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Hunter Nightblood

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Everything posted by Hunter Nightblood

  1. So stat-gaining is similar to FE, but the battles seem to play like a Megami Tensei game. The weapon triangle seems to be portrayed as weaknesses and resistances. Stat boosting skills look to be in. I recognize the icon. I recognize Agi, Bufu, Zio, and Zan, but the last two elements there are odd. They might be Expel and Death (which means instant kill skills are in), but I'm not sure. EDIT: Almighty is in as well. EDITEDIT:Dual attacks are in as well. They look... interesting...
  2. I've played a bit of II. While what I played was good, I definitely would not recommend it as one's first Megami Tensei game. Nocturne or IV would be a better introduction. Soul Hackers would also be good If you want gameplay similar to II.
  3. So going through the list of voice actors I know, Josh Grelle also seems like a likely candidate for Kamui's voice.
  4. I'm pretty sure that isn't Dan Green. Kamui's voice reminded me of Keisuke from Devil Survivor Overclocked (Doug Erholtz). I have no problem with the "I won't surender", but the scream was lame, and this is from the guy who prefers dubs to subs.
  5. I'd recommend Record Breaker first, as it has solid mechanics and is a good transition. SMTIV is a good title to play next... although be aware that you are going to suck in the beginning, and the Minotaur will mercilessly murder you. Also, enemies hit like a truck, especially on Master difficulty. Unless you love pulling your hair out, don't bother with the Fiends.
  6. So Yamato from Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker and Owain from FE:A have the same English voice actor, Kaiji Tang. So someone drew this: Source
  7. I'll do Hoshido first, mostly to get used to the new mechanics. I usually like Chaos or Neutral routes more though, or maybe I'm playing too much Megami Tensei. And if anyone has played a Megami Tensei game, you should know that Law sucks isn't all sunshine and rainbows.
  8. New Awkward Zombie Source I know reposts are inevitable, but it's stll awkward when you look and go, "Wait a minute. I've posted that before." I know the feeling.
  9. Family Source Yuri Source Noire Source Frederick Source Death Source Mother and Daughter Source
  10. Obligatory Source Chrom is a wonderful father Source Sumia Lucina Source When your Waifu doesn't want to be your Waifu anymore. Source
  11. After doing some testing, I think that it makes it so that the result isn't a negative number, as that would add EXP.
  12. If I remember correctly, that's influenced by the amount of times you have used a Second Seal or a Master Seal. I don't know the specifics though. Edit: Misunderstood what you needed help with.
  13. I'm in the middle of stat grinding with Miriel, so... Miriel: Level 29 Bride (1) after becoming a Dark Knight beforehand: 56 EXP per Rescue use. I'll update when I'm done with round 2. Edit: Miriel Level 29 Bride (2): 46 EXP. At this point she could go to LB3 and grind there. Edit: Miriel Level 29 Bride (3): Screwed up. From the looks of it, a Rescue staff gave around 30-40 EXP per use. At this point, unless I wanted the Troubadour skills, I should go to LB3. All together, this took around 160 turns for 90 level-ups.
  14. For clarity: First I do staff grinding, then I go to LB3 for skills. Early grinding means stat grinding and late grinding means skill grinding. I apologize for the confusion. Also note that what I've said mainly applies to female units only due to the Bride class. Footnote: You can always stop early and go to LB3.
  15. It really depends. For early grinding, Staff grinding is faster (especially when working with the Bride class. 1 rescue staff gives about 50 EXP for a while). Later on, LB3 grinding becomes much faster. I use staff grinding to gain stats and then go to LB3 to gain any skills I want.
  16. The problem is getting to that point where the unit can survive LB3. Not many units start with those stats, so you'll have to grind to get them to that point. You could do EXPonential Growth, but that will give you about 3 level ups per runthrough (unless you have Galeforce). Staff grinding works at any level, and is actually a bit faster than LB3 grinding and definitly faster than EXPonential Growth grinding. I do agree that Chrom is your best friend for grinding on LB3. I gave him DS+,DG+,LB, and Accuracy+20 and them had him pair up.
  17. This is what I've done with Females. It works better after Chapter 16: I reclass them to a Bride (Smash Brethren 2) and then spam Rescue staves which give a good amount of EXP per useage, especilly when combined with Paragon. Once said female has reached near Max stats (about 2-3 seconds seals with Limit Breaker), I then have them go to Lost Bloodlines 3 (or Infinate Regallia) to learn any skills. Still working on how to grind males efficiently.
  18. What about before the game? It's not like Frederick is a new recruit. Even then there's "Ships That Pass In The Night". Mother and Daughter Source Grima Robin and SMTxFE Chrom Source Lucina Source Possesive Source Time To Change Fate! Spoiler Epic Source Great Lord Source
  19. Severa is pretty much an Asuka Langley Soryu expy. If you like that type of character (which I do), you'll like Severa.
  20. When I saw "shocking image", I was thinking of something much worse. I am completly apathetic about this. I'm looking foward to this game, regardless of that image or not. It's a game that takes my two favorite video game series and puts them together. We all need to follow the MSTK3 Mantra.
  21. Well, here's mine. Top is pretty accurate. I don't hate any of the characters. The bottom is more of the "Characters I never used and don't really have an opinion of.
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