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Hunter Nightblood

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Everything posted by Hunter Nightblood

  1. One thing I would change is to have a unique battle theme like (to my knowledge) every other FE game. The DLC maps are almost a reminder of the superior music of the previous games. And now I cheat.
  2. Have a Classic Source Nope. The actual source is here: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47487484
  3. From my experience (As a guy who goes overkill on grinding), Exponential Growth is good for grinding early on; however, it quickly becomes useless. Lost Bloodlines 3 is my personal map of choice for grinding, as enemies are plentiful, not too powerful, and there is a handy fortress near where Chrom starts. Also, Paragon.
  4. From what I've seen, a Sumia!Lucina!Morgan is considered the best Morgan in the game. However, this comes at the cost of the Avatar not having a second child. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50838 for reference. Are we talking mechanics or character opinions here?
  5. Excluding Chrom, Stahl, Henry, Gaius, Lon'qu, Ricken, and Frederick, who makes a good father for Brady? This for Lunatic and possibly Apotheosis.
  6. FE Logic #5: Placing units next to each other causes them to become closer, possibly making them fall in love. Source
  7. Have I ever told you that I love the Ephriam redesign? Source
  8. This piece of art receives a ? out of ten from me. You'll see why. Source
  9. Shipping. [spoiler=Large Image] Source Also, Christmas edit. [spoiler=Large Christmas Edit] Source
  10. Chrom... still a joke character. Also, Japanese text. [spoiler=LARGE IMAGE] I'm going to take a guess and say that Chrom is crying. And another one. Also, more Japanese text. [spoiler=Obligatory Comic Spoiler] There's a punch line here... I just don't understand it. Source
  11. Admit it, if you have played Sacred Stones, you've done this before. [spoiler=Comic. Also minor Sacred Stones Spoilers. Really minor ones.] Source That comic is really big. Might want to spoiler it.
  12. So this exists... [spoiler=Warning! This image is of a muscular Lissa holding a bloody axe. The image has been edited by me from the original source to remove any potentially explicit content.] Since the image came from an adult doujin, I cannot and will not link to the original source. Also, have an artist's rendition on what Lissa would look like when she grows older. [spoiler=Large Image] I can link to the source of this piece though.
  13. From what I understand about might, would a forged Hector's Axe have the highest might in the game with 22?
  14. Two pieces of art. A FE Logic Comic: [spoiler=Large Comic Spoiler] Source And Lucina Fanart. [spoiler=Really Large Image!] Source
  15. Yes. To make this post have some sort of point, have two FE Logic comics. [spoiler=Comic] Source And the Sequel [spoiler=Comic] I have also officially given up sourcing the Sacred Stones Fanart Binge.
  16. I swear there will be a Sacred Stones Fanart binge... but in the meantime, more Lucina. [spoiler=Rather Large Image] Keeping track of Source links can be a real pain.
  17. More FE Logic: Source The Sacred Stones Fanart Binge is coming. It's just a pain to keep track of all of it.
  18. That's because I have a job. I work at... So I was busy. Puns! I do actually work for Wal-Mart as a Courtesy Associate (Cart Pusher).
  19. Honestly, this is one of the best Chrom x Sumia fan art I've seen. [spoiler=Large Image] Source Coming Soon: Giant Sacred Stones fanart binge.
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