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Everything posted by JayTheKing

  1. That reminds me A LOT Tales of the Abyss opening where it says a boy with scarlet hair shall lead Kimlasca to unprecented prosperity.
  2. Same thing with Awakening's streetpass but online.
  3. I am curious about something even though I have only played Awakening and a bit of Sacred Stones.Why cant wyvern rider/lord's wyverns breathe fire?Is it ever explained?Cherched said Minerva burned her back when she was younger.
  4. But the question remains:Do we get to slaughter Ms.Mah Drills aka Nohrimouto?
  5. Who is Saizou?Anyway I picked Kazahana because she is a cutie.I also love Femui's artstyle but isnt that just right/left hand marriage?
  6. ''I was born in Hoshido , yet raised in Nohr''
  7. Agreed. I assume you mean the scenes during the credits where it says this and that character got married, had children and then got killed by an avalanche.This is what I enjoy seeing as well.Getting married during the war seems a bit out of place to me. Personally I hate lots of lovey-dovey.Unless they somehow manage to make it interesting.BUT not the cliche ''No!I love you dont leave me'' or ''They are my friends!'' I had enough of that in every RPG.
  8. Waifu route first(Kazahana) with the male character and then Nohr with the female(because everyone in Nohr has a headband)
  9. Just a small theory I came up with:While you have been ''abducted'' by Nohr you still go on regular trips to Hoshido.Thats why when, during Chapter 6, you are given the option of which side to choose you already have a mni Hoshidian army. http://serenesforest.net/wp-content/gallery/january-2015-nintendo-direct/Jan_008.jpg So what I think is you are on a trip to Hoshido till Chapter 6 and then the nohrian army attacks and you have to decide.
  10. I am really suspicious of guys who seem waaaay too kind.However I doubt that the story will have him betray you(still it would be interesting if implemented well) Someone in another thread suggested that he is your fiancee if you are the Femui which seems acceptable.
  11. I really want a tome based on your ATK stat.I mean we already have bolt axe,levin sword and shockspear(they aint the strongest but still) so why not an offensive tome.
  12. He looks like the kind of guy who is friendly with you but would betray you without a second thought if it is for personal gain.
  13. I hope you are right.But the post says that Japan gets two version while we get one of their versions with the other as DLC.So we will probably get one and the discounted second.Grrr....I hate DLC! Didnt they fix that?I might be mistaken but I think they fixed that with the miiverse update last year.
  14. ''I'' is a that big as a word?!Also what about her dialogue with that red haired guy?Thanks in advance
  15. After seeing this pic of the artbook which shows the two countries http://serenesforest.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/feif-april059.jpg it seems to me that Hoshido will be an high place(Heaven) while Nohr behind a cliff with a lot of darkness(Hell) Now after seeing Camilla and the nohrian king I though that maybe they are based on the 7 deadly sins Greed - nohrian king Gluttony - nohrian king Lust - Camilla Envy - Sloth - Wrath - Pride - Marks
  16. Can anyone translate what Kazahana's dialogue is?
  17. So we might get them now.I kinda hope for a strength based tome as well.
  18. Seems like the bow the Hoshidian archer uses has a magical light.Was that a thing in other games too?
  19. What do Kamui's lines translate to at 1:25-1:27?
  20. But it will be 16.7 more.Thats a lot for me.
  21. If you buy the digital version,which has both paths, you have to spend the same amount of money you would spend if you bought the physical version which has one path.Lovely....
  22. I guess you are right.They looked pointed at first to me. Also that purple haired woman is apparently a D.Rider http://serenesforest.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/nohr5.jpg I will make a guess and say that Kamui's 3 skills are Aptitude,Rightful King and Dragon’s vein(the one he used to create the bridge)
  23. I am curious about about something.Kamui has pointy ears(like manaketes since he can transform into a dragon) but so does Marx(and I think the blonde guy next to him).If Kamui was born in Hoshido but raised along with Marx why do they share this trait?
  24. Why cant Lissa have her brand on an inside organ like her heart?
  25. At 45 was there something special about that place or is Chrom just surprised that Tiki wants to remember something so old?
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