. I think it's fun for the series, and makes each play through much more unique, as not only can you use different characters, but the character's power can vary from time to time. Like mentioned before, it's risk vs reward at times, and having to make contingency plans if someone drops the ball adds that feeling of tension and uncertainty to the battlefield. Yes at times it call royally fuck you. I'm sure we've all had that guy kill someone with his 10% hit 1% crit, but maybe I've played too much XCOM as well, and accepted it and have fun with it like it was the enemy ace soldier, and turn missions into revenge tasks, and imagining my soldiers with ptsd. Things like this allow the game play to add to my characters and their stories each time I play.
  7. I first played PoR and I went hard mode. Felt like I started off well, went overzealous on the first defend mission trying to get to the boss and lost Soren. Didn't lose anyone else till the 4 part forest mission and it started going to hell. Lost everyone I brought with on the final chapter but Ike and Rhys, since I packed everyone too close, not thinking till too late that only Ragnell could hurt him. Ashnard cut down everyone one by one as I tried running.
  8. Its not that I don't adapt to randomness, its that it feels to punishing like when I need to kill someone now, if I miss, I set a backup plan. Lunatic+ feels like I am not given enough resources to set that backup plan most of the times. Plus I don't like the idea of resetting by principle. It takes away the weight of my decisions, and this isn't a problem in other difficulties, because its still possible regardless if you lose Fred. Might as well just agree to disagree. Maybe I'm just bad, but i have certainly seen difficulty handled better IMO. There is a difference between difficulty being too restricting and punishing where it outweighs the reward aspect.
  9. It's the limited options that destroy it. Bad level up? You're pretty much screwed. Miss an attack? There is no available backup plan to it, since everything is so airtight early game. Late game is all about abusing rediculous skills to where you clear everything with one pair. I suppose some may enjoy that, and this is a pointless argument, but I can't be the only one that felt like it ruined what I enjoy most about FE.
  10. That's the same thing though, forcing yourself to abuse and manupulate the game's limited ai to hit him. That's not strategy or satisfying. It turned into work I pushed myself into doing. Just the fact that the fairly high potential for Fred to get crit early on even from a normal dude where there is nearly no room for error like this is difficulty done wrong is all.
  11. I enjoyed the first 5 or so chapters on lunatic. I liked the idea of a super hard FE, but all it came down to in the end is breaking the game, with some bogus RNG mixed in. Lunatic+ is all artificial difficulty, with crit and vantage+ boss that simply auto kills you before you attack if it feels like it.
  12. Fair enough. It just puts him on a whole different level that it makes little room for debate. Can't have pros be playing baby games.Haven't seen Rutger in action, but that's cause FE6 is lowest priority on my list.
  13. But he isn't kawaii like Mia.My vote has to go to Joshua, because he has got the SM stuff going for him, and he is durable enough to be consistently reliable. I love myrmidons, but they often feel like potential RNG usually results in death if they get hit like twice. I want to say Shannan, but then I realize it's all the sword, not him.
  14. Ya, inscest is pretty gross, but it's not in your face about it. I only found out after digging around about the game. Plus it's not like they saying it's a good thing, we can handle serious themes in fiction and leave it at that. Don't let it stop you from playing FE4 though. On that note, sure can't remember what hasn't been posted before after slowly going through all the pages, but here is some Ishtar and Julius. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=1365217
  15. Certainly don't know the chapter numbers or which games they are in specifically, but the ones that have fog of war AND enemies with killer weapons. That's just FF1 random encounter, ambush and petrified party kinda nonsense.
  16. This is one reason why I liked Titania's character design so much. Not hyper sexualized armor, but still managed to come across as a beautiful woman on the battlefield.
  17. Strength affecting weapon weight I think was a bad idea, as it only mattered for the very first parts of the game, then it never comes into play as everything has strength to wield everything. But isn't constitution and build generally the same thing, just different terms for different games? (nvm i see now) That being said, the loss of weapon weight and rescue penalty was kinda disappointing.
  18. I loved Shadow Dragon's characters so much, and maybe it was partially because they were less tropey. With the simple backgrounds and small dialogue they had, I made my own stories and connections through the gameplay, having loads of fun picturing watching characters like Cain and Abel become battle bros as one tanks the front, then switching out sharing the load. It was simple compared to other FEs, but the balance was much better than awakening. Really though, I just loved the balance in shadow dragon, getting a challenge on higher difficulties instead of feeling cheated or forcing me to break the game. Not to say I hate Awakening, I really did like the characters. When I gripe about Awakening, it's mainly how balance issues started to ruin the game for when hard mode is too easy, and lunatic mode is a lot of RNG and grinding.
  19. Opinions are opinions. You don't need to be knowledgeable to have one. But seriously, if it bothers you so much, then inform them when they say something they might not completely grasp. Just remember, the more knowledge on a topic you gain, the more you realize how much you really have yet to learn. Likewise, if people learn the basics, they think they got it all figured out, because it seems like the whole picture.
  20. Well it seems I'm doing it right, just gotta wait till part 4. Too bad I didn't realize the transfer data till after I started. I'm OK with babysitting to a point, like I love est characters as well, it just feels like Fiona bad with her accuracy right now.
  21. Persona 4 golden has recently toppled my childhood favorite JRPG Chrono Trigger to second place. Do it! Plus a easy intro to SMT with the crossover on its way, even if not main series. Totally worth the vita for, but the original one on ps2 or ps3 shop. For some old school games, the soul blazer series is hella fun, soul blazer, illusion of gaia, terranigma.
  22. Man, this sounds pretty interesting. I feel like I should jump into a sacred stones draft when I finish up RD.
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