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Blaze The Great

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Everything posted by Blaze The Great

  1. Ok, I see. As long as we don't bring up the morality of prostitution in this thread, that seems like a solid point.
  2. Can't do it. Phoenix is only allowed on Normal. I wish you could do that though.
  3. Yeah, the opening was really good. TFK is lighter in general, IMO, but they know how to lay on the heaviness or VERY occasionally a scream once in a while.
  4. No, switch it with Hariyama. Hariyama can't even deal damage to the gym's Pokemon.
  5. There is so much that is talked about but never explained. The Valm arc, as interesting as it could have been, doesn't really fit. The time travel, while it does fit, just doesn't seem realistic at all. Robin is a total Gary sue. But my number one gripe is that is just doesn't feel like Fire Emblem. It's basically "oh, a baddy. Let's fight and just beat the baddy. We beat him!" There's not much depth, and in a series that has such traditionally good stories as FE, that's kind of embarrassing.
  6. I always name a Tepig Hamburger or Sausage.
  7. The first example was a harsh one, but it wasn't unreasonable. As for the drugs, I suppose I could have been more specific, but I did say in my post something about "legalizing" which should have put the emphasis on illegal ones. I'll take the fault on this one. Now, whether or not these things SHOULD be legalized is a whole different topic, and one I don't want to touch. My point is that you didn't have much reasoning beyond "some formerly taboo things are legal now, so maybe taboo things now should be legal too". Wouldn't it just be better for the government to give them welfare so that they could get a less...risky job? Maybe I just don't totally understand this, but that sounds like a much more solid solution to me. That's an interesting thought about it potentially lessening human trafficking though. As for Marijuana and stuff, I'll listen as long as someone doesn't bring up something like "crime has gone down in Colorado since marijuana was legalized." Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
  8. Except for the fact that you didn't actually provide a counterexampls. You just said that there was one. Big difference there. Well then, how about we legalize murder, prostitution, and drugs? Sounds like a great idea, right?
  9. zerosabers is right in this case. That would only apply in dating and the like, because polygamy is just like normal marriage in the sense that all parties have to agree to the union. If said women/men are not willing to put up with their lover having multiple spouses, the union will never take place. It's possible, but if the women hate each other and both love the man (or switch the genders around) that much, I can almost guarantee that that relationship would not end well. Tensions will boil up, and their mutual hatred will likely result in a divorce from one of the women. Also, @ Chiki, remember the "exception that proves the rule" article that you linked to in one of our debates? Saying that there are cases that contradict the statement of your opponent is not a legitimate counter-argument.
  10. YES! This is my pick as well. I vote Anacybele and Chiki.
  11. These are exactly what my choices were going to be. Here you go.
  12. Yeah I think their new album is the best. Darkest Part, Gravity Lies, and What You Keep Alive especially. TFK is just below Red for me, and Skillet below TFK.
  13. I'm sure I'm not the only Red/Skillet/Thousand Foot Krutch fan here. I've actually already talked to one TFK fan here.
  14. Ichorous Earth has a lot of versions of Aqua's Song along with quite a few other songs with mostly generic titles. That's where I got mine, spoiler-free.
  15. Shuuda don't you have Sacred Gold to upload
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