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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. Hello there and enjoy the forums.
  2. You must be lucky or I got my info wrong on getting feebas.
  3. Has a sig about a game that he lost.
  4. Feebas- Only found in 4 tiles out of 100 water tiles... that have to be fished 5 times(if i recall) Electabuzz (only cause of the sound it makes when it comes out to battle)
  5. Hello there and enjoy the forums.
  6. It really depends on the situation if canned laughter if funny or not.. mostly the older shows and cartoons used canned laughter a lot and well its not really that funny. I haven't seen any other modern tv shows or cartoons with canned laughter.
  7. Fei Mao


    Hmm I saw: Grease that was pretty good, The Sound of Music that was pretty good too, West Side Story also good, The Lion King and Wizard of Oz. (those do count as musicals as listed by http://www.imdb.com/Sections/Genres/Musical/
  8. Tana as a wyvern knight is better than Vanessa average stat says Tana will max strength as both classes.
  9. Hello there the guide you made on Gamefacts for Fire Emblem Ds was good.

  10. Fei Mao


    Hello there and enjoy the forums.
  11. Fei Mao


    Hello there and enjoy the forums.
  12. Fei Mao


    Hello there and enjoy the forums.
  13. Best: Mark it was pretty cool seeing that they were somewhat talking to you. Worst:Merlinus he didn't do that much as a tactician mostly complain or skeptical.
  14. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090705/ap_on_...palin_resigning (more Sarah Palin info)
  15. Mr. Game and Watch hes good if used right and his games were pretty fun. Marth hes also good but I'm not too good with him. Ganondorf he's awesome and his death scream is hilarious. Snake he's awesome his attacks are great at ko's. Captain Falcon falcon punching is fun at times and his taunt and voice. Yoshi use him once in a while hes my favorite Nintendo character.
  16. Whats common between a black person and a soda machine? "A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender how much for a drink here? the bartender responds and says for you no charge." (yeah it was from fallout 3 but i thought most people wouldn't have seen it or played it)
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/07/04/ala...=rss_topstories More info.
  18. Well didn't Sarah Palin get criticized by a lot people?
  19. Thank you and all the other people for translating the FE4 mangas.

  20. They will probably remake FE3 Book2 though I wonder if they will change the design of the Level The last decisive battle, that would be difficult to do on H5 mode.
  21. To discuss about FE stuff or other topics on the board.
  22. Fei Mao

    WTF Gamestop

    It's most likely not a joke.
  23. I had the same thing happened too... except I was using Mr. Game and Watch was close too till a bomb-omb spawned in front of me and killed me..
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